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iCAx开思网 首页 PTC视频教程 Mathcad 视频Mathcad 15 视频

Mathcad 15 视频

Electronic Curriculum Unit Development with Mathcad Prime and Microsoft OneNote
Electronic Curriculum Unit Development with Mathcad Prime and Microsoft OneNote
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This tutorial demonstrates how to leverage Microsoft OneNote as a platform for instructional materials (lessons, labs, investigations, assessments) created using Mathcad Prime ...
2012-6-7 16:12
Enhancing Student Learning via Mathcad 15.0's Live Mathematical Capabilities
Enhancing Student Learning via Mathcad 15.0's Live Mathematical Capabilities
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:Mathcad 15.0's live math capabilities provide students with timely feedback as they plot graphs, solve equations, or model data. This demonstration illustrates some u ...
2012-6-7 16:10
Using Multiple Representations to Explore Mathematics with Mathcad 15.0
Using Multiple Representations to Explore Mathematics with Mathcad 15.0
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This brief video demonstrates how to capitalize on Mathcad’s whiteboard interface by combining multiple representations of a mathematical function to better understand the fun ...
2012-6-7 16:08
A Brief Lesson in Numerical Equality with Mathcad 15.0 [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
A Brief Lesson in Numerical Equality with Mathcad 15.0 [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This brief video shows how Mathcad 15.0’s live math capabilities can be used to increase student reflection and depth of learning in the classroom.
2012-6-7 16:04
Creating a Box Plot with Mathcad Prime 1.0 [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
Creating a Box Plot with Mathcad Prime 1.0 [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This brief video illustrates how to use Mathcad Prime 1.0 to make a visual comparison of two data sets using a box-and-whisker plot.
2012-6-7 16:02
Creating Better Homework Papers with Mathcad [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
Creating Better Homework Papers with Mathcad [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This video provides a basic introduction to why completing your algebra homework using Mathcad can make you a better student.
2012-6-7 16:00
Solving an Ordinary Differential Equation Using Mathcad [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
Solving an Ordinary Differential Equation Using Mathcad [Mathcad 15.0 视频教程]
PTC官方Mathcad视频教程:This tutorial shows how to solve an Ordinary Differential equation using Mathcad. The system used is a simple pendulum.
2012-6-7 15:58
Mathcad 15.0 抗载计算范例演示视频
Mathcad 15.0 抗载计算范例演示视频
这是一个有关结构梁的抗载性能计算的实际工程计算范例演示. 本演示使用 Mathcad 15.0,对承受外部载荷的结构梁进行了相关的抗载性能计算, 内容包括: · 计算最大弯矩 · 计算所需的梁截面尺寸 · 基于极限强 ...
2012-3-24 10:17
Mathcad 15.0 弹性计算范例演示视频
Mathcad 15.0 弹性计算范例演示视频
这是一个关于 Mathcad 15.0 弹性计算的范例演示。本演示首先简单介绍 Mathcad 这一工程计算软件,然后使用一个实际的弹性计算范例,演示Mathcad 15.0中的相关功能和操作过程。
2012-3-14 17:11
Mathcad 工程计算产品介绍
Mathcad 工程计算产品介绍
如今,顶尖的工程师使用 Mathcad 来执行、记录和共享工程计算及设计工作。 独特的 Mathcad 可视化格式和便笺式界面将直观、标准的数学符号、文本和图形均集成到一个工作表中 - 使 Mathcad 成为知识捕捉、工程计算重用 ...
2009-9-17 15:22

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