嵌入式射出成型特性的分析 Analysis on Insert Molding Characteristics 陈碧森、李冠宗、侯咏升 Bih-Sen Chen, Kuan-Tzong Lee, Yung-Shen Hou 亚东技术学院 机械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental Institute of Technology 中文摘要 本研究利用Moldex3D的CAE软件,针对嵌入式射出成型进行模流分析。借着此结果探讨嵌入式射出成型与传统射出成型的差异性,以及针对不同材质的嵌件对嵌入式射出成型质量的影响。 研究结果显示,塑料与嵌入件各有不同的材料性质,塑料射出成品会因为置入了嵌入件或不同材质的嵌入件,而使材料在成形加工过程中,所产生的体积收缩、热应力与流动应力也不同,而最终也会影响复合产品的整体体积收缩与翘曲变形。塑件中加入铝质嵌入件,体积收缩量与翘曲变形量比较小,尤其在与嵌入件接触地方这效应更明显,可以提升成品的质量。其次,不同材质的嵌入件,如铜、铝、钢和塑料中,热扩散系数较好的嵌入件成品,其体积收缩量也比较小,但翘曲变形量则受体收缩与残留热应力、残留流动应力配向性的整体效应影响。 英文摘要 The Computer-Aided-Engineering software of injection molding simulation, Moldex3D, was applied to analyze the insert molding in the present research. First, the difference between insert molding and traditional injection molding was compared. Second, the influence of the insert molding material with different metal and plastic were employed to discuss the influence of shrinkage and warpage for the insert molding product. According to the research results, the product qualities for insert injection molding and traditional injection molding are quite different due to the effect of volume shrinkage, residual flow stress and thermal stress during the injection molding process. The shrinkage and warpage of insert molding product are smaller than that of traditional injection molding due to the better thermal diffusivity. Next, the shrinkage of insert injection molding product, with better thermal diffusivity, is smaller. However, the effect of warpage is dependent of volume shrinkage, residual thermal stress and residual flow stress. 关键词:嵌入式射出成型、模流分析、体积收缩、翘曲变形 |
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