作者: 谢再新 方晴慧 Tsai-Hsin Hsieh Ching-Hui FANG 科盛科技股份有限公司 CoreTech System Co., Ltd. 摘要: 仪表板是汽车内装中重要的零组件之一,它主要提供各项重要的信息与警示讯息,例如:引擎的转速、车行速度、油箱燃油存量及各项引擎、车门、电力系统警示灯等,让驾驶员能够实时的了解车况。因此仪表板的开发与设计不仅只注重于外观的美学设计,过程中也必须考虑到如何与复杂的电路系统相互搭配,以达到产品的实用性。目前汽车工业界几乎已经全面导入与采用3D的计算机辅助设计(CAD, Computer Aided Design)、计算机辅助制造(CAM, Computer Aided Manufacturing) 及计算机辅助工程(CAE, Computer Aided Engineering)系统以协助产品设计与模具制造的相关制程。本文即利用Moldex3D模流分析技术探讨汽车仪表板在导入新多材质射出成型制程过程中遭遇到翘曲变形的问题,藉由分析后的结果数据加以探讨剖析,了解问题的成因与探讨解决的方案,并透过软件进行解决方案的评估与验证,以期找出达到最终的目的及省去实际试误法的成本浪费。 关键词: 仪表板、计算机辅助工程、模流分析、翘曲变形, Moldex3D。 Abstract The speed meter, one of the most critical components of auto interiors, is used for providing various immediate information like RPM, speed, fuel status, and indicators of engine, car doors, electricity for drivers. Therefore, to meet more and more demanding marketing requirements, the major concerns of the design and develOPMent of speed meters shall be not only focused on the esthetics, but also on the overall functionality. In other words, the collocation with circuit system and other components becomes a real challenge. Currently, CAD/CAM/CAE tools are widely adopted into the automotive industry for effectively improving the manufacture efficiency, including the optimization of the product designs, mold designs, process parameter, and etc. In this paper, CAE technology is used to study the potential warpage causes and solutions to the speed meters manufactured by the multiple-component injection molding. With the verifications done from different revised designs and simulations, the demands for more economical production, higher profitability, and more satisfactory quality will be met. Keyword: Speed Meter, CAE, Injection Molding Simulation, Warpage, Moldex3D. |
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