1957年创办人 彭文鸿 女士于嘉义创办了吴凤中学。由于校地为嘉义驻军军部占用〈现大雅路首含今 228 公园,省嘉中斜对面〉,再由驻军部队协调市**,另拨租芳草农场土地 3 甲 为校址,迁延结果,新生招考录取后,却无教室上课,不得已,租用崇文国小日治时代木造礼堂,修缮后以甘蔗为隔间,高中二班,初中一班上起课来,办公室外还有宿舍。 1 年后迁入新校舍上课。 筹备 吴凤中学正常运作后,本校创办人 彭文鸿 女士及 李国栋 先生有鉴于当日台湾需发展经济,以厚植民生,急需大量工商专业人才,从事建设台湾之工作,乃着手于民雄筹备创办一所工商学院。1962 年 6 月筹备工作告一段落后随即向教育部申请设校。 创立 1963 年 9 月奉教育部 52.9.11(52) 台高字第 844 号令,饬改设五年制专科学校,为配合国家教育政策并适应社会需要,爰改设五年制商业专科学校,校名为「私立吴凤商业专科学校」,并于1965年 10 月奉准立案招生。时董事长为 邓翠英 先生, 彭文鸿 女士以创办人为当然董事,夫婿 李国栋 先生辞教育部特约编审职,膺任首届校长,夫妻同心,尽力于其理想之落实。 W ─Wisdom (学识) U ─Ultimatum (理论) F ─Faculty (技能) E ─Exactness (真) N ─Niceness (善) G ─Grace (美) 愿景(Vision): 台湾第一私立科技大学(Preeminent private university in Taiwan) 营造第一所以「安全」为核心价值,培育专业能力与人文素养兼备,具有国际观的时代菁英,注重研究创新与社会服务,建立技职体系优质教育环境与教学质量之台湾第一私立科技大学。 Implementation of new programs and to continue providing an emphasis on Safety and Security, which will assist with being recognized as the preeminent private university in Taiwan. 使命(Mission): 拯救生命(Educating to save lives) 在各领域培育以「安全」概念为思维的专业人才,落实技职教育务实精神,培养专业与伦理兼备,具有创新和解决问题能力,能尊重生命价值、关怀生命意义之专业人才,并身体力行造福人群,使人群生活更能提升,生命更有保障。 Educating to save lives through aCADemic distinction in teaching, research, scholarship and service. 价值观(VALUE) 卓越(Excellence)、效率(Efficiency)、 奉献(Commitment)、正直(Integrity) 在教学、研究、服务及各项业务之推行,均秉持向上提升之精神,追求卓越且注重效率。在人格教育方面,要求全校师生品德端正,具有服务奉献之精神。在专业领域之教育方面,注重专业能力的培养,以卓越、效率、奉献及正直的价值观,追求安全第一(Safety and Security)、质量第一 (Quality)、服务第一 (Service ),为学校建立永续发展的基础,在未来更具竞争力。 WuFeng University adheres to values that promote excellence, efficiency, commitment and integrity by offering safety and security, quality, and service as the most important aspects through educational opportunities that offer growth and develOPMent to an individual and our future leaders. 全球化(Global)、多元化(Diversity)、信息化(Information Technology)、专业化(Professional Development)、 社群化(Community Service) (一)全球化(Global): 培养国际观,提升外语能力,鼓励海外研习、国际交流,开拓全球视野。因应全球发展趋势,增加国际友校间之互动及交流,鼓励教师参与国际学术活动,以提升本校国际能见度。 Increase interaction between sister institutions and encouragement of faculty and student exchanges while continuing to enhance the development of lifelong learning and global educational opportunities. (二)多元化(Diversity): 提供丰富、多元的教育资源,透过教学、研究、服务、辅导等途径,培养理论与实务兼俱,专业技能与人文关怀并蓄,体认多元文化之素养,提升个人跨域之整合能力,以开创更丰富多元、无限可能的未来。 To increase an individual’s ability to experience and understand the richness and variety offered through global exchanges and allow them to celebrate interdisciplinary opportunities through teaching, research, service, and advising. (三)信息化(Information Technology): 培养信息之应用能力,俾顺利与科技产业趋势接轨,本校信息化着重在提升行政流程之效率,提高教学质量、提升教学成效,加强管理考核制度,以提高行政及教学的质量与效率。 Emphasis in placed on the acquisition of higher levels of teaching and learning in related information technology fields that will assist to increase the individual’s opportunities through e-learning, distance education, automation of administration processes, procedures, and accountability that fosters increased knowledge and increases in business and educational efficiencies. (四)专业化(Professional): 致力于提升个人知识与技术的专业能力,特别是高等国际专业证照之取得,并培养具有道德、礼仪、尊重智慧财产、敬业精神、良好工作态度等,理论与实务并重,专业技能与职场伦理兼俱之专业人才。 The individual has an obligation to increase his/her capability through ethical behavior, etiquette, respect of intellectual property, protection of patents, and the certifiable professional standard of conduct that helps to develop a competent individual. (五)社群化(Community): 加强产学合作,让本校研究与地方产业结合,协助地方产业升级。推广教育开设相关课程,协助地方企业训綀员工。积极办理小区服务,提供学校资源协助地方整体发展。培养宏观视野,不仅「立足地方」,更要「放眼国际」与国际接轨,亦即致力于全球化的全人教育。 Increase an individual’s opportunity to provide service to the local communities and to increase their involvement in local events. By promoting lifelong learning as an important aspect of continuing and distance education through outreach programs, so that an individual can disseminate elements of the regional and global communities, which will allow each person to become a more responsible holistic global citizen. 校发展特色 本校发展特色以「安全」为核心。全校学术领域发展规划示意图如下: |
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