For the touch of palm, it maybe not so comfortable. (Just maybe.....)
.作者: ysqlfmlfm 时间: 2004-3-30 12:59
做的真漂亮。作者: ccf 时间: 2004-3-30 14:20
>> For the touch of palm, it maybe not so comfortable. (Just maybe.....)
Thanks for all the compliment . You are correct , this is simply a surface design training. I dint consider much about human design, the hand grip, button location, also not consider the structural design of the button. Even the dimension are totally out.
For the split surface at the rear, I was try to create some kind of muscular feeling , make it look like a strong mouse :p Also a training of the split surface feature I learn from the PTC ISDX tutorial.
My ProE skill still had many flaw as I dont use it in my job, Hope to learn from you in future. 作者: limit 时间: 2004-3-30 15:39
Good good study;Day day up! 作者: liuhong1 时间: 2004-3-30 16:54
顶你一个,来个PRT。作者: tangyw1105 时间: 2004-3-30 17:05
Can you give us a prt?作者: dragon_long 时间: 2004-3-30 17:10
我想你也不一定是搞滑鼠設計的,,能夠給人以感觀上的享受,就說明你做的不錯,既然是好東西,是不是應該與大家分享一下作者: 枫叶 时间: 2004-3-30 17:25
up the parts please!作者: ly7654321 时间: 2004-3-30 17:34
鼠标线装不上作者: xzj 时间: 2004-3-30 17:54
不错,不知是设计还是逆向做的,最好能传个上来,大家一起分享一下.作者: PRSO 时间: 2004-3-30 18:08
破衣人 wrote:
For design, this mouse is very nice ~~~
For the touch of palm, it maybe not so comfortable. (Just maybe.....)