推荐应用在模具设计阶段的胶口确认动作,和模腔内塑胶流动状况的模拟分析;可找出流动平衡,分析结合线,排气位置等作者: fly_snoopy 时间: 2005-1-5 17:27
附件是study的资料1/3作者: fly_snoopy 时间: 2005-1-5 18:06
study的资料2/3作者: fly_snoopy 时间: 2005-1-5 18:17
3/3作者: pipiyan123 时间: 2005-1-5 19:19
看樣子好象是和mpa一樣功能的東東了,應該不是專業的分析吧?作者: larry 时间: 2005-1-5 22:39
不知是不是真的全3D分析?作者: dingyi 时间: 2005-1-6 09:04
网格很烂怎么修补?作者: fly_snoopy 时间: 2005-1-6 09:25
豆腐块网格的长宽高可以在meshkit中设定,针对产品的局部结构,切成实体网格的步骤中可对此局部特征做细化处理,这样模拟的产品更真实,分析结果更为准确可靠,作者: wxsok 时间: 2005-1-12 16:17
介绍很详细!作者: goldlok 时间: 2005-1-18 14:57
介绍的好作者: fly_snoopy 时间: 2005-1-24 23:16
谢谢!作者: newrule 时间: 2005-1-29 10:06
简直就是王婆卖瓜呀,呵呵作者: clmczz 时间: 2005-1-29 22:52
谢谢!作者: zelda 时间: 2005-2-24 13:22
I used this product before. Last time it run under Solidwork. Not doing detailed analysis, i think MPA or even Cmold 3D quickfill is better,the programmer is a lady, purpose is to bring you to fall into Moldex.Anyway, I can tell you using Moldex3D is a very very very painful experience.I started using Moldex before it is commercial, it was called CAEMOLD. Until today, nothing much has been improved on the kernel. There is another good polymer flow program in Taiwan call "Simpoe", visit this website for more information https://www.simpoe-mold.com. It has 3D simulation too. Price is even cheaper than Moldex.But it is workable and practical!作者: jack_zang 时间: 2005-3-5 12:36
看来和日本的一个叫3D timon的软件差不多作者: dream1980 时间: 2005-4-18 14:30
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我的 syq_buaa@yahoo.com.cn