Zhikang Chen (陈志康)
School: South China University of Technology
College of Mechanical Engineering
GuangZhou, People's Republic of China
Project name: Bowl of Fruit and Table 作者: houqinglin 时间: 2005-4-3 18:12
好啊作者: xiaoxiao1008 时间: 2005-4-3 18:32
没有参加的资格了,有资格的赶快上~~~~作者: yaonan 时间: 2005-4-3 23:02
xiaoxiao1008 wrote:
可否把要求转一下作者: yaonan 时间: 2005-4-3 23:11
yaonan wrote:
Student Design Contest Entry Form
Design Contest Rules
You must be a full time, degree seeking student to enter or win prizes. Employees of SolidWorks Corporation and its resellers are not eligible to participate.
Your design must be created using an Education or Student Edition of SolidWorks.
Your submissions must be uploaded, in a single zip file, as per the instructions listed at the end of this entry form. If you lack a fast internet connection, you may ship your submissions (on CD) to the following street address (this will cost you money and may delay judging however). You MUST complete this entry form however:
SolidWorks Corporation
Attention: Student Design Competition (include you SDC number from your entry form)
300 Baker Avenue
Concord, MA 01742
Entry submissions must include the following:
Design overview (150-250 words) in Microsoft Word format and added to the "Description of design" (see below) explaining your design. You must include your SolidWorks Education/Student product serial number used to create the design (see Help>About SolidWorks in SolidWorks).
eDrawings[$#8482] of the final design are required in your submissions. Greater use of eDrawings is encouraged for other subassemblies, etc.
High resolution images: Images must be at least 300 DPI and approximately 86 x 64 mm (3.4 x 2.5 inches) in size, or greater; or the image must be large enough so that the density will be print quality when the image is reduced to these dimensions. The preferred formats are JPEG and TIFF with preferred image dimensions of approximately 1800 x 1200 pixels, or greater.
Animations: Files must be submitted in AVI format and MUST BE generated using SolidWorks Animator. Individual zipped AVI file sizes should not exceed 5 MB in size. Multiple animations are encouraged, where appropriate.
All design work must be completed using SolidWorks (e.g. use of imported geometry is not allowed) and SolidWorks design data for the design project, including all part, assembly, and drawing files must be provided in the submission.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please be sure to send the ENTIRE SolidWorks database for your entry, including all parts. If any parts are missing, the model from NOT be able to be completely judged.
Use of COSMOS products: COSMOSXpress is a basic FEA tool in all SolidWorks products. COSMOS Education Edition is included in SolidWorks Education Edition and optional with Student Edition. Performing design analysis using these tools will both help refine your design and improve the breadth of your design submission.
This online entry form must be completed according to instructions, in English. Models, images, and text sent without completing the online form will not be eligible. Text portions of form must be in complete sentences and contain enough information to provide the basis for a clear, understandable (better yet compelling!) 150-250 word summary of the use of SolidWorks and description of design. If entry text is published, it will be edited for length, clarity, grammar, and punctuation.
Entries will be judged by contest sponsors, including employees of SolidWorks and industry partners, on the basis of technical and creative merit, along with broadest use of SolidWorks products.
In the event of multiple submissions for the same design project, winning awards will go to the first qualifying entry to be received by SolidWorks.
主要的 red 了作者: 刘老根 时间: 2005-4-4 11:15