double dest_csys[ 6 ],
//"Destination Coordinate System. dest_csys[0..2] is an
X-direction vector, and dest_csys[3..5] is a y direction
vector. These are used as input to UF_MTX3_initialize
to create the full coordinate system matrix."---这段英文不是很难理解吧?
double scale,
//The scale size for the imported part.--导入零件的比例。
tag_t * group
//If grouping is desired, the group is returned,
otherwise it is a NULL_TAG
// --- 零件导入模式定义
modes.layer_mode = 0; = Merge on work layer = Merge on original layers
modes.group_mode = 0; = Merge ungrouped = Merge grouped
modes.csys_mode = 0;//Not used by UG/Open applications
modes.plist_mode = 0; = do not merge any parts list data = merge parts list format only, not members
= add merged group to the parts list = merge all parts list data, including format, members and note.
modes.view_mode = 0; = do not retrieve views and layouts. = retrieve views and layouts.
modes.cam_mode = false;//Not used by UG/Open applications
modes.use_search_dirs = false;//Not used by UG/Open applications
double dest_point[ 3 ] Input Destination point of imported part
double dest_csys[ 6 ] Input
--Destination Coordinate System.
dest_csys[0..2] is anX-direction vector,
and dest_csys[3..5] is a y directionvector.
These are used as input to UF_MTX3_initialize
to create the full coordinate system matrix.
UF_SO_create_dirr_normal_to_surface_point (
const tag_t object_in_part,
const UF_SO_update_option_t update_option,
const tag_t face,
const tag_t point,
const logical flip,
tag_p_t direction );
//Creates a direction normal to a surface at a given point on that surface.