[ 本帖最后由 斷翅 于 2009-2-23 09:57 编辑 ]作者: jeanker 时间: 2005-9-18 16:48 标题: 不好意思,这几天事忙,让大家久等了。 Copy [chookname].dll and [chookname].txt files to the \chooks directory.
Copy the bmp file to the Common\Icons directory if you want to include them
on the toolbar. Some programs have addition instructions. These will be in a
install.txt or readme.txt file in the individual chook directory.
(moved the bugs and chook list to the chooklist.txt file) - 02/26/03
共3个包。作者: jeanker 时间: 2005-9-18 16:49 标题: 不好意思,这几天事忙,让大家久等了。 Copy [chookname].dll and [chookname].txt files to the \chooks directory.
Copy the bmp file to the Common\Icons directory if you want to include them
on the toolbar. Some programs have addition instructions. These will be in a
install.txt or readme.txt file in the individual chook directory.
(moved the bugs and chook list to the chooklist.txt file) - 02/26/03
共3个包。作者: jeanker 时间: 2005-9-18 16:54 标题: 不好意思,这几天事忙,让大家久等了。 Copy [chookname].dll and [chookname].txt files to the \chooks directory.
Copy the bmp file to the Common\Icons directory if you want to include them
on the toolbar. Some programs have addition instructions. These will be in a
install.txt or readme.txt file in the individual chook directory.
(moved the bugs and chook list to the chooklist.txt file) - 02/26/03
共3个包。作者: jeanker 时间: 2005-9-18 16:59 标题: 不情之请不情之请 斑竹,鉴于我如此之大公无私,可加1分否?