这是第二张DVD,主要是Maya流体粒子的高级篇,本教程以一海洋流体设计为主体进行介绍,教学教你怎么创建有冲击力的视觉效果和运动图形。.你想学习用Maya的粒子,或者用表达式创建很酷的用户界面?那就看看这些教程吧!他由大名鼎鼎的高级设计师David Schoneveld 授予你这方面的技术。从不同方面具体讲述了Maya流体粒子学的高级功能。 This multi-faceted lesson takes you through the beginning and intermediate techniques of the Ocean Shader before revealing how you can create object-avoiding particles without scripting. The lesson culminates by teaching you how to create particles driven by fluid dynamics that can interact with an object or character.
01. 基本连接
02. 流体风洞
03. 运动流体
04. 粒子运动场
05. 描绘速度
06. 描绘速度 - 刚体
07. 海洋纹理阴影
08. 海洋菜单
09. Wake 发射器
10. Hot Tub
11. Fort
相关 DVDS:
Maya Fluid Effects:Fundamentals (2D and 3D Fluids with David Schoneveld)
Maya Fluid Effects: Particle Integration (2D and 3D Fluids with David Schoneveld)
Maya Fluid Effects: Pyrotechnics (2D and 3D Fluids with David Schoneveld)
Paint Effects: Polygons and Dynamics (Advanced Techniques with Ethan Summers