Avecia employ GALDEN® fluids in a number of applications where their properties offer a significant advantage over conventional fluids.
GALDEN® HT230 is used as heat transfer fluid in large laboratory glassware used for sulphonations and other reactive duties. The use of GALDEN® fluid reduces the potential consequences of glassware failing avoiding the violent reactions associated with other common
heat transfer fluids.
GALDEN® HT230用于巨大实验室玻璃仪器热传导流体,适合于磺化反应和其他反应工作.使用GALDEN®流体可减少因其他普通热传导流体引发的强烈反应,而产生玻璃仪器失效的潜在因果关系.
GALDEN® HT135 is used in the phosphorus oxychloride and chlorosulphonic acid storage facilities in Grangemouth. Here it provides a bubble-tight low pressure seal in place of leakage-prone low pressure relief valves.
GALDEN® HT135在苏格兰的格兰杰默斯工厂用于氧氯化磷和氯磺酸存储装置中.提供不透气关闭闸阀低压密封功能,取代leakage-prone低压安全阀.
The fluid provides an effective barrier to moisture, gases and vapour, whilst its unreactivity maximises lifespan and eliminates the reaction hazards historically associated with the use of liquid seal systems for these highly reactive chemicals.
GALDEN®流体提供潮湿,气体, 蒸气有效的屏蔽,同时GALDEN®流体的化学惰性最大化使用寿命, 消除过去与用于高有害化学品的液体密封系统相关联的化学反应事故.
Chlorosulphonic Acid Seal Pot氯磺酸密封罐
POCI3 Seal Pot氧氯化磷密封罐