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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 野火
为什么必须在个人和小组、易用或强大功能之间选择?新的Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 野火版:
易学易用!! 一个全新的用户界面,无论新手还是专家,掌握它都是一件轻而易举的事情。
功能强大!! 无论什么产品,无论产品有多么复杂,都有从构想到零件的设计功能
互连互通!! 内部对等Web网,可以保证每个人都在相同的页面上。
有数百项增强功能,使Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 野火版易学易用、功能强大和互连互通。
方便易用 大大提高个人效率
在认真听取了代表产品开发周期中不同角色的数百名Pro/ENGINEER 资深用户的意见后,我们竭尽全力提高了Pro/ENGINEER WILDFIRE 野火版的功能,以简化您们的工作。对功能所做的所有更改都紧紧围绕着两个目标:让新用户通过图标板(Dashboard)来了解工具,让资深用户通过直接建模(Direct Modeling)来加快建模速度。总之,只要您愿意,随时可以在图标板和直接建模之间进行选择。3.0新版新增功能!这次的更新力度是巨大的!
我们的Pro/ENGINEER 仿真软件,可以让工程师对设计进行结构、动力学、热传导和耐用性等性能测试,从而进行优化。它需要最少的物理原型,可以提高创造力,并有助于在更短的时间内交付更优秀的产品。
3D 等距终点
A spiral finish with constant step over on surface is now possible.
3D Quick Print
Quickly create drawing layouts and plot directly from the 3D environment.
3D Section Display in Drawings
In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0, drawing views can display 3D sections (zones) from models.
3D Set Datum Tags on Surfaces
We've implemented a new option for displaying set datums in 3D. Users can now place ASME Y14.41 style set datum tags on surfaces.
ANSYS Solver Improvements
More modeling entities are output to the ANSYS solver in FEM mode.
Activate Layer
Now you can set a layer to be active and all layer-able entities created from that point forward will automatically be added to that layer.
Additional Language Support for Pro/ENGINEER on Linux
Responding to the growing demand from global Linux users, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 offers additional language support.
Advanced Springs
More capabilities have been added to advanced springs.
Align Angular Dimensions
Angular and linear dimensions can now be aligned at the same time.
Annotation Feature and UDF Interaction
Users can now add annotation features to UDFs. Users can choose to vary surface finish values, geometric tolerance values, or driven dimension tolerances.
Annotation Features in UDFs
You can select Annotation features for inclusion in user-defined features. Annotation features and Annotation Element parameters and some annotation values can also be marked as variable items in the feature definitions.
Assembly Step in Process Manager
With a new assembly step, you can assemble other components within a NC process and use them to continue the NC process.
Attach Geometric Tolerances to Leader Elbows
New placement options for geometric tolerance attachment have been added to support ISO and JIS standards.
Auto Propagate Strong AE Point References
Automatically propagate datum points that are defined as strong AE references to data sharing features.
Autodetection of a Windows Locale
Pro/ENGINEER and PTC.Setup have been enhanced to detect the system default locale on Windows and attempt to run Pro/ENGINEER in that locale.
Automated Setting for Manufacturing Model Accuracy
An automated setting for absolute accuracy for the manufacturing model is now available.
Automatic Annotation Display in Drawings
Maximize the value of detailing your 3D models. When you create a drawing view of a model with 3D annotations, they are automatically shown when appropriate.
Automatic Clipped Dimensions
We've added a new way to create clipped dimensions in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 and improved the ability to create small, acute, angular dimensions.
Automatic Creation of Contact Regions
Contact regions can now be automatically created between a set of selected parts in an assembly.
Automatic Filleting of Corners
For high-speed machining, you can automatically generate corner filleting.
Chamfer Dimension Witness Lines
Now when shown chamfer dimensions are repositioned, a witness line will automatically be created.
Circle and Arc Tools for Primitive Shapes
Two new curve creation tools approximate circles and arcs. |