
标题: 关联参数 [打印本页]

作者: tang0513    时间: 2006-6-29 17:45
标题: 关联参数
哪位兄弟是否记得Cimatron it版中,设置NC下关联参数那个文件在哪里?比方tldi*0.5这些参数.以前用过,一下忘记啦!请哥们帮帮手!江湖救急!!!![/siz
作者: mxwzt    时间: 2006-6-30 10:07
作者: henxin    时间: 2006-6-30 10:10
作者: mxwzt    时间: 2006-6-30 10:24

3D Side Step = sist3d

Absolute Z, Delta Retract = iaclr

Chamfer diameter = cdia

Check / Part 2 surface offset = csof

Check / Part2 surface tolerance =  csto

Clear height = clear

Clear length = crln

Contour approach arc radius = arcra

Contour approach length = cappr

Contour offset (Rough) = rouof

Contour offset rough (between layers) = orouof

Contour retract length = cretr

Contour retract radius = arcrr

Contour tolerancr = ctol

Corner radius = crrd

Cutter diameter =  tldi

Cutting length =  ctln

Cutter life =  lfln

Decrease = dcrs

Delta init = iiclr

Delta retract = iaclr

Down Step = dnst

DZ/Feed Start = dlzu

Effective Coverage Radius = effcov

Entry offset = eoff

Fixed Vertical Step / Max. Vertical Step = mxclmdsr

General contour offset = goff

Gauge length = guln

Horizontal Step = clss

Incremental clear = iiclr

Leading angle = ldang

Lift (Clean Between Passes / Clean Ridges Method = Trochoidal) =  lift

Margin For Pre-Final Pass = mrwdt

Max. 2D Distance = blmx2dst

Max. Down Step (ReRough) - specific to Cleanup = clmds

Max. Entry Length = mwayl

Max. Ramp Radius = rmpr

Max. Step Angle = msang

Max. Triangle Length = mxtrln

Max. Vertical Step = blmxvrst

Max. Z of box bounding all surfaces and solids in the procedure UCS. = maxpz

Min. 2D Side Step = mnsist

Min. 3D Side Step = mnsist

Min. Narrow Area Width in Finish - (Clean Between Passes) = minwdtf

Min. Narrow Area Width in Rough - (Clean Between Passes) = minwdt

Min. Plunge Diameter =  pldia

Min. Plunge Size =  mnpls

Min. Radius =  mrad

Min. Side Step (between layers) = ominst

Min. Vertical Step =  blmnxvrst

Min Z of box bounding all surfaces and solids in the procedure UCS. =  minpz

Offset (ReRough) =  rroff

Orbit Planar Gap =  porbt

Overlap Distance (Layers Connection - Finish Mill All) =  Icod

Part Surfaces Floor Offset =  vsoff

Preferred 5X Lead Angle =  plean

Preferred Approach Radius (Layers Connection - Finish Mill All) =  lcar

Preferred Corner Radius =  herad

Preferred Retract Radius (Layers Connection - Finish Mill All) =  lcrr

Previous Cutter Offset (Cleanup) =  qcovrlpl

Previous cutter offset =  ovrlpl

Ramp angle =  rang

ReRough Offset - specific to Cleanup =  rroffs

Round for Stretch =  stround

Scallop =  sclp

Scallop (between layers) =  osclp

Shift Distance (On Surface) - (Layers Connection - Finish Mill All) =  lcsds

Shift Distance (Tangent) - (Layers Connection - Finish Mill All) =  lcsdt

Shift I =  shfti

Shift J =  shftj

Side step =  sist

Side Step =  clmssr

Side Step (Machine Between Layers) =  blclmssr

Side step (between layers) =  osist

Side Step (ReRough) - specific to Cleanup =  clmss

Slope angle (between layers) =  slpang

Spark Gap 3D Offset =  spgap

Step =  step

Stock Width =  swid

Surface offset =  soff

Surface tolerance =  stol

Surface approach length =  sappr

Surface approach arc radius =  arcra

Taper angle =  tpan

Tilting angle =  tlta

Tool diameter =  tldi

Trochoidal Pitch =  rtrpitch

Vertical Step =  clds

Walls offset (between layers) =  wallof

Z Bottom =  zdwn

Z Margin (Skip Planes) =  zmarg

Z Top =  zupp
作者: tang0513    时间: 2006-7-4 19:09

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