Step 1: Create a custom query to find the group your would like to delete
A) Go to Admin
B) Query Builder, On the right side you will see the creation queary wizard
C) Enter Name = group search
D) Enter Description = search for a group
E) Select search class button
F) Enter group in the string window
G) Double click group
H) open the the display settings widget
I) Select All attributes and real names
J) Select Group>owing_site [POM_imc]>name, Dbl click name
K) user entry Key = group
L) Select create
M) a Query is ready作者: cyberpunk 时间: 2006-10-16 00:18
Step 2: Search the group using query you have just created
A) go to my navigator
B) select the search button
C) find the newly created query named group search
D) Enter group name you would like (eg, Engineering)
E) highlight the group found
F) select the reference tab
G) select referenced (POM)
H) the group will show "paper clip", "question marks" and other objects
J) Delete all of "paper clip" and "question marks"
K) delete the group