This document lists common display problems and suggested solutions.
The terms used are described, as follows:
• Refresh Rate: This is the rate of frame draw of a certain model on a certain hardware system. The refresh rate is expressed in FPS (Frames Per Second).
• Response Time: The selector response time to mouse movements, resulting in highlighting entities.
If display problems are encountered, try to solve them using our suggested solutions in the sections below. Check each section in the order it is presented, ie:
1. Driver Integration Problems 驱动的问题
2. Cimatron Graphic Card Settings Cimatron 显卡设定
3. Graphic Card Driver Settings (Hardware) 显卡驱动设定(硬件)
4. Windows Settings Windows设定
If the problem is not solved in one section, try to find a solution in the next section.
Driver Integration Problems
Problem: Picture looks dirty. 画面看起来很脏(乱)
Solution: Check the Installation-Guide or Vendor-Web-Site to ensure that the driver you are using matches the Cimatron-recommended driver. If not, uninstall the old drivers and install the new driver, as follows: 先看安装指南或网站,确定你的驱动和Cimatron兼容, 如果不是,卸掉旧的安装新的。
1. Backup the old driver. (You may need to reinstall it for regression cases.) 备份旧驱动
2. Download the Cimatron-recommended version of the graphic card driver from the relevant website. (ATI, NVIDIA, 3Dlabs etc.) 下载Cimatron推荐的版本。
3. Uninstall all previous drivers, as follows: 用下面的步骤卸载旧的
Start / Settings / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs 添加/删除程序
4. Disable two antivirus services, as follows: 关掉两个病毒防火墙
Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services
a. DefWatch
Symantec DefWatch
b. Norton AntiVirus Client
Symantec AntiVirus Client
5. Install the new driver. 安装新的。
Cimatron Graphic Card Settings
Cimatron 显卡设定
Problem: Dirty view with highlighted traces. 高亮时很乱
Solution: Select Don’t from the Ignore OpenGL picture copy drop-down list, under Tools / Preferences / General / Display.
Limitation: Selecting Don’t may result in a degraded pick Response Time (not dramatically).
Remark: If the problem is not solved, retrieve the default value (Do instead of Don’t).
Problem: Points and sketcher lines disappear.
故障表现: 点或草绘线消失。
Solution: Uncheck the Skip OpenGL flush checkbox under Tools / Preferences / General / Display.
Limitation: Unchecking the option may result in a degraded refresh rate (not dramatically).
Remark: If the problem is not solved, retrieve the default value (re-check the option).
Problem: Unstable card behavior.
故障: 不稳定乱跑。
Solution: Select Don’t from the Use OpenGL display lists drop-down list, under Tools / Preferences / General / Display.
Details: Use OpenGL display lists is a technique of preprocessing display commands into a list, which are drawn faster on a call.
明细, 了解那么清楚干嘛?不翻译了。:
Limitation: Selecting Don’t may result in a degraded refresh rate.
Remark: If the problem is not solved, retrieve the default value (Do instead of Don’t).
Graphic Card Driver Settings (Hardware)
Problem: Some graphic cards crash and work very slow or leave dirt on the screen.
Solution: Three hardware dependent options exist, as follows:
• Select Display Properties / Settings / Advanced / OpenGL Settings / Graphic-Card Tab. Set the buffer-flipping (swap) mode to block transfer (Force Swap Copy).
• Select Display Properties / Advanced / Troubleshoot and enable Write Combining.
• Select Display Properties / Advanced / Card Name and then select Performance & Quality Settings / OpenGL Settings / Custom OpenGL Application Settings / AutoCAD.
Remark: If the problem is not solved for each of the above options, retrieve the default values.
Windows Settings
Windows 设定Problem: Refresh rate is bad.
Solution: Select My computer / Properties / Advanced / Performance Settings, and
then uncheck the Show window contents while dragging checkbox.
Limitation: Valid only for XP operating systems. The dragged window will be drawn as a wire rectangle.
Remark: If the problem is not solved, retrieve the default value (re-check the option).
Problem: Leftovers on the screen.
Solution: Select My computer / Properties / Advanced / Performance Settings, and then uncheck the Fade out menu items after clicking checkbox.
Remark: If the problem is not solved, retrieve the default value (re-check the option).
Cimatron Performance Improvement Settings
Effect: Refresh rate improvement.
Access: Menu / View / Settings / Display Quality.
Details: Use the slider to reduce the display quality, as required.
Limitation: The display will appear as less smooth.
Effect: Refresh rate improvement.
Access: Menu / View / Settings / Fast Refresh Auto Hide.
Details: Check to enable and move the slider to a higher refresh rate.
Limitation: In dynamic ZPR, some figures and small triangles will disappear.
Effect: Document load time improvement.
Access: Menu / Tools / Preferences / General / Display /
Save & Load display mesh
Details: Check to save the mesh instead of re-faceting on each load.
Limitation: Increases the disk space usage.
Rare Problems
Effect: Refresh rate improvement.
Access: Display Properties / Settings / Screen Resolution.
Details: Setting a lower resolution may improve the refresh rate.
Limitation: Rough picture.
Effect: Refresh rate improvement.
Access: Display Properties / Settings / Colors.
Details: The true color may be slower than the Highest Color.
Limitation: Unnoticed.
Effect: Refresh rate improvement.
Access: Display Properties / Troubleshoot / Hardware Acceleration.
Details: Move the slider all the way to the end, to obtain the maximum refresh rate.
Limitation: Some cards may cause stability and/or picture quality problems.作者: cslong 时间: 2006-11-11 22:23
所因何事?作者: r-o-o-n 时间: 2006-11-11 22:30
因为今天光棍节,我却要守身如玉。作者: zhanyongeyou 时间: 2006-11-12 19:07
看不懂郁闷作者: ganxuesong 时间: 2006-11-12 19:34
好贴 加分 除了上面贴图的地方是关键外 显卡芯片所对应的驱动程序版本一定要对应 不然显示性能很差 我用的NVIDIA的专业卡 对应的最佳驱动版本是77.56 其他芯片的兄弟请到NVIDIA,ATI的官方网站下载对应的最合适驱动版本!~作者: r-o-o-n 时间: 2006-11-12 19:43
多谢版主加分....作者: KEN0766123 时间: 2006-11-26 22:45
学习中,作者: 大漠孤魂 时间: 2006-11-26 23:17