
标题: 请严重关注这个问题"谁用过MASTERCAM8.1 moldplus功能" [打印本页]

作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-10 20:34
标题: 请严重关注这个问题"谁用过MASTERCAM8.1 moldplus功能"
如果此功能完善的话 或许这是各位的新生
作者: sws    时间: 2002-4-11 10:40
zl worte
如果此功能完善的话 或许这是各位的新生  
作者: ajun    时间: 2002-4-11 11:40
作者: skyhawk    时间: 2002-4-11 12:47
zl wrote:
如果此功能完善的话 或许这是各位的新生

作者: sws    时间: 2002-4-11 12:57
moldplus 是MASTERCAM的快速分模功能
作者: yang    时间: 2002-4-11 13:13
skyhawk wrote:
[quote]zl wrote:
如果此功能完善的话 或许这是各位的新生

没有见过,是模具方面的插件吗? [/quote]
Mastercam ?
User's Guide
MOLDPLUS is a supplementary program that radically increases Mastercam抯 design and manufacturing functionality. MOLDPLUS significantly improves your productivity in the design, drafting and manufacturing of complex molds or tools. MOLDPLUS consists of the following modules:
Electrode-Maker radically reduces the time to create the increasing number of EDM electrodes required in the fabrication of complex molds. Electrode Maker automates the costly, tedious and boring task of creating, inserting and managing EDM electrodes.  
SOLID-SEP will automatically separate the core and cavity sides of a multi-surface part that was originally created in a solids based modeler. What previously took 6 to 7 hours of tedious and exasperating selection can now be done in minutes!  
Draft Angle Analysis will automatically identify and split surfaces with a defined max/min draft angle relative to the defined construction plane. What previously required long and tedious analysis of each individual surface can now be done immediately!  
Create complex mold or tool parting (run-off) surfaces with astounding speed and ease. PARTSURF can create complete parting surfaces with one click of the mouse or chain of a parts edge.  
Instantaneously creates 2D orthographic layouts in ANSI, ISO or user defined views of a 3D multi-surface or wireframe part for drafting and dimensioning. The apparent edges of surfaces can also be generated for better comprehension. We have also added the decomposition of splines into arcs for possible machining of the projections.
Automatically create the outside edges of a multi-surface part. The edges can also be projected onto a 2D plane for use as a boundary in machining. You can also create the edges of all 2D or 2.5D surfaces on models that originate from a solids modeler for faster machining. Edges also allow you to create edges of the surfaces that define a multi-surface part without duplicating coincident edges. We have also added the decomposition of splines into arcs for possible machining of the projections.
Automatically create the drill center point and arc that define drill holes on models that originate from a solids modeler. These models usually lack this information and require hours to construct the inside and outside edges of a multi-surface part. The created edges can also be projected onto a 2D plane for use as a boundary in machining. You can also create the edges of all the surfaces that define a multi-surface part without duplicating coincident edges. We have also added the decomposition of splines into arcs for possible machining of the projections.
Create parting line curves on a complex multiple surface part with blinding speed. Can also be used to identify steep or shallow machining zones with blinding speed, independent of machining angle.
Create cross hatching, cross section(s) splines on single or multiple surfaces relative to a defined plane with blinding speed. A multiple function permits any number of repetitive sections at a defined spacing. This function can be used in proving designs, 2D drafting or machining.
Automatically creates the complex multi-surface forms used to create corner and side moldlocks. Moldlocks aid in the closing alignment of high precision, medium and large molds. This function can also be used to automatically create pan forms with draft angled walls.
Automatically trims multiple surfaces relative to a defined plane, zig-zag line or contour. Perfect for creating knock-outs, or inserts of a complex mold or tool assembly.
Automatically create raw stock limits or a simple square electrode around selected surfaces or relative to a user defined point. The XYZ offsets are definable by the user. After creation of the box all surfaces can be trimmed and eliminated.  
  Moldplus has 3 different levels of functionality. Each is designed for the type of work required by the designer or moldmaker. A list describing the exact level of functionality is located at the end of this HLP file.
For information concerning MOLDPLUS please contact your local MASTERCAM dealer.
Moldplus SA
CP 2490
  1110 Morges,
Tel: (41) 21-802-2790
Fax: (41) 21-802-2878
Mastercam is a registered trademark of CNC Software Inc.
MOLDPLUS is delivered via the Internet as a download or on a CD-ROM from your local Mastercam dealer.  Access codes are required for the program to function.  The Install program will install MOLDPLUS into your Mastercam C-hooks directory. The MOLDPLUS.DLL, MOLDPLUS.TXT file must be in the Mastercam C-hooks directory. The MOLPLUS.HLP must always be in the Mastercam help sub-directory (\MCAM8\HELP) or it will not function automatically.
Start Mastercam then do an ALT-C to start the Mastercam C-Hooks. Select and execute Moldplus.dll.  (You can make this your default c-hook by going to Screen, Configure, Start/Exit page and setting the Default C-hook to Moldplus).  After Moldplus has started the following menu will be presented:
If this menu appears it means that you do not have the access codes installed in the Mastercam main directory. Moldplus or Suprtrim will only function in the demo mode if you select NO. If you wish to register Moldplus or Suprtrim by entering the access codes select YES. If you select YES the following menu will be presented:
Enter the Moldplus Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Suprtrim access code(s). Just type the code in the Access Code area, then select Update. The Moldplus codes must be entered in chronological order (1,2 then 3). If the code is correct the Level 1 status will register Active. If you have also purchased Moldplus Level 2 enter the Level 2 code and select Update. If you have also purchased Moldplus Level 3 enter the Level 3 code and select Update. If the code is correct the Level 1, 2 or 3 status will register Active. This automatically enters the codes into an ASCII file named MOLDPLUS.ACC that is located in the Mastercam main directory.
If you have purchased only the Suprtrim code please enter the code in the Access code area. If the code is entered correctly the status for Suprtrim will register active. This automatically enters the codes into an ASCII file named MOLDPLUS.ACC that is located in the Mastercam main directory.  Suprtrim will register as active if you purchased all the Moldplus levels (Level 3).
The function Draft Angle Analysis, SolidSEP, X-Section Cross-hatching, Cut_and_Slice Zone Split and Stock_Electrodes with complex contours require a Level 2 access code. New Electrode and Close Trims requires Moldplus Level 3. A detailed listing of the level functionality is at the end of the HLP file.
Suprtrim requires a specific Suprtrim code or Moldplus Level 3 code to function fully. If you have Moldplus Level 1 only Plane Trim will function. If you have Moldplus Level 2 Plane Trim, Zone Split, Zone Delete and Split Loop will function.. If you have Moldplus Level 3 or the specific Suprtrim code everything in the menu will function.
If you do not have the Moldplus:access code, the code is incorrect or if the system can not find the MOLDPLUS.ACC file, the following message will appear when you execute Moldplus::
Select NO and Moldplus will function in the demo mode.
When MOLDPLUS functions in the demo mode the original geometry might be modified, especially the splines. For this reason it is not recommended to save the part after using the demonstration mode.
In the demo mode you may test the functions but the results are only drawn to the screen and are not written to the database. Additionally, there are a few functions that will not function at all in the demo mode.
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-11 23:21
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-12 14:09
yang兄上图如何填写 你说的code我也有一套
作者: yang    时间: 2002-4-12 14:36
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-12 15:16
没错是这样呀 关健没注册code 只能看着菜单着急
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-17 14:05
刚试了一下 好象不能自动向四周散分模面
作者: yang    时间: 2002-4-17 14:17
作者: sinderal    时间: 2002-4-17 15:49
zl wrote:
刚试了一下 好象不能自动向四周散分模面

我去年在美國參加Surfcam International Dealer meeting的時候, 美國的 5 Star Dealer在做 所謂 " 競爭者分析"時, 就有 Show出來. 是可以自動向四周散分模面的.
作者: sws    时间: 2002-4-17 17:27
zl wrote:
刚试了一下 好象不能自动向四周散分模面


作者: ajun    时间: 2002-4-17 17:41
sws wrote:
[quote]zl wrote:
刚试了一下 好象不能自动向四周散分模面

作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-18 03:04
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-18 03:12
作者: sws    时间: 2002-4-18 13:55
zl wrote:

作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-18 17:34
这是我用moldplus分出来的 没做任何修辑 出图飞快
作者: zl    时间: 2002-4-19 04:26
这两天没日没夜的忙 迟一点再联系sws兄和yang兄
作者: redhouse    时间: 2002-4-27 15:45
請不要在板內問這個問題! 請用悄悄話問知道的人! OK!
這是idesign論壇的規矩, 大家都遵守, 論壇才能長長久久!

作者: 张静子晗    时间: 2018-12-13 06:36

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