周雅云 1, 楊文賢 1, and A. J. Giacomin2, A. J. Hade 2
1 CoreTech System (Moldex3D) Co., Ltd., ChuPei City, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2 Rheology Research Center and Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin, USA 53706
6. 參考文獻
1. A.J. Giacomin, and A.J. Hade, “Core Deflection in Injection Molding,” 2005 Cross-Strait Academic Workshop on Advanced Technology of Materials Forming and Die/Mold (AWATMFDM’05), China Association of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, and Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Xi’an, CHINA (August 12-15, 2005); Proceedings, Advanced Forming Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, pp. 461-468 (Xi’an, 2005).
2. R.Y. Chang and W.H. Yang, “Numerical Simulation of Mold Filling in Injection Molding Using a Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Approach. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 2001, 37, 125-148.
3. R.Y. Chang and W.H. Yang, “A Novel Three-Dimensional Analysis of Polymer Injection Molding”, ANTEC, Dallas, 2001, 740.
4. T.A. Shepard, M. O'Connell, K. Powell and S. Charwinsky, “Minimizing Coreshift In Injection Moulded Containers”, Plastics Engineering, 1996, 52(2), 27-29.作者: yumingyang2012 时间: 2019-6-4 19:19