overmolding 分析步骤
注意: 首先,把两次注塑的产品模型分别划分网格并修补好网格模型。
2.点击 (File Import) ,读入第二次成型的产品网格模型。
3.点击选择菜单命令 Analysis ->Set Molding Process ->Thermoplastics Overmolding.
4.点击菜单命令(Analysis ->Set Analysis Sequence),选择Flow + Overmolding Fill或Flow + Overmolding Flow, 如要考虑保压,就选择Flow。
5.按键盘快捷键 Ctrl+A 选择所有的三角形单元。
单击右键,选择Properties, 选择Overmolding Component 对话框,设置 Component 选项为2nd shot ,然后点击 OK。
If the model consists of several types of entities, for example, it includes beam elements describing the runner system for the second component, select each entity type in turn and set the Component option to 2nd shot.
6.点击(File ->Add),读入第一次成型的产品网格模型。
Tip: After importing the two models into the one study, it is a good idea to give the two models different names in the Layers pane.
7.左键双击 Material A (在Study Tasks框内),选择第一次成型的塑性材料。
8.左键双击 Material B (在Study Tasks框内),选择第二次成型的塑性材料。
9.双击 (Analysis->Set Injection Locations) ,在第一次成型的网格模型上设置进浇点。
10.双击 (Analysis ->Set Overmolding Injection Locations) ,在第二次成型的网格模型上设置进浇点。
11.Click (Analysis ->Process Settings Wizard) ,分别设定第一次成型和第二次成型的工艺参数。