本帖最后由 孙君豪 于 2009-9-18 21:48 编辑 作者: 很笨蛋 时间: 2009-9-12 20:58
楼主这贴发的。。。。。。仅楼主可见?作者: 桃花源人妖 时间: 2009-9-12 23:03
可能不见得光吧作者: linsd 时间: 2009-9-14 01:47 https://www.mikejwilson.com/solidworks/solidworks_files.htm
Can you model an entire automobile in SolidWorks? Well, I
know you can model a scale replica. This is the Mach Five
car from the Speed Racer?cartoon series. Use it to show
those other CAD vendors how capable SolidWorks really is.