Activation of module "Annotation" failed: "LISP error:
"The variable DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME is unbound. This may have been caused by:
(1) Entering a string that wasn't enclosed in quotes.
(2) Entering a command belonging to a module that has not been activated.
(3) Trying to load a file that has an incorrect format.
(4) Calling a function that has not been enclosed in parenthesis ().""作者: skyfield 时间: 2011-4-1 15:03
版主,我加进去了,可是调出来的是空。晕!怎么办?作者: skyfield 时间: 2011-4-1 15:31
不好意思,我的问题解决了。自己地址少写了一点东西哦。作者: lkmpygps 时间: 2019-7-26 15:40
如何导入DWG图档呢? 作者: lkmpygps 时间: 2019-7-30 10:20
依步骤进行到最后,没有图框调用出来,我用的是中文简体,在输出.MI时文件类型用的是图框(*.MI), 是否正确?