作者: amandadong 时间: 2010-5-15 20:39
555 就是红色框框的字啊,很小,怎么也弄不大。作者: no.f 时间: 2010-5-23 12:21
爱莫能助作者: tsek 时间: 2010-5-24 12:58 Setting Screen and Printer Fonts
You can change the font Adams/View uses to display text in a view, such as the name of a part or a note
on the screen, or to print text to a printer. The fonts available for displaying text in a view are those
available with your operating system. The fonts available for printing text are a fixed set of 12 fonts. Note
that your printer may not support all of these printer fonts. Learn about Printing Models.
To select a screen or printer font:
1. On the Settings menu, select Fonts.
The Fonts dialog box appears.
2. In the Screen Font text box, enter the name of the font you want Adams/View to use to display
text in a view. To browse for a font, right-click the text box, select Browse, and select a font.
3. Set Postscript Font to the font you want to use to print text.
4. Select OK.作者: tsek 时间: 2010-5-24 13:00
通过谷歌搜索:adams font setting 的结果
下载这个文件 https://www.cadfamily.com/downlo ... rn_basics_setup.pdf作者: amandadong 时间: 2010-5-24 22:07
后来打开view,也变成这样了。作者: 雨魂 时间: 2010-5-25 21:48
我也想知道作者: gugen 时间: 2010-6-10 21:26
To select a screen or printer font:
1. On the Settings menu, select Fonts.
The Fonts dialog box appears.
2. In the Screen Font text box, enter the name of the font you want Adams/View to use to display
text in a view. To browse for a font, right-click the text box, select Browse, and select a font.
3. Set Postscript Font to the font you want to use to print text.
4. Select OK.作者: liuronaldo 时间: 2010-7-4 14:33
这个问题我没遇到过,我也希望有高手指点作者: 韦薇 时间: 2010-7-23 21:38
同意楼上8楼的回答,虽然是英文版的,应该正确,就是修改字体的大小,FONT就是字体的意思作者: hanchengxi 时间: 2010-7-30 14:20 1#amandadong