Matthew: I think the main thing to bear in mind regarding what we’re doing is that when it’s rolled out, SolidWorks cloud apps will be an option for customers, not a requirement.So if you are a SolidWorks user, you better start loving the cloud because Dassault Systemes has already made up your mind for you. Basically I think this is what is going to happen. You will learn to love the cloud and then you will learn to let go of that beloved desktop version of SolidWorks that you will have been clinging on to. Your design data and intellectual property will be stored on Dassault Systemes servers whether you like it or not. And you will learn to deal with it. Whether or not you will get to download a local copy for backup still remains an unanswered question at this point in time. I have given up asking. You will need to have a damn good internet connection wherever and whenever you feel like working. So you better start keeping an eye on the latest internet technologies. If you have been using a pirated version of SolidWorks, you will need to start to think of ways to pay for a SolidWorks service contract. If you are not on subscription and have been taking years to upgrade to new versions of SolidWorks or have been waiting for a few service packs to be released before you upgrade, you will need to let go of that “bad” habit. And yes, I believe the same will hold true for CATIA users as well.
Deelip: You may want to cross check that with your CEO. That’s not what he told me when I specifically asked him that question. See the fourth and fifth paragraphs at Either you or I have caught the bull by the tail, and for your customer’s sake, I am hoping that it is me.
Matthew: What I meant was when it’s rolled out, it’s not an all or nothing thing. The installed version and cloud version will coexist for some period of time.
Trebizond 发表于 2010-11-24 00:23
纯粹空穴来风。我们这里CATIA售前、咨询培训的解释V6版本时说的是,V6必须用电子仓来保存数据,本地保存是提不出数据的,数据是按什么逻辑结构保存的,必须由电子仓库才能调出。至于是哪家的电子仓无关系,只要有能力 ...
chinalgw 发表于 2010-11-24 13:39
你以为DS善良到专门为Windchill, TC,用友服务?自己先看看Cloud是什么,别什么逻辑结构了,大学课本里的词汇是害人的,先把什么结构搞清楚,一知半解不要来乱说。
这对用户意味着什么?不久你就将看到大客户 ...
Trebizond 发表于 2010-11-24 15:28
你是PLM实施?那好,我问你PDM系统中固定属性和属性变动而个体固定的数据分别放在什么文件,随便举一个例,包括你实施的smarteam TC.
Trebizond 发表于 2010-11-24 16:07
chinalgw 发表于 2010-11-24 17:52
数据分别放在什么文件 这句表述不清楚,不知道你问的哪方面,我的理解比较简单了,
基本不变动的数据dataset,如果不是特别大,有条件的可以做成二进制元文件/数据,放在数据库中。另外,对于数据,每个行业有每 ...
Trebizond 发表于 2010-11-24 18:37
我当然是考你,因为你不是说你做实施吗??考考你这实施的水平,坦白说这是用友来我们公司做ERP PDM的时候都碰到了这个问题,对于经常变动对象属性的数据文件的存放 ...
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