我怎样调整呢?作者: FreelyDesign 时间: 2003-7-16 15:23
文件作者: angelinhell 时间: 2003-7-16 16:04
先用curve edit 中的 join curves 命令结合曲线,再skin就行了,如图:作者: FreelyDesign 时间: 2003-7-16 16:22
为啥是扭起的~?作者: angelinhell 时间: 2003-7-16 16:31
初始点没对齐,你可以在join时就按顺序操作,或者join后改变初始点。作者: FreelyDesign 时间: 2003-7-16 16:33
怎样做作者: hhh37 时间: 2003-7-16 21:06
这是我的文件,自己去看看作者: angelinhell 时间: 2003-7-17 08:55
记得以前好象用过,可是现在找不到了,谁能告诉我设定初始点命令在哪,谢谢。作者: FreelyDesign 时间: 2003-7-17 09:18
To find out if a curve or surface is closed, look under Geometry info in the Information Window or use the Query edit tool.
StudioTools distinguishes between objects that merely look closed (their start and end points occupy the same space) and objects that have a periodic topology (the control hull coils over itself with several end CVs overlapping) which cannot be opened by simply moving CVs. The Close tool produces the latter. This distinction can become very important when you are applying shaders. 作者: FreelyDesign 时间: 2003-7-17 09:27