这是一种激光抄数机。::n作者: smiling 时间: 2003-8-29 15:00
就是三坐标测量机,反求工程中用的。基于实物的反求设计,通过测量实物轮廓上的点,用反求软件构成三维的面和体,进行建模分析。下图为全自动三坐标测量机:作者: shairlin 时间: 2003-9-2 09:50
叫法不同,吓煞我也?作者: shairlin 时间: 2003-9-2 09:50
叫法不同,吓煞我也?作者: leonardyang 时间: 2003-9-2 10:24
It is a kind of reverse engineering tool. In SZ there are many companies which do this business. In many mobile store, there are many covers for sale. Most of them made by this means.作者: ladybird92 时间: 2003-9-13 13:30
谢了,长知识作者: ken302 时间: 2003-9-29 08:05