破衣人大侠,谢谢您的指点.请问上图中檢查邊界狀況时,出现了粉红色点划线和一个单箭头.这个粉红色点划线是不是论坛中常提到的双箭头,它到底代表的是曲率连接还是垂直呢,还有麻烦您解释一下曲率连接这个名词好吗,谢谢作者: suncha1 时间: 2002-9-6 19:47
双箭头表示曲率连续作者: ccf 时间: 2002-9-7 20:46
How to get a constant curvature or how to control the curvature rate in ProE numerically ? 作者: 破衣人 时间: 2002-9-7 22:32
Please see here.
Is this what you mean ?
.作者: ccf 时间: 2002-9-8 01:55
Really sorry if i am typing in English. Hope somebody can answer me .
1) When we create Spline in sketcher or analys the curve , we can see the curvature rate as a series of line . We can check the smoothness of the curve by view the change of the curvature rate .
2) Problem is , how to ensure or control such curvature rate , for example i want curvature change from 10 to 50 , how can i do that ? or can i do that in ProE ?