Globally,more than a third ofall people are regularly exposed to the second hand smoke.This exposure is responsible for about 600,000 deaths per year.The U.S.Surgeon General estimates that living with a smoker increases a nonsmoker's chances of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent.However,despite that there is a lot of information which show the risk of death is caused by exposing to the second hand smoke,only few of tobacco addictive people really take action and treat it serious about this issue.
From the research,there are 92% people who smoke believe that they were concerned about the people around them when they were smoking,but only half of them tried to avoid others.Moreover,nearly 70% of smokers confirm that they have smoke indoor.
Zero is a wearable smoke filter which can filter out the harmful element from smoking in order to reduce the harm from second-hand smoke to the other people.The main feature of this product is it will automatically suck the smoke in and it adjusts most of smoking posture.
How Does It Work ?
Firstly,the smoke will be sucked in by fans automatically,and then be fltered through by crushing activated carbon pack.Most of harmful smoke particles will be attached and trapped by chemical attraction.Eventually,clean air out.
Design for User
The electronic lighter is added in order to let cigarette get closed to Zero all the time whenever cigarette is lighten on.From the previous research,user's hand tends to away from the cigarette when they are going to put the lighter back to their pocket.The electric lighter will only have function when Zero is turned on,in order to guide users to turn on the smoke filter frst before smoking.
Design for User
The process of using Zero smoke filter is user centred.As the story board llustrates,from the start to the end,the cigarette is always close to the product in order to absorb the smoke from not only mainstream smoke which is directly inhale and exhale through the mouth but also sidestream which comes from the burning tip of the cigarettes and is 4 time more toxic than the mainstream.The electronic lighter is added in order to let cigarette get closed to Zero all the time whenever cigarette is lighten on.From the previous research,user's hand tends to away from the cigarette when they are going to put the cigarette back to their pocket.
Design for User
Zero is deign for install on the ittle finger,so it will not affect most of actives which need to use fingers.Thumb,index finger and middle finger are mostly used for most of activities.