You can define the Generative Shape Design feature that is to be seen when working with another application, such as Generative Structural Analysis for example.
To do this, while in the Generative Shape Design workbench:
1.Choose the Tools -> External View... menu item The External View dialog box is displayed.
2.Select the element belonging to an Open Body that should always been seen as the current element when working with an external application.
3.Click OK in the dialog box.
The selected element will be the visible element in other applications, even if other elements are created later in the .CATPart document, chronologically speaking.
To check whether an external view element has already been specified, choose the Tools -> External View... menu item again. The dialog box will display the name of the currently selected element. This also allows you to change elements through the selection of another element. Note that you cannot deselect an external view element and that only one element can be selected at the same time.