** WARNING ** Strain model data build ID does not match with the current
MPI version (default model for this material is CRIMS).
** ERROR 104007 ** Shrinkage model coefficients were generated with
build # 2435 of solver, the latest solver update
was in build # 3104 .
 lease re-select the material to update the study file
with the latest shrinkage model coefficients.
** WARNING ** A program crash or network disruption has stopped
a running flow analysis.
The Analysis has been relaunched.
** WARNING ** A program crash or network disruption has stopped
a running flow analysis.
The Analysis has been relaunched.
** WARNING ** Strain model data build ID does not match with the current
MPI version (default model for this material is CRIMS).
** ERROR 104007 ** Shrinkage model coefficients were generated with
build # 2435 of solver, the latest solver update
was in build # 3104 .
Please re-select the material to update the study file
with the latest shrinkage model coefficients.
** WARNING ** A program crash or network disruption has stopped
a running flow analysis.
The Analysis has been relaunched.