Simple Decal
What is it?
A new pattern shader type called Simple Decal. This shading type allows you to quickly create a decal or a logo without having to create an offset face and a stencil to mask out the region outside the logo. In this new mode, you specify a Tiff file that contains a logo and a transparent color, typically the color used for the area outside of the logo. This is an enhancement for both High Quality Image and Studio Display.
To determine the RGB values for the transparent color, you can use "xv" on Unix systems. Using the middle mouse button (MB2), click on a pixel.
When you apply this texture to a surface, only the logo becomes visible. The rest of the area containing the transparent cell inherits the surface color.
When do I use it?
To place a logo onto a model face.
How do I use it?
Select View->Visualization->Materials/Textures.
Create a Texture
1.Select the Finish radio button.
2.Enter a name for the texture in the Texture field.
3.Click the Copy icon.
This places your new texture in the listbox.
Edit the Texture
1.Select the new texture in the listbox.
2.Click the More Options button.
3.Click the Pattern icon.
4.In the Type pulldown menu, select Simple Decal.
5.Select the image you want to place by selecting the Image or Tiff Palette button.
This displays the Image File dialog.
6.Select the image of the logo and click OK.
Apply the Texture to a Face
1.Select a face on which you want to place the image.
2.If you don't want the default transparent color, specify another transparent color.
To determine the RGB values for the transparent color, you can use "xv" on Unix systems.
3.Click Apply.
Edit the Position of the Texture on the Face
1.Click the Texture Space icon.
2.In the Type field, select Arbitrary Plane.
3.Click Center Point and place the image by clicking a point on the face.
4.Click Normal Vector and select a normal vector.
5.Click Up Vector and select an up vector.
6.You can optionally scale the image by changing the value in the Scale field.
7.If you want Simple Image, click the Pattern icon, click Mode, and select Single Image.
Why should I use it?
To quickly and easily place a logo on a face.
Where do I find it?
The new shader type is located in the Materials/Textures dialog.