Method Index
1. CreateJoggle(CATISpecObject*,CATISpecObject**)
Role: This method creates a Joggle Feature.
2. CreateSurfacicFlange(CATISpecObject*,CATISpecObject**)
Role: This method creates a Surfacic Flange Feature.
3. CreateWeb(CATISpecObject*,CATISpecObject**)
Role: This method creates a Web Feature.
o CreateJoggle
Role: This method creates a Joggle Feature. Parameters: ipiPartSpec the Part Feature in which the Joggle will be inserted. opiJoggleSpec the created Joggle Feature. o CreateSurfacicFlange
Role: This method creates a Surfacic Flange Feature. Parameters: ipiPartSpec the Part Feature in which the Surfacic Flange will be inserted. opiSurfacicFlangeSpec the created Surfacic Flange Feature. o CreateWeb
Role: This method creates a Web Feature. Parameters: ipiPartSpec the Part Feature in which the Web will be inserted. opiWebSpec the created Web Feature. This object is included in the file: CATIAerospaceSheetMetalFactory.h
If needed, your should include the module: CATSmaInterfaces