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[讨论] Abercrombie and Fitch628

发表于 2010-12-29 14:02:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Abercrombie and Fitch628
Magazine;' Probable cause of the termination of its existence, 128. In¬troduction of the study of Phrenology at Calcutta, ib. Curious Police Case at ditto, 129. Insurrections at Calpee ; The Departure of the Hon.D. A. Overbeck from Chinsura, ib. Extension of our Territory to Assam not desirable, 319. Deficiency of the Native Army, and unwillingness of the Men to euter the Company's Service, ib. Gloomy Aspect of Abercrombie Af¬fairs, 320. Opinions on the Barrack- pore Abercrombie and Fitch Massacre., ib. High estimation of Lord Hastings's character in In¬dia, 321-2. Hasty and inconsiderate commencement of the Burmese War, 322,553. Abuse of Patronage, 323, 555. Cruel and unjust conduct of the Indian Government in tlie case of Mr. Chew, 324. Abortive Scheme to procure a supply of Bul¬lion for the payment of the Army. 325. Hvgrometrical effect produced on Lord Amherst by the various event* of the War, 553. Arrival of the Proceedings of the Court of In¬quiry into the causes of the Barrack- pore Mutiny, 554. Injustice of tbe ComYnissariat Department towards the Sepoys; Latitude allowed in its Proceedings, ib. Formation of Sir
E. Paeet's and Commodore Hayes's own Dark-Green Marines, from the Sweepers and low Caste Men, with Increase of Pay over the Veteran Soldiers, 555. Effect of the Chaugo of Governors to the Company and its Servants; Ignorance of the
Abercrombie Outlet Com¬pany respecting the Conduct of its Servants, 556. Caution of our In¬dian Correspondents, ib. Pheno¬menon of tbe Calcutta 'John Bull' advocating " Free Discussion," 558. Necessity of the local check afforded by a free Press over the Servants of the Company in India, ib. Boasted Reforms at the Seramnore College effected by the John Bull's " Free Discussiou,"559. Confession of tbe Indian 1 Bull' that he has been mis¬leading the People, 560. Remarks from the * Edinburgh Times ' on the mode of conducting our Indian War, 561. Abercrombie and Fitch Outlet Eagerness with which assist¬ance is looked for from England, ib. Establishment of a " Dinner Club" of lndo-Briions at Calcutta ; Departure of Gen. Adams from Jub- bulpore, 562.
Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bengal, 197-8, 405-6, 606-7.
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