In SolidWorks2000, it was often reported that users were having difficulty with precision problems in their sketches and feature creation. If they used the measure or dimension tool to help determine linear spacing for a pattern or some other function, then they would use the result at the current precision settings. Just because the dimension read 1.25", it did not mean that it was exactly 1.25". It was correct to that level of precision. One way to solve this problem would be to dimension between the desired entities and specifically type in the dimension that you wanted. If the result in the dimension tool is 1.610", then type in 1.610. You will now be guaranteed that the dimension will be accurate. There is now a new feature in SW2001 that should help eliminate part of these problems. When you dimension between two entities, the dimension tool will supply you with the dimension to 8 units of precision. Once you accept the dimension, the length will be displayed with the precision that is set in the document properties. You can now be sure that the dimension is what you want it to be. |