诚聘:Senior software developer/team leader/architect
number: 2
salary: RMB 8k-10k/month
main duties:
1) key developer of us/ect outsoureing projects and other china domestie software projects/prouducts.
2) team leader in some projects.
3) make proposals for potential us/ect outsoureing projects.
* 4+years overall woke expertince in software industry.
* bachelor degree or abover.
* 2+ years expenience in object oriented design.
* familar with the software deverOPMent life eyele or rup/ect.
* 2+ years experience in jsp/tomcat/bjbean or equivalent area.
* 2+ years experience in web based applications.
* 2+ yaers expeirence in sql/stoteprocedure/database programming experience.
* 6+ month experience in asp/.net/c#.
* A good team player.
* Good communication skill.
* project management experience is a big plus.
* India or US software industry experience is a big plus.