本帖最后由 ryouss 于 2018-5-25 09:18 编辑
- ' *************************************************************
- ' macro recorded on 05/20/18 by scliang
- ' 功能:圓周分佈鉆孔,本範例因是用除料拉伸,所以鉆孔是平底.
- ' 操作: 1.在零件先選取要鉆孔之平面.
- ' 2.執行 "main" .
- ' 3.X座標取正數,若是負數可能會出錯.
- ' 4.首圈半徑近似於相鄰兩孔之中心(弧長)距離.
- '
- ' *************************************************************
- Dim X1 As Double 'TextBox1
- Dim Y1 As Double 'TextBox2
- Dim Drill_Diameter As Double 'TextBox3
- Dim Start_Circle_radius As Double 'TextBox4
- Dim Drill_depth As Double 'TextBox5
- Dim Circle_number As Integer 'TextBox6
- Dim X2 As Double
- Dim BX1 As Double
- Dim BX2 As Double
- Dim pi As Double
- Dim Circle_radius As Double
- Sub main()
- UserForm1.Show
- End Sub
- Sub Draw_()
- With UserForm1
- '判定資料是否沒打入
- If .TextBox1.Value = "" Or .TextBox2.Value = "" Or .TextBox3.Value = "" Or .TextBox4.Value = "" Or .TextBox5.Value = "" Or .TextBox6.Value = "" Then
- MsgBox ("Enter empty")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '判定資料是否是輸入錯誤(起始圓半徑限制不能小於等於鉆孔直徑)
- Drill_Diameter = .TextBox3.Value / 1000
- Start_Circle_radius = .TextBox4.Value / 1000
- If Drill_Diameter >= Start_Circle_radius Then
- MsgBox ("Data error")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Set swSketchMgr = swModel.SketchManager
- Part.SketchManager.InsertSketch True '依據選取面插入草圖
- '中心圓之座標及作圖
- X1 = .TextBox1.Value / 1000
- Y1 = .TextBox2.Value / 1000
- X2 = X1 + Drill_Diameter / 2
- Set swSketchSegment = swSketchMgr.CreateCircle(X1, Y1, 0#, X2, Y1, 0#)
- '圓周分佈之鉆孔
- pi = Atn(1) * 4
- Circle_number = .TextBox6.Value
- Drill_depth = .TextBox5.Value / 1000 '鉆孔深
- For i = 1 To Circle_number
- Circle_radius = i * Start_Circle_radius '分佈圓周之半徑
- Copy_Number = Int(2 * Circle_radius * pi / Start_Circle_radius + 0.5) '分佈圓周之鉆孔數
- '分佈圓之基圓作圖
- BX1 = X1 + Circle_radius
- BX2 = BX1 + Drill_Diameter / 2
- Set swSketchSegment = swSketchMgr.CreateCircle(BX1, Y1, 0#, BX2, Y1, 0#)
- '分佈圓之複製孔數,圓周複製參數:圓弧半徑、圓弧角、花紋數、花紋間距(間隔弧度)、圖案旋轉、刪除實例
- boolstatus = swSketchMgr.CreateCircularSketchStepAndRepeat(Circle_radius, pi, Copy_Number, 2 * pi, True, "", True, True, True)
- Next
- End With
- '除料拉伸
- Dim myFeature As Object
- Set myFeature = Part.FeatureManager.FeatureCut3(True, False, False, 0, 0, Drill_depth, 0, False, False, False, False, 1.74532925199433E-02, _
- 1.74532925199433E-02, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, False, 0, 0, False)
- End Sub
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