Initial Codes
The Initial Codes menu allows you to specify the content and order of machine tool specific codes at the beginning of the punch tape file.
You have the following options:
Partno - This option controls whether man-readable partno is output.
Rewind Stop Code - This option allows you to specify the codes that will be used for the rewind stop code. The rewind stop code for ISO is % and for EIA is #. GPM will replace the string <RWS> with one of the following in the header blocks. You have the following choices.
Rewind Stop with End-of-Block.
Rewind Stop without End-of-Block.
End-of-Block code only.
Other (User-defined). You can use this option to specify a code other than % or #. You can also use this option to pass characters that the GPM cannot convert directly from the CLF into machine code (these characters are unprintable characters) through the GPM by using their EIA or ISO octal values. The octal values must be contained within angle brackets(<> to differentiate them from text. You must enter the character which represents the Initial Character String in ISO (or EIA) format and the number which represents the length of the Initial Character String in the ISO (or EIA) format. If you use angle brackets, they must be counted in the length of the code. Then indicate whether to output the End Of Block with the Initial Characters.
Program ID - The program ID is the character string that will be output preceding the program number or name. GPM will replace the variable < ROGID> in the header blocks with the string specified in the program ID specification menus. If you include the variable < ROGID> in your initial header blocks, you must specify the character string and number of characters for the program ID. For instance, the string (< ROGID>,< ARTNO,1,4> would generate (PGM,1234) in the NC tape file if the program ID was PGM and the first four characters of PARTNO was 1234. You have the option to specify the character and number of characters for ISO (or EIA) for the program ID.
Header Blocks - This option allows you to define up to ten initial blocks of the NC tape output file. These blocks can literals or variables. GPM will replace the variables at run time. The following variables are defined.
The current day.
The current month number (e.g. 09).
The current month name (e.g. SEP).
The current year.
The current hour.
The current minute.
< ARTNO,c1,c2>
Range of text within the PARTNO statement. Will be ignored if not programmed.
Range of text within the nth PPRINT statement. Will be ignored if n PPRINT statements not programmed.
Rewind stop or user defined rewind stop.
The current program ID code if defined.
The current tool definition blocks if defined.
The next sequential sequence number.
The next tool (or turret) number in the current CLF. Used in tool definition blocks only.
You will have the option to enter data for any header block line, change the number of header block lines or move header block lines ahead or other header block lines.
The initial codes for a new MDF will be as follows:
1) <RWS>
The header blocks for a Deckel Dialog 11 control might look like the following:
1) <SEQNO><RWS>(M-D11-000000-<IMONTH>- <DAY>-<YEAR>-<PARTNO,23,30>
2) <SEQNO>
3) <SEQNO>?
4) <SEQNO>
The above header blocks would output the following NC tape file for a CLF with a PARTNO and three LOAD commands |