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Methode Electronics(Shanghai) Co Ltd. designs, manufactures, and markets component devices and subsystems world-wide for Original Equipment Manufactures (OEMs) of information processing and networking equipment, voice and data communications systems, consumer electronics, automobiles, aerospace vehicles and industrial equipment Products employ electrical, electronic, and optoelectronic technologies such as sensors, interconnects, and controls.From its headquarters in suburban Chicago, the company operates 19 manufacturing facilities in the Czech Republic, England, Ireland, Malta, Mexico, Scotland and Singapore as well as in California, Illinois, Maryland, and New Jersey. In addition to sensing, interconnecting and controlling products, Methode also manufactures electrical bus systems and provides independent laboratory services for Methode has net sales of $422 Million and employs 3400 people.迈梭电子(上海)有限公司是2003年11月成立的一家以生产汽车零部件、连接器的独资公司, 公司总部位于美国芝加哥。因目前中国业务的不断快速增长,公司将在4月份扩大投资规模,新公司将生产“Network Bus Bar”, “ Automotive Switches” 等的高科技产品,现诚邀以下英才加入。 公司将为合格人才提供极具吸引力的薪资及美国总部培训的机会!更多详情,请登录公司网站: www.methode.com
联 系 人:人力资源部
传 真:(021)58996576
有关公司更为详细信息,请浏览本公司网站 Http://www.methode.com
[ 本帖最后由 alex1128 于 2005-9-17 14:36 编辑 ] |