When running a static analysis , "Unable to open master file" pops up and the analysis fails. Why?
Please check if the temporary directory is clean, short enough and has enough space. (Tools, Options, General, Create temporary files in). You may want to create a new directory and point the path to the newly created directory.
For Sparse and FFEPlus solvers: Make sure the model file isn't such that the total path to the DesignSTAR analysis file is less than 128 characters (this includes the full path but not the extension). Example:
If it is longer that 128 characters, then save the model to a new shorter directory and do the analysis from there. Set this path such that it is shorter than 124 characters, else the solver may crash. Note: test done with solvers version 2.85. The FFE solver supports files names longer that 128 characters.
This is very important if the model was used in a previous version of the software. Perform a re-mesh of the model and see if the analysis runs. If not, create a new study, re-define everything, re-mesh and try running. This should work fine. If this doesn’t work, save the file as a Parasolid file with different name, re-open the Parasolid file, set up pre-processing, re-mesh and re-run.
For COSMOSWorks: Troubleshooting is the same. You will have to check that the working directory is not full, and you should also check the temporary directory (where the TEMP and TMP environment variables point). Try remeshing, and creating another study and then copy all loads and boundary conditions. |