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CAD/CAM/CAE/设计/模具 高清视频【积分说明】如何快速获得积分?快速3D打印 手板模型CNC加工服务在线3D打印服务,上传模型,自动报价
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发表于 2005-11-3 16:54:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Variable Description
{PD_Date} Date setup sheet file was written
{PD_Time} Time setup sheet file was written  
{PD_ProjectName} Project Name (folder)
{PD_PartName} Part Name
{PD_Session} Project directory
{PD_CADModel} CAD Model
{PD_OrderNo} Order Number
{PD_Customer} Customer
{PD_Programmer} Programmer
{PD_Notes} Project notes
{ToolpathID}  Name of toolpath  
{TP_Type}  Type of toolpath  
{PD_CutLength} Total cutting length
{PD_CutTime} Total cutting time
{PD_CutTime*x.xx} Where x.xx is a factor you can change to modify the output time
{PD_TapFile} Combined Tap File Name
{PD_OutputDirectory} TAP File Output Directory
{PD_Units} Units
{ProjectImageSRC} Source filename for project image
{PmillLogoSRC} Source filename for PMILL logo
{CompanyLogoSRC} Source filename for Company logo
{DelcamLogoSRC} Source filename for Delcam logo
{Version} PowerMILL Version
{FirstOrActiveNCProgramTAPFile} Outputs the active or first NC Program tapfile name extracted when toolpathlist refreshed
{IDX} Sequential number of the toolpath in the total list being output (i.e. 1st = 1, 2nd = 2, 3rd = 3)
{ToolName} Tool type
{Dia} Tool Diameter
{Tip} Tool Tip Radius
{Len} Tool Length
{ToolNo} Tool Number
{ToolID} Tool ID
{Step} Stepover
{StepDown} Stepdown
{CutDir} Cut Direction
{Tol} Tolerance
{Thickness} Thickness
{Cut} Cutting Speed
{Spindle} Spindle speed
{Plunge} Plunge speed
{Rapid} Rapid speed
{CutTime} Cutting time
{CutTime*x.xx} Cutting time where x.xx is a factor to increase the output cutting time
{CutLength} Cutting Length
{SafeZ} Safe Z Height
{StartZ} Start Z Height
{BlockXMin} Block size for toolpath
{LevelMove} Z Level move for roughing
{Boundary} Boundary type
{BoundaryExtra} Shows shallow angle if applicable
{TP_Notes} Toolpath notes
{TP_Description} Toolpath description
{Units} Toolpath units
{TP_TapFile} Tap file for individual output
{BlockYMin} Block sizes Min X
{BlockXMax} Block sizes Max X
{BlockYMin} Block sizes Min Y
{BlockYMax} Block sizes Max Y
{BlockZMin} Block sizes Min Z
{BlockZMax} Block sizes Max Z
{BlockCentreX} Toolpath Block centre X coordinate
{BlockCentreY} Toolpath Block centre Y coordinate
{BlockCentreZ} Toolpath Block centre Z coordinate
{TPXMin} Toolpath limits Min X
{TPXMax} Toolpath limits Max X
{TPYMin} Toolpath limits Min Y
{TPYMax} Toolpath limits Max Y
{TPZMin} Toolpath limits Min Z
{TPZMax} Toolpath limits Max Z
{DatumX} Datum Position X (relative to master workplane)
{DatumY} Datum Position Y (relative to master workplane)
{DatumZ} Datum Position Z (relative to master workplane)
{WKPL_X} Workplane Origin X (relative to master workplane)
{WKPL_Y} Workplane Origin Y (relative to master workplane)
{WKPL_Z} Workplane Origin Z (relative to master workplane)
{TP_ToolpathImageSRC} Source filename for toolpath image
{ToolTypeSRC} Source filename for tool image
{WKPL_Name} Workplane name for toolpath calculation
{TapAng} Taper Angle for tipped tools
{TapLen} Taper Length for tipped tools
{AxialThk} Axial thickness (returns thickness if not used)
{MCLength} Outputs overhang if collision checked otherwise TLEN
{CollChecked} Outputs YES if collision checked on NO if not.
{project.customer} Customer name
{project.partname} Part name
{project.orderno} Order number
{project.day} Current date day. So for 17th June 2005 the value is 17.
{project.month} Current date month. So for 17th June 2005 the value is 6.
{project.year} Current date year. So for 17th June 2005 the value is 2005.
{setupsheets.tool.holder_filename} The name of the file where the tool holder is saved.
{setupsheets.toolpath.image_tag} HTML tag to give toolpath image.
{project} Name of the current project.
{project.path} The complete filename, say D:\dcam\product\PowerMILL5504\file\examples\xxx.
{ncprogram} Name of the current NC Program.
{ncprogram.shortname} Name of the current NC Program limited to 8 characters. This reduction is done by PowerMILL automatically.
{ncprogram.specialname} Removes underscores from the NC Program name.
{ncprogram.counter} NC Programs are output with a sequential number.
{path_from_opt} NC Programs are output with a pathname based on the option file.
{ncprogram.workplane} The workplane associated with the NC Program.
{tool.number} The tool number.
{tool.type} Type of tool to use.
{tool.length} Length of the cutting part of the tool.
{tool.identifier} Tool identifier.
{tool.radius} Tool radius.
{tool.tip_radius} Tool tip radius.
{tool.tip_radius_centre} Centre point of the tip radius.
{tool.taper_angle} Angle (in degrees) of the tapered part of the tool from the vertical.
{tool.taper_height} Vertical length of the tapered part of the tool.
{tool.flutes} The number of flutes the tool has.
{tool.gauge_length} The total length of the tool holder plus the tool overhang.
{tool.holder_name} The name of the tool holder.
{strategy} The type of strategy to machine with.
{tolerance} Determines how accurately the toolpath follows the model contours.
{thickness} Machining thickness.
{use_axial_thickness} Use separate value for axial thickness.
{axial_thickness} Machining axial thickness value.
{head_clearance} Head clearance.
{strip_factor.active} Activate toolpath point stripping.
{strip_factor.value} Stripping factor.
{max_dist_between_points.active} Enable limiting of maximum distance between points.
{max_dist_between_points.value} Maximum distance between points.
{finishing.tolerance} Determines how accurately the toolpath follows the model contours.
{finishing.thickness} Thickness.
{finishing.use_axial_thickness} Use separate value for axial thickness.
{finishing.axial_thickness} Machining axial thickness value.
{mesh.max_triangle_size} Control maximum triangle size.
{mesh.coarse_factor} This multiplied by the machining tolerance gives the upper limit of the model preparation tolerance.
{mesh.fine_factor} This multiplied by the machining tolerance gives the lower limit of the model preparation tolerance.
{tool} The tool to machine with.
{boundary} The boundary to limit the toolpath.
{boundary_side} How to trim the toolpath to the boundary.
{clearance.shank} Amount of clearance to leave around the tool shank.
{clearance.holder} Amount of clearance to leave around the tool holder.
{clearance.head} Amount of clearance to leave around the head.
{workplane} Workplane.
{toolaxis.type} Type of tool axis to use.
{toolaxis.lead} Angle (in degrees) of the tool relative to the Z axis in the feed direction.
{toolaxis.lean} Angle (in degrees) of the tool relative to the Z axis perpendicular to the feed direction.
{toolaxis.origin} Tool axis origin point.
{toolaxis.direction} Tool axis direction vector.
{toolaxis.geometry_reference} geometry reference.
{toolaxis.limits} Tool axis limits.
{block.type} Type of block.
{block.coordinate_system} Block coordinate system.
{block.limits} Limits required to define the block.
{block.boundary} Boundary to define the block in x-y plane.
{block.file} Path of file from which to load picture or triangles for block.
{block.radius} Cylindrical block radius.
{block.centre} Cylindrical block centre.
{rapid.abs_safe_z} The absolute value in Z to which the tool moves up to make rapid moves across the workpiece.
{rapid.abs_start_z} The absolute value in Z to which the tool moves down at rapid rate, prior to cutting into the workpiece.
{rapid.type} Determines the use of absolute and incremental Z heights.
{rapid.inc_safe_z} The incremental value in Z above the incremental start Z to which the tool will rapid up to and move across the workpiece.
{rapid.inc_start_z} The incremental value in Z above a pre-machined level to which the tool will rapid down.
{rapid.link_surface_type} Determines the type of link surface to use.
{rapid.workplane} Workplane used to define the link surface.
{rapid.minimise_offsurface} Prefer paths which have shorter off-surface moves even if their overall length is longer.
{rapid.plane_normal} Normal direction of the planar link surface.
{rapid.cylinder_axis} Axis direction of the cylindrical link surface.
{rapid.cylinder_point} Point to define the cylinder link surface.
{rapid.sphere_centre} Point to define the centre of the spherical link-surface.
{rapid.box} The properties of the box-shaped link surface.
{datum.mode} Define how the start point should be updated.
{datum.type} Define the start point.
{datum.distance} Distance above first point at which to position
{datum.origin} Tool datum position.
{datum.toolaxis} Tool axis vector at datum point.
{feedrate.cutting} Feed rate for cutting moves.
{feedrate.plunging} Feed rate for plunge moves.
{feedrate.rapid} Feed rate for rapid moves.
{feedrate.cycle} Feed rate for cycles.
{drill.type} Drilling type.
{drill.depth} Drilling depth.
{drill.depth_type} Drilling depth type.
{drill.clearance} Drilling clearance.
{drill.initial_z} Drilling safe position.
{drill.peck_depth} Drilling peck depth.
{drill.feedrate} Drilling feed rate.
{drill.dwell_time} Drilling dwell.
{drill.axial_thickness} Drilling thickness.
{drill.radial_thickness} Drilling thickness.
{drill.sort_type} Drilling sort.
{drill.incr_start} Drilling start position.
{drill.user_par} Drilling user parameter.
{drill.peck_decrement} Drilling peck decrement.
{drill.rfeed_distance} Drilling reduce feed distance.
{drill.feed_reduction} Drilling feed reduction.
{drill.min_peck} Drilling minimum peck.
{drill.full_retract} Drilling retract.
{drill.draft_angle} Drilling draft angle.
{drill.clockwise} Clockwise.
{drill.component_top} Use component top.
{connections.skim_distance} Height above model of skim links, or height above un-machined stock when roughing.
{connections.plunge_distance} Height at which to stop rapid plunge, and to perform controlled approach to toolpath.
{connections.retract_distance} Retract distance.
{connections.approach_distance} Approach distance.
{connections.incremental_mode} Controls how the plunge move and ramp lead incremental distances are interpreted.
{connections.leadin} Lead-in preferences
{connections.separate_first_leadin} Use a separate parameterisation for the first lead in
{connections.first_leadin} Parameters of the first lead in move
{connections.leadin_ext} Lead-in extension
{connections.leadout} Lead-out preferences
{connections.separate_last_leadout} Use a separate parameterisation for the last leadout
{connections.last_leadout} Parameters for the last lead out
{connections.leadout_ext} Lead-out extension
{connections.short} Short link preferences
{connections.long} Long link preferences
{connections.safe} Safe link preferences
{connections.threshold} Cut off point between short and long links.
{connections.arcfit} Controls arc-fitting of rapid link moves.
{connections.reorientate} Allow reorientation off safe-surface.
{connections.rapid_skim} Perform skim moves at rapid feed rate.
{connections.resolve} Resolve move to principal axes.
{connections.start_type} Type of move used at the start of a link.
{connections.end_type} Type of move used at the end of a link.
{connections.gouge_check} Check connection moves do not gouge.
{connections.shank_check} Ensure tool shank does not collide.
{connections.holder_check} Ensure tool holder does not collide.
{connections.move_start_points} Allow the start points of closed loops to be moved automatically.
{connections.leads_on_short_links} Use lead moves with short links.
{connections.overlap_distance} The amount of overlap for a lead move on a closed path (TDU).
{holder_check} Ensure tool holder does not collide.
{spindle_speed} Spindle speed.
{coolant} Coolant.
{default_coolant} Default Coolant.
{units} Unit system to use.
{history.cost} Calculation cost of this toolpath, i.e. the time (in seconds) taken to calculate it.
{history.codebase} Codebase that this toolpath was calculated in.
{history.hash} Geometric ID of the toolpath when it was calculated.
{history.hash_version} Version of the algorithm used to calculate the above geometric ID.
{description} A description of the toolpath that the user can enter.
{notes} Notes associated with the toolpath.
{edit_history} Editing history associated with the toolpath.
{revision} Toolpath revision number
{toolpath_type} Toolpath type
{computed} Is the toolpath calculated?
{batch} Process the toolpath during a batch run.
{partial} Is the toolpath incomplete (for example, if break was pressed during calculation).
{varifeed} Does the toolpath have variable feed rates?
{thickness_sets.components} List of components which are members of this thickness set.
{thickness_sets.thickness} Machining thickness.
{thickness_sets.use_axial_thickness} Use separate value for axial thickness.
{thickness_sets.axial_thickness} Machining axial thickness value.
{thickness_sets.mode} Machining mode for these components.
{pattern_type} The type of pattern to machine.
{corner_type} Type of corner toolpath to produce.
{rotary_type} Rotary machining technique.
{projection_type} Projection machining type.
{corner_output_type} Which sections of corner toolpath to output.
{segments_independent} Machine segments independently in multi pencil toolpaths.
{projection_style} Projection machining type.
{projection_direction} Direction to project in.
{projection_order} Order in which to machine toolpath.
{projection_pattern_direction} Direction of pattern.
{projection_surface_units} Describes how stepover is defined.
{projection_range.automatic} Use automatic projection range.
{projection_range.min} Minimum value of projection range.
{projection_range.max} Maximum value of projection range.
{adjust_axis} Use tool-axis adjustment.
{axial_smoothing_tolerance} Smoothing distance along tool axis (TDU).
{automatic_toolaxis} Use automatic tool axis setting.
{angular_smoothing_tolerance} Smoothing of offsetting and tool axis direction. A low number means very accurate and not very smooth, a high number means very smooth but not very accurate.
{join_tolerance} Maximum allowable tolerance between surface edges (0 means automatic).
{axis_tolerance} Tolerance used to calculate tool axis. A small value could mean large axis movement, a large value could mean less axis movement but material un-machined (0 means automatic).
{free_axis} If set, fanning will happen only in the end region of a plane,  
otherwise fanning will happen everywhere.   
{reverse_axis} Rotates the axis direction by 180 degrees.
{surface_side} Defines the side of the surface(s) to machine.
{wireframe_side} Defines the side of the surface(s) to machine.
{fanning_distance} Minimum fanning distance.
{rulings_tolerance} Angular tolerance to calculate rulings between wireframe references.
{linear_stepover} Distance between consecutive passes.
{linear_limits.start} Start value.
{linear_limits.end} End value.
{linear_limits_2.start} Start value.
{linear_limits_2.end} End value.
{stepdown} Vertical step between machined levels.
{use_linear_stepover_2} Use secondary linear stepover.
{linear_stepover_2} Secondary linear stepover.
{cusp.active} Enable automatic calculation.
{cusp.max_stepdown} Maximum stepdown when calculating using cusp height.
{cusp.height} Maximum cusp height permitted.
{overlap} Overlap between steep and shallow regions.
{origin} Origin point for machining strategy. This specifies the origin point for the pattern.
{angular_stepover} Angular step between passes (in degrees).
{angular_limits.start} Start angle.
{angular_limits.end} End angle.
{angular_limits_2.start} Start angle.
{angular_limits_2.end} End angle.
{shallow_angle} Angle that separates steep and shallow regions.
{flat_angle} Corner detection limit angle: corners flatter than this angle will not be found.
{angular_direction} Angular direction to machine in.
{elevation} Elevation angle.
{azimuth} Azimuth angle.
{parametric_limits.active} Use parametric limits.
{parametric_limits.start} Start parameter.
{parametric_limits.end} End parameter.
{parametric_limits_2.active} Use secondary parametric limits.
{parametric_limits_2.start} Start parameter.
{parametric_limits_2.end} End parameter.
{raster_angle} The angle of the primary raster pass relative to the x-axis.
{pattern_style} The style of pattern to apply.
{join_up} Link ends of consecutive passes.
{one_way} Determines whether the tool can cut in two directions or just one way.
{join_radius} Radius with which to fit arcs between passes.
{start_corner} Corner at which to start machining.
{perpendicular_pass} Machine an additional raster pass perpendicular to the first one.
{trim_parallel_pass} Trim the parallel raster pass when a perpendicular pass is calculated
{base_position} How to position the pattern.
{base_limiting_wplane} Workplane to limit swarf upper position.
{multiple_cuts} Multiple cuts mode.
{upper_limit.active} Activate limit.
{upper_limit.type} Type of upper limit.
{upper_limit.value} Limiting value.
{upper_limiting_wplane} Workplane to limit swarf upper position.
{use_pattern} Use a pattern to start offsetting from, otherwise the offsetting starts from the boundary.
{start_on_pattern} Start on the pattern, rather than 1/2 an offset away from it.
{pattern} Reference pattern.
{top_wireframe} Top wireframe reference.
{bottom_wireframe} Bottom wireframe reference.
{pattern_order} The order in which to machine the pattern segments.
{degouge.active} Activate gouge-avoidance.
{degouge.method} The method of gouge avoidance to use.
{degouge.embedded_mode} Embedded curve degouging.
{degouge.tolerance} Maximum sideways movement to avoid gouges.
{toolpath} Reference toolpath.
{use_ref_toolpath} Use reference toolpath.
{use_toolpath_as_pattern} Use the reference toolpath as if it were a pattern.
{ref_tool} The reference tool.
{corner_correction} Apply a process to sharpen corners in the toolpath.
{corner_radius.active} Fit arcs to internal corners of the toolpath where possible.
{corner_radius.value} Arc radius to use when fitting arcs to corners, as a proportion of the tool diameter.
{cut_direction} Machining direction.
{spiral} Create a spiral toolpath.
{ordering} Preferred toolpath ordering.
{axial_offset} Height of the toolpath above drive-curve.
{radial_offset} Clearance between tool and surface.
{y_offset} Offset distance to avoid cutting on the centre of the tool.
{closed_offsets} Creates closed offset paths.
{limit_offsets.active} Only machine the specified number of offsets.
{limit_offsets.count} The number of offsets to machine.
{offset_boundary} Offsets the boundary by tool radius.
{areaclear.type} Type of Area Clearance toolpath to produce.
{areaclear.tolerance} Determines how accurately the toolpath follows the model contours.
{areaclear.thickness} Machining Thickness.
{areaclear.use_axial_thickness} Use separate value for axial thickness.
{areaclear.axial_thickness} Machining axial thickness value.
{areaclear.zheights} Area clearance Z Heights
{areaclear.slicer} Slicing options.
{areaclear.rest} Rest machining.
{areaclear.profile} Profiling options.
{areaclear.offset} Offsetting options.
{areaclear.raster} Raster options.
{areaclear.leadin} Lead-in options.
{plunge.pullback} Length of pullback move (0 for none).
{plunge.core_radius} Radius of the non-cutting part of the tool (0 for centre cutting tool).
{plunge.stockmodel} The stock model to plunge.
{plunge.stockmodel_state} The stock model state. This should be the ID of the toolpath used to calculate the stock model state, or the ID of the stock model itself for the initial state.
{setupsheets.tool.vml} automatically-generated image of the entire tool assembly.
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发表于 2005-11-3 16:57:33 | 只看该作者
{tool.holder_filename} Tool holder file name.
发表于 2005-11-3 22:03:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-11-6 14:36:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-11-6 18:33:45 | 只看该作者
原帖由 lauyong 于 2005-11-6 14:36 发表

发表于 2005-11-8 02:27:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-12 15:40:04 | 只看该作者
laopu_sd 发表于 2005-11-3 16:57
{tool.holder_filename} Tool holder file name.
其中新增加了刀具加持名称,但是在刀具清单里还是抓不出 ...

发表于 2011-12-18 23:56:10 | 只看该作者
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