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What's New in I-DEAS 9m1
This file contains information on the enhancements and corrections
contained in the I-DEAS 9m1 release. Each entry includes the PIR
number (if applicable) of the issue that was addressed, a brief
description, and a detailed description.
A more detailed description of each issue, including symptoms,
background and possible workarounds for current releases is available
on the EDS web site at:
A 'What's New in I-DEAS 9m1' html file is included on the installation
CD that you received. This file is also available under the web
page listed above. This document contains more information on the
enhancements included in this release, including illustrated examples
where applicable. Additional information may also be found in the
"What's New" update available in the online help.
Any late breaking news about this release will also be posted at
the above location.
Param file switch needed to see 'm' release User Interface (UI) changes.
To see any of the user interface enhancements included in the
I-DEAS 9m1 release, the following parameter file entry must be made:
UIRelease.RRTM: 1
If this parameter is not present or set to 0 (off), the user
interface will be identical to the I-DEAS 9 release. This will
insure that 3rd party applications, OI routines, and program
files that functioned correctly in I-DEAS 9 will continue to do so
in I-DEAS 9m1. If the switch is on, these applications may not
function as expected.
P8-812372 - Performance improvement for "Unprune" operation.
Some inefficiencies were discovered in the "Unprune" operation with
respect to updating data. These inefficiencies have been eliminated.
P8-812221 - Assign nodal degrees of freedom to rigid elements based on
the other elements the rigid is connected to.
Nodes on rigid elements are no longer assigned 6 degrees of freedom
automatically. They are now assigned degrees of freedom based on the
other elements connected to the rigid element.
P8-805807 - Some small performance improvements in updating from the
Some inefficiencies have been eliminated in the process of updating
an assembly from the library. In example tests, the update was anywhere
from 5% to 10% faster with the elimination of some redundant activity.
-> Filter strings on "Hierarchy..., Options..." form are
remembered in parameter file (ICCON DDA030).
It is possible to filter the hierarchy form so that only a portion of
the hierarchy is visible. The user can filter by entity name, part
number, instance name, or hierarchy number. The filter string used to
do the filtering was a session parameter, that is, it was forgotten
as soon as the I-DEAS session was ended. The next time the same
model file was opened, the strings used to filter were all reset to
"*". I-DEAS 9m1 now makes these filter strings I-DEAS parameters,
which means that they are remembered from session to session for
a particular user.
-> Pruned instances are now screen pickable and unprunable with the
right mouse button.
Assemblies can be retrieved with some of the part instances pruned.
An option on the "Hierarchy..." form permits the bounding box of the
pruned instances to be displayed (Display Pruned Instances Bounding
Box). I-DEAS 9m1 has added the capability to allow this bounding box
geometry to be selected in the graphics region in order to select that
instance. Also, once selected, the right mouse button pulldown menu
contains a pick for "Upgrade to Precise". This will cause the pruned
instances to be unpruned. The user need not go to the hierarchy form to
select and unprune pruned instances.
-> Problem nodes (red or yellow) are now easier to locate
graphically in the history tree form due to the increased
radius of the problem nodes at magnified levels.
Problem nodes will be easier to identify on the history tree form.
On a large part with many steps, all history nodes appear as small
dots. Now the problem nodes will be larger and easier to see when
the history tree is viewed in its entirety.
-> A switch ends menu pick has been added to the trim/extend
fuction to allow the user to select the other end of the line
for trimming while in the command.
A Option for switch ends has been added to the pop-up menu in the
Trim/Extend command. If the user is trimming a curve and selects the
wrong end to trim, he can do a Mouse Button 3, switch ends and the
other end of the curve will be selected. Previously you would have
had to exit the command and reselect the curve to switch ends.
-> A short cut has been created to quickly match several
wireframe dimensions by simply picking each dimension on
the screen.
A short cut has been added to allow a user to quickly match wireframe
dimensions. You simply select the dimension you want to match to,
and then select dimensions you want to match. To use do the following:
1.Pre-Select the dimension you want to match to.
2.Press Ctrl-D.
3.Pick the dimensions you want to match.
4.Press MB2 (Done) to end the command.
Actually steps 1 and 2 can be reversed. You can do a Ctrl-D first and
then you will be prompted to select the dimension you want to match to.
-> "Duplicate Instance" with secondary options of "Move" and
"Move to" allow multiple selection of the "to" location for
creating multiple duplicate instances.
If the user selects the following command with the following options:
"Duplicate Instance" => "Move" => "Move to", the user interface and
behavior have changed slightly. The user will select the "from" point
as before, however, the user is no longer limited to selecting one "to"
point to get one duplicate instance. The first "to" point selected will
cause the duplicate instance to "slide" into position if "Options" =>
"references..." => "Display..." => "Show View Transition" is "ON".
Successive "to" selections will just appear in the correct location
without "sliding" into position.
-> "Unsuppress" from the icon panel is now smart enough to
offer a menu of only the suppressed instances.
Previously, if you used the icon panel "Unsuppress", you would be
offered menus that contained all instances in the assembly as
instances to select to unsuppress. Now, the only instances offered
in the menu are those instances that are currently suppressed.
-> Hierarchy sort order is now saved in the user parameter file.
The hierarchy can be sorted; there is a sort button on the hierarchy
form. There is capability to do a primary, secondary, and tertiary
sort. When the user performs such a sort on a model file, that sort
order is remembered for that model file. The sort specification
that was used is also written to the user's parameter file.
That means that model files that have not had their hierarchies
explicitly sorted, will use the sort order from the user's parameter
file. This also means that if the user has a preferred sort order for
the hierarchy form, that sort order can be accomplished once, and all
future model files will by default use that same sort order.
-> Unusually high cpu usage while using Visualizer annotation
When using move or modify for visualizer annotations, cpu usage may
be unusually high and it may be difficult to change between modify
and move operations.
-> A new file import option is available to import Model
Solution batch results
File,import now has a "solver output result file" option.
This option can be used to import the .out file created by a batch
Model Solution analysis.
P8-811926 - Internal errors working with deleted section for assembly
If the section supporting an assembly cutout is deleted, internal
errors can result from trying to work in this state.
P8-802427 - Opening Manage_Bins is faster for a model file with many
The Manage_Bins form opens faster in I-DEAS 9m1 than in I-DEAS 9. A
model file with about 6400 items was used as the test. On NT,
Manage_Bins performance increased by 17%. On Unix, it increased by 19%.
P8-802427 - Increased performance in TDM forms especially Manage_Bins
when deleting items from a large list.
Performance has been increased when deleting items in a large list of
items. The control used to examine this was a model file with about 6400
items in one bin. When deleting item 1, that is the first item of the
6400 in the list the difference between I-DEAS 9 and I-DEAS 9m1 is
negligible. However when deleting the 3000th item in the list a 9X
improvement was observed. When the 6000th item in the list was deleted
a 9.5X improvement was observed.
P9-900715 - Performance improvement when graphing results from
mechanism solves.
Graphing results from a mechanism solution, using the Graph_XY method,
was slow in the intial release of I-DEAS 9. Users could see a delay
(minutes in some cases,) before the actual function plotting form came
up, especially for assemblies with complex parts. For I-DEAS 9m1, the
computation of rigid body properties has been removed from this
algorithm, providing a substantial improvement in performance of this
P8-812495 - Drawing fails to update until section views are deleted
Drawing is out of date, view borders are pink, but an update (or
complete update) has no effect.
Only after deleting the section views does the drawing update.
P8-812643 - Drawing cannot be checked into library due to invalid BOM.
Drawing cannot be checked into the library, the following errors result:
***Internal error in function emtxfer/emtExtractADB
***Internal error in function tlicil/tlicil_check_in_entity
P8-811692 - Purge and Delete no longer continue to purge or delete if
an incorrect state name has been entered.
Purge and Delete no longer continue to purge or delete if an incorrect
state name has been entered. You will continue to receive state name is
invalid popup until you either cancel and the invalid state name is
removed and you no longer have a state specification, or you correct
the invalid state name specification.
P8-818825 - Active pff plot maps no longer affects new plot map
If an existing plot map was active when a new map was created, the
first plot map would affect the .pff output even if it was deactivated
before exporting the .pff file.
P8-812559 - Bad BOM causes model file to crash upon save.
Get from Bin and File Save will cause I-DEAS to crash due to a
problem with the existing BOM.
P8-812343 - File->Open and select a non existent file, newly created
drawing displays last active drawing name (Drafting
1) start drafting standalone, create and save a drawing (i.e. Test1.asc)
3) select File, Open and input a name that doesn't exist at the OS
4) this will give you an Error in filing message in the list region
5) select Yes for "Create Drawing OK to save currently active drawing"
6) select Yes to Overwrite drawing
7) at this point the original drawing name still appears in the banner,
the new drawing was not created and you are not currently in a
P9-900689 - Incorrect Bill of Materials report from Master Assembly.
There were improvements made to the reporting of a bill of materials
in Master Assembly in I-DEAS 9. The new capabilities undermined the
correct creation of at least one of the bill of material reports. If an
assembly had multiple instances of the same part in different
subassemblies, an accurate count for each set of instances within each
subassembly was not possible if it was desired to have one line
summation for each occurrence within each subassembly. This has been
P9-900757 - Fixed position error when extracting part from an instance
in an assembly.
If a part were oriented when it was on the workbench and an
instance of that part were oriented within a parent assembly,
extracting the part geometry in the context of the assembly
should place the extracted part geometry coincident in space
with the position of the geometry of the instance in the assembly.
This did not always happen. This problem should be rectified.
P8-812645 - Check-in problem addressed
A particular assembly would not check in. It received internal errors
on check-in. This no longer occurs.
P8-812898 - If a user has read only access to a configured project,
they will no longer be able to create a new model file as
part of that project.
In a configured project if a user has R - Read only access at initial
state this user will no longer be able to create a model file in that
P8-813091 - Able to select all four options when exporting a package
file. File, Export, I-DEAS Library Data, Options...
When exporting library data, if options... was selected and all four
toggles turned on, I-DEAS would crash on Sun and HP. The crash no
longer occurs.
P8-812058 - dxfread places views off the sheet
If a dxf file with a negative paper space origin is read in the views
will be shifted off the Main Viewport.
P8-809564 - 101st attribute returns incorrect information when queried
via the Drafting programming language
When a symbol with >100 attributes is interrogated to extract the
attributes and their values, the 101st attribute is incorrect.
P8-811970 - igeswrite fails due to certain characters
igeswrite hangs when the drawing contains text strings with extended
ascii characters marked as EUC.
P8-812550 - dxfwrite is not clipping cross hatched views correctly
Fixes included to correct problems with dxfwrite and clipped view
P8-811997 - When running IDEAS Drafting Standalone, the Ctrl-Z command
is now disabled.
When running IDEAS Drafting Standalone, the Ctrl-Z command
is now disabled. This operation is not applicable to a model
file when running IDEAS Master Drafting in standalone mode.
P8-811909 - Multiline labels are no longer losing one or more lines
of text when the drawing is Put Away in the bin, and then
Get to workbench.
After creating a multiline label, if the drawing is Put Away in the
bin, then Get to Workbench, then double clicked on the label but make
no changes, then Cancel that operation, Put Away the drawing, then Get
it to Workbench, the label was losing lines of text. This problem has
been corrected.
P8-812075 - DXF files exported from IDEAS with view borders hidden, and
the view borders toggled OFF on the DXF Translator form, are
now remaining off after importing the DXF file into AutoCAD.
DXF files exported from IDEAS with view borders hidden, and the view
borders toggled OFF on the DXF Translator form, are now remaining off
after importing the DXF file into AutoCAD.
P9-900008 - Fix crash with adding a nonlinear time step to an empty
Fixed crash when removing all nonlinear time steps in a solution set
and then attempting to try to add a time step.
P8-812120 - DXF files exported from IDEAS now include attribute
IDEAS now correctly exports DXF files that include title block attribute
information. The exported file contains the symbol and all attribute
P8-809134 - Material usage lock has been added.
Material modification will now assign usages based on the set up of
the filters on the material form.
The following are considered:
* Is the material referenced?
* What applications have a usage on the material?
* What type of usage has the material been modified to satisfy?
For example, you may have a material that was assigned to the part.
Design has a Solid Modeling usage for this material. If you now
modify the material and change the filters to be Simulation Isotropic
and you enter in the Isotropic values.
When you hit okay or apply, you are prompted if you wish to assign
a Simulation usage to the material. If you accept, Simulation will
now have an Isotropic usage on the material.
If the material already had a Simulation usage, you would not be
prompted. Instead you would get the typical warning that the material
usage for the material would not change.
P8-811759 - Too many unnecessary ELSET exported to ABAQUS.
When exporting to ABAQUS, for shell elements, I-DEAS will create
different ELSET and ORIENTATION cards if both material orientation and
shell normal vector are different between elements. The problem is that
too many unnecessary ELSET are created even if there is no material
orientation. New ELSET will be created only if necessary.
P9-900593 - Fixed bugs which prevented entering functions for specified
nodal displacement restraints.
Fixed bugs which prevented entering functions for specified nodal
displacement restraints.
P8-812779 - Print History Crash
If a part history note has more than 483 characters, and a print is
attempted from manage bins, I-DEAS crashes. This is fixed in I-DEAS 9m1.
P8-808996 - I-DEAS NT crash with long feature names
On NT if a feature is renamed to a name that is 79 characters long,
I-DEAS will crash.
p9-900874 - Certain assemblies would crash I-DEAS when retrieving from
Certain assemblies would cause I-DEAS 9 to crash when retrieving from
the library.
P8-808928 - Curves do not wrap properly in both the x and y directions
when the curves to be wrapped are generated on an extruded
There was a bug in I-DEAS 9 and I-DEAS 8 in the wrap curves command.
If the curves that you want to wrap are created on an extruded surface,
they will not wrap properly in both the x and y directions.
P8-809765 - Problems with incomplete and incorrect DXF import/export
translations have been fixed in I9m1.
Multiple PIR's referring to DXF import/export problems, including
incomplete translations, incorrect content, dimension text orientation,
and scaling issues have all been fixed in I9m1.
P8-811192 - A problem with Master Drafting chamfer values being
modified after entities are rotated, translated, or
reflected has been corrected.
A problem with Master Drafting chamfer values being modified after
entities are rotated, translated, or reflected has been corrected.
P8-811936 - AutoCAD2000 drawing with large cross hatch areas now
imports successfully.
AutoCAD2000 drawings with large cross hatch areas will now import
successfully into IDEAS 9m1.
P8-811299 - Improved success rate of section views involving open parts.
Improved success rate of section views involving open parts.
P8-812148 - Master Drafting userprof programming asociated with the
Manage Bins Put Away command is now functioning correctly.
Master Drafting userprof programming asociated with the Manage Bins
Put Away command is now functioning correctly.
P8-812509 - dmadmin utility now will report user attributes for
unconfigured projects.
The content report of dmadmin does not report user attributes for
unconfigured projects.
P8-810792 - Added "Delete Invalid" equation to the assembly equation
Before the redesign of the user interface for assembly equations, there
was the ability to delete invalid equations. That capability was lost
with the new forms based interface for manipulating assembly equations.
This capability has been restored with the addition of a button on the
"Assembly Equations..." form to "Delete Invalid" equations.
P8-812202 - Master Drafting READ BSpline command output for faceted
splines is now functioning correctly.
Master Drafting READ BSpline command output (X,Y array coordinates) for
faceted splines is now functioning correctly.
P9-900874 - Crash on certain assembly retrieval from library has been
Certain data conditions existed that would cause I-DEAS to crash on
a retrieval of an assembly from the library. This has been rectified
for this certain data condition.
P8-812275 - Increase accuracy of beam element force reporting.
The precision of element force calulations for beam elements with
orientation angles has been improved.
P8-811026 - Selecting the "Use Strain" option in Fatigue Options causes
a failure during evaluation of fatigue safety factors.
If the "use strain" option is selected in fatigue options, the error
"event evaluation error" will occur while calculating fatige safety
P9-900006 - Invalid file names genreated when creating Visualizer
movie animation frames.
If the filename path entered when creating movie animation frames in
visualizer contains a more than one "." the file names generated for
each picture are invalid. ./my_movie.jpg is an example that fails.
P8-810370 - AVI files created during Visualizer animations can be
displayed on Windows based workstations.
Several new compression methods are available when creating avi movies
from Visualizer animations.
The new compression methods are only available on Windows based
Avi files created in Visualizer can now be displayed on Windows NT
and Windows 2000 workstations.
P8-811215 - Fix possible crashes when mapping reults in Post Processing.
A crash could occur when mapping results between different meshes
in post processing.
P8-812480 - When animating an element display in visualizer, the color bar
is now adjusted for the chosen element option.
Previously, when animating an element display in visualizer, the
color bar range was always based on the maximum element display option,
even if the user selected minimum, centroid, or average. Now the color
bar range is adjusted for the chosen element display option.
P8-812221 - Improved memory allocation for Model Solution on Windows
At times Model Solution was not able to allocate as much memory as
requested in the Model Solution memory settings. This problem has been
P9-900022 - Possible corruption of mesh sections created by Auto Create
In some instances Auto Create Sections in the Meshing task could
create corrupted Sections. This may occur when two adjacent sliver
surfaces share multiple edges.
P8-806611 - A warning is now issued when exporting a universal file
without specifying a filename.
A warning is now issued when exporting a universal file without
specifying a filename.
P8-811270 - Improved memory management during Visualizer animations
Memory usage during Visualizer animations has been minimized.
P8-812503 - User defined color bar settings in Visualizer no longer
change when the results set is changed.
If a color bar is defined in visualizer, including the amplitude of
individual color levels, the settings now remain in effect after the
result set being displayed is changed.
P9-900078 - Element split may cause unusual results
Using element,split on quadrilateral shells may split elements at a
location other than the center.
P8-812106 - Visualizer print includes unwanted windows.
When printing from Visualizer using the windows look and feel interface,
unwanted windows and menus are included in the print.
P9-900264 - Groups containing data entities are duplicated properly
when FE models are copied.
Groups that contain data surfaces and data edges remain intact when an
FE model is copied using manage,bins.
P8-812633 - Constraint equations not created correctly when mapped
meshing and free meshing adjacent volumes.
In special situations involving partitioned volumes, not all constraint
equations are created when a free mesh is defined adjacent to an
existing mapped mesh.
-> Copying Assembly FEMs
In previous releases it was possible to copy an Assembly FEM using the
"Manage Bins" form, this new Assembly FEM would then appear on the
"Create FEM from Assembly" form. This was a programming error, the
copied FEM should not have been recognized as an Assembly FEM.
This has been corrected in I-DEAS 9m1.
The work around to copy an Assembly FEM is to first bring the original
Assembly FEM up on the "Create FEM from Assembly" form. Then type in
a new name in the "Assembly FEM" dialog box and hit return to
apply the new name. The maps from the original will still be active
and can be updated on the new copy.
If the original Assembly FEM had results, the update arrows will be
greyed out, simply close the form and reopen it to make them active.
-> modifying the feature parameters for a Mesh of Curves
feature doesn't update properly in I9rel, but it does in I9m1
In the original release of I-DEAS9 the Mesh of Curves feature would not
always update properly when modified. For example replacing a cross
with another cross section would not update the feature.
-> A new list region warning has been added to the "measure"
command when the max perppendicular distance can't be calculated.
In previous releases whenever the max perpendicular distance
couldn't be calculated a bogus number was output. Now in
I-DEAS9ml the follwoing waring will go to the list region
Max. Perpendicular Distance cannot be calculated as the
projection of the entity does not lie on the target surface.
-> Relationships are no longer created between copies of
drawings back to legacy drafting setup, ascii, or binary
Attribute relationships to legacy drafting setups, ascii, or binary
drawings are no longer being created for drawings that are copies of
other drawings. Any copy action could have created these relationships
in the I-DEAS 8, 8m1, 8m2, 8m3, 8m4, and 9 timeframe. These
relationships can cause problems when migrating to I-DEAS Enterprise,
or sharing data between TDMs. Drawings that are copied as of I-DEAS 9m1
will no longer have this complication.
-> idfvfy.exe will no longer output memory debug messages.
idfvfy.exe had been outputting memory debug messages when running
against databases. It will no longer do that.
-> When doing a /ma idm the word heirarchy had been spelled
Running the command /ma idm the word hierarchy had been spelled
incorrectly it is now spelled correctly.
-> Certain combinations of user interaction could cause
infinite loop when creating an assembly pattern.
Certain actions on the part of the user during the creation of an
assembly pattern could make I-DEAS go into an infinite loop. The
cause of this behavior has been eliminated.
-> Large forms are being truncated on screen (Mold Cavity)
The 'options' form for the parting surface command isn't fitting on the
page. The top and bottom are cut off. The bottom cuttoff is the
prevents the ok,reset,cancel' buttons from beign selected.
-> Archive files, universal files, and heterogeneous data
sharing now support Instance user attributes.
Instance user attributes are now handled by archive and universal files.
Heterogeneous data sharing will also handle instance user attributes.
-> Rectangular pattern now displays all unsuppressed instances
of the patterned entity with yellow dots.
The Rectangular Pattern command was previously displaying some of the
unsuppressed patterned instances with yellow dots, and some with red.
Only suppressed instances of the pattern are to be displayed in red.
This problem has been corrected.
-> 3D associativies are now removed from Master Drafting
dimensions if the entities they are associated to are
modified into an invalid entity type.
3D associativies are now removed from Master Drafting dimensions
if the entities the dimensions are associated to are modified into an
invalid entity type. If an angular dimension is related to a line that
later is modified into a spline, then the solid association is removed
between the dimension and that spline.
-> Fixes a crash caused by entering a comma in the
distance/angle between field on the wireframe pattern form.
In I-DEAS 9 there was a bug on the wireframe pattern form. If you would
have entered a comma in the distance/angle between field to enter
multiple values, I-DEAS could possibly crash. This problem has been
fixed in I-DEAS 9m1.
-> Midside nodes are misplaced when generating parabolic
tetrahedrons on sections that have ignored surfaces.
Mesh generation of parabolic tetrahedrons can generate midside nodes
that are not located properly if the correct node location is on an
ignored section surface. This will cause unnecessary distortion in the
-> Using reset on the Temperature on Node form now resets the
temperature and element type.
Using reset on the Temperature on Node form now resets the temperature
and element type. Previously, the temperature fields were reset but the
element type was not.
-> Inconsitencies between the prompt and menu choices when
using replace curve to modify mesh sections.
At times, when using replace curve to modify mesh sections, the prompt
message will be "accept or flip connector location" but flip will not
be included in the menus.
-> Allow creation of coordinate systems when Variational
Analysis results exist.
This fix allows coordinate systems to be created if results from
Variational Analysis exist.
-> Quick help for dynamic group icons now works properly
Quick help for "create dynamic group" and "modify dynamic group" are
now working properly.
-> Seed selection is available for assembly instances on the
FE Entity Filter Form.
Seed selection is available for assembly instances on the FE Entity
Filter Form.
-> Visualizer annotations stay tied to finite element entities
during animation.
In Visualizer, 3d notes and probe annotations now follow the entities
they are tied to during animation.
-> Visualizer Probe on rigid and spring elements could produce
incorrect results.
Visualizer Probe on rigid and spring elements could produce incorrect
-> 3d notes in Visualizer remain in their border when panning
and zooming.
The text for 3d notes in Visualizer could leave it's border when
panning or zooming cause the note to become close to the edge of the
graphics window.
-> Prompts when using generate, sweeping have been improved
When selecting target surfaces or sections in the generate,sweeping
command, the prompt now indicates that only one surface or section may
be selected.
-> Visualizer cutting plane displays may cause a crash
Repeated cutting plane modifications with a large number of color bands
on the color bar may cause a crash in Visualizer.
NASTRAN Dataloader
* Bug fix related to assigning the correct Stress Reference
Coordinate System to PBUSH Physical Property.
P8-812498 - Fixed wrong ROTARY INERTIA and the default SECTION
- Wrong ROTARY INERTIA conversion when cross terms (Ixy, Ixz, Iyz)
from I-DEAS physical property table are negative.
- When Physical Property Table imported from NASTRAN, set default
P8-811759 - Too many unnecessary ELSET exported to ABAQUS.
When exporting to ABAQUS, for shell elements, I-DEAS will create
different ELSET and ORIENTATION cards if both material orientation
and shell normal vector are different between elements. The problem
is that too many unnecessary ELSET are created even if there is no
material orientation. In 9M1, I-DEAS will rigorously check. New ELSET
will be created only if necessary.
-> Large model performance: "Write Orientation Card" toggle in ABAQUS
Export does not work properly.
- If the material orientation vectors (MOV) exist, the user can turn
it OFF using "Write Orientation Card" toggle. The *ORIENTATION cards
are not written out but the ELSET cards related to MOV are still
written out. In I-DEAS 9m1, the ELSET cards related to MOV will not
be written if the toggle is OFF. This will increase the performance
substantially for large models.
ABAQUS dataloader
-> Stress Summary tables not written out if the geometry is not read
in (i.e. analysis only).
Stress Summary table is now written in the .sum file even if the
geometry is not requested by the user. Previously, you had to read in
the results AND the geometry (at least ELSET and NSET information) to
produce those tables.
ABAQUS Input File Reader
P8-806765, P8-811708, P8-811767 -
* composite SAX elements readable
* TRANSFORM keyword readable (fully supported in I10)
* End of file format problem fixed
* Improved memory allocation
* Improved NFILL and NSET keywords support
* Improved NGEN support
* Various bug fixes
- Some keywords reported as "supported" in I-DEAS 8m4 and 9.0 are not
(develOPMent made but tests showed insufficient stability): DASHPOT,
SPRING, GAP, PLASTIC. Those will be supported in I-DEAS 10.
1) TMG/ESC performance enhancement using binary files
A new advanced solver option allows the writing of intermediate files
(MODLCF, MODLF and VUFF) in binary format. This option will speed up
TMG/ESC solves and reduce file sizes. This option can be invoked by
activating the BIN option on the Advanced Solver Options form. These
files can be converted back to ascii format through the TMG executive
menu with the 'FC' option.
2) Improved message file format for TMG solves
The message file format has been dramatically improved making it
easier to read messages in the solution monitor window for TMG solves.
3) New method to compute length scale for mixing length model in ESC
A more reasonable approach is being used to calculate the turbulent
length scale for the mixing length turbulence model when using the
auto calculate option:
L = k * Volume / Wetted_Area, where k is a constant.
Examining different duct configurations (square duct, cylinder,
spherical volume, cylinder inside cylinder), it was found that k
varies between 1 and 3. A value of 2 is selected by default. A length
scale is computed for each fluid sub-domain.
4) TMG/ESC performance enhancement using patches for large radiation
A new advanced solver option allows the automatic merging of adjacent
Oppenheim elements into radiative patches. This method can enormously
simplify the part of the matrix representing radiative exchange,
reduce memory and CPU usage, with a relatively small decrease in
5) New humidity option in ESC
Two additional equations have been added to model the transport and
diffusion of humidity and of a second component in the flow. The
solution of the humidity equation enables the user to identify
regions of the flow domain that are prone to condensation, while the
solution of the second component allows to model the mixing of the
second gas with the main fluid, or the diffusion and transport of
tracer-type particles in the flow.
6) Automatic time step calculation for transient runs
This option allows the integration time step during transient runs to
be automatically enlarged based on a maximum temperature change
criterion. The value specified here is the maximum allowable
temperature change in a given integration time step. The maximum
temperature change in an integration time step is estimated by TMG.
If this value is less than the value specified here, then the
integration time step is appropriately increased. The objective of
this option is to reduce calculation time.
This option allows you to use articulation with many other TMG
features that were previously unsupported with articulation. When
this option is selected, TMG will re-run the preprocessor modules
ECHOS through to MEREL for each calculation point in the orbit or, if
no orbit is defined, in the articulation parameters. The time-varying
heat loads and radiative conductances determined in each run are
then compiled into time dependent tables in the ANP module. Use this
option, for example, if you want to use articulation together with
ray-tracing or the hemicube method. This option does not yet support
time-varying thermal couplings that arise from articulating geometry.
This option allows the merging of the Oppenheim elements of those
elements that are merged into each other. By default, this is not
done. This option can considerably speed up the run-time at some
slight cost in accuracy.
9) Performance improvement when defining element thicknesses using
data surface
The performance of the solve in models with element thicknesses
defined by data surfaces has been improved by the use of new
1) TMG transient results not always recovered at specified times
For some transient models, results were not recovered at the exact
times specified by the user. This has been corrected by creating a
new TABTYPE option called PRINT, which replaces the existing DTP
2) Closing command prompt window terminates solution and I-DEAS
On both Windows NT and Windows 2000, a command prompt window starts
when the TMG/ESC solution monitor starts. If this command prompt
window is closed (by clicking on the `x` in the upper right-hand
corner), then the TMG/ESC solution monitor instantly disappears and
I-DEAS is shut down.
3) AMBIENT element considered to be a SPACE element
If a free convection entity uses the convect to ambient option AND
some elements in the model have material orientation vectors defined
AND the part origin is not at (0,0,0), then the AMBIENT element will
be treated as a SPACE element.
4) Wrong recirculation fan delta T values used in ESC solves.
In some cases (models with multiple recirculation fans and with
temperature units other that Kelvin), the solve would use wrong
recirculation fan delta T values. This was caused by wrong units
conversion of these values.
5) Problems with the Sketch button in the ESC Fan and Vent forms
The Sketch button in the ESC Fan and Vent forms now behaves properly
when elements have been selected.
1) PCB.x IDF pre and post processor
It is now possible to specify pre and post processors to be applied
to the IDF files before the import and after the export. This is done
through the pcbx.ini file. The syntax is the following:
IDFReadPreProcessor="$MAYA_PCB/idf-cleanup.exe $brdfile $libfile"
The above line will pre process the IDF files using the program
'idf-cleanup.exe', passing it the board file and the library file
names respectively as arguments.
IDFWritePostProcessor="/usr/local/idf-remove-holes.exe $brdfile"
The above line will post process the IDF files using the program
'idf-remove-holes.exe', passing it the board file only.
The pre and post processors must be supplied by the user. $brdfile
and $libfile are internal symbols that represent the board and
library file respectively. They will be replaced by the real file
names before invoking the pre/post processors.
2) Optional update of I-DEAS board part/assembly when writing to
Previously, PCB.xchange would stop with an error when trying to
override an existing I-DEAS board part or assembly. In I-DEAS 9m1,
the users will have the option of comparing/updating the board part
or assembly, or cancel the operation.
1) The use of parts from libraries would cause PCB.xchange to crash
in I-DEAS Enterprise installations.
Note: the use of parts from libraries is NOT supported in I-DEAS
Enterprise installations. It is ignored by PCB.xchange. This
functionality is being considered for future releases.
2) Write to IDF form behavior
After modifying the file name in the "Write to IDF" form, users had
to modify another field to make the file name change effective.
3) IDF 2 files with 360 deg. arcs
Prior to I-DEAS 9m1, PCB.xchange could export IDF 2 files with 360
degree arcs. This is not supported in IDF-2 and could cause problems
in other systems. 360 degree arcs are now split in 2 half circles.
There are no known issues with this release at this time.
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