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CAD/CAM/CAE/设计/模具 高清视频【积分说明】如何快速获得积分?快速3D打印 手板模型CNC加工服务在线3D打印服务,上传模型,自动报价
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发表于 2003-11-5 15:48:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本例程能够根据给定的直径、齿数和角度绘制齿轮轮廓线。绘成 的轮廓是连续的polyline,能方便地进行三维延伸等处理。不过其中曲线生成采用的数据是根据美国机械行业标准,用的时候可能要根据自己的需要修改。 </P>&lt>〖安装〗  
将"程序代码"一节的文本裁剪下来,保存成名为"SUPRGEAR.LSP"的 文本文件;将这个文件拷贝到AutoCAD的系统目录中。 </P>&lt>〖使用〗  
在AutoCAD命令行键入:(load "suprgear")  
然后执行:SG,按程序中的提示操作即可。 </P>&lt>〖程序代码〗  
;;;begain suprgear.lsp  
;SPURGEAR.LSP - a lisp program by Tony Hotchkiss  
; This routine draws a spur gear using joined  
; polylines. It lets you use any pressure angle  
; to design the gear teeth.  
(defun err (s)  
(if (= s "Function cancelled")  
(princ "\nSPURGEAR - cancelled: ")  
(progn (princ "\nSPURGEAR - Error: ") (princ s)  
); if  
(princ "SYSTEM VARIABLES have been reset\n")  
); err </P>&lt>(defun setv (systvar newval)  
(setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))  
(set x (getvar systvar))  
(setvar systvar newval)  
); setv </P>&lt>(defun setting ()  
(setq oerr *error*)  
(setq *error* err)  
(setv "CMDECHO" 0)  
(setv "BLIPMODE" 0)  
); end of setting  
(defun rsetv (systvar)  
(setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))  
(setvar systvar (eval x))  
); restv  
(defun resetting ()  
(rsetv "CMDECHO")  
(rsetv "BLIPMODE")  
(setq *error* oerr)  
); end of resetting </P><P>(defun dxf (code ename)  
(cdr (assoc code (entget ename)))  
); dxf </P><P>(defun spurgear (/ D N phi DO RO A B DR DB inv-plst p1  
trimcode invent p0 p curvent linent linent2 ent2 p2)  
(setq D (getreal "\nPitch diameter: ")  
N (getint "\nNumber of teeth: ")  
phi (getreal "\nPressure angle: ")  
phi (* (/ phi 180) pi) ; Pressure angle  
DO (* D (+ (/ 2.0 N) 1.0)); Outside diameter  
RO (/ DO 2.0) ; Outside radius  
A (/ D N) ; Addendum  
B (* 1.25 A) ; Dedendum  
DR (- D (* B 2.0)) ; Root diameter  
DB (* D (cos phi)) ; Base circle dia.  
inv-plst (involute DB N phi);involute points  
trimcode nil  
); setq  
(command "ZOOM" (list 0 (- B))  
(list RO (/ RO 1.5))  
); command  
(setq invent (draw-inv inv-plst)); Draw involute.  
(setq p0 (car inv-plst)  
trimcode (ext-trim p0 DR D);trim or extend  
); setq ; the involute.  
(if (and trimcode (= trimcode 0))  
(progn ; Joins the involute to the extension.  
(setq p (list (/ DR 2.0) 0))  
(command "PEDIT" p "Y" "J" invent "" "X")  
(setq curvent (entlast))  
); progn  
(setq curvent (entlast))  
); if  
(if (null trimcode) (setq curvent invent))  
(setq linent (draw-top-line D DB N RO)); top line.  
(command "COPY" linent "" "0,0" "0,0")  
(setq linent2 (entlast))  
(setq ent2 (mir-it curvent linent)); mirror curve  
(command "PEDIT" curvent "J" linent ent2 "" "X")  
(segment DR N linent2) ; Finish the job!  
(setq p1 (list (- RO) (- RO)))  
(setq p2 (list RO RO))  
(command "ZOOM" p1 p2)  
(prompt "\nConverting to POLYLINE, please wait...")  
(command "PEDIT" (entlast) "J" "C" p1 p2 "" "X")  
(prompt "\nAll done!")  
); spurgear </P><P>(defun involute (DB N phi / numer denom frac theta2max  
thetamax theta-inc theta plist RB xval yval p)  
(setq invfact 3)  
(setq numer (+ N 2.0)  
denom (* N (cos phi))  
frac (/ numer denom)  
theta2max (- (* frac frac) 1)  
thetamax (sqrt theta2max)  
theta-inc (/ thetamax (float invfact))  
theta 0  
plist nil  
RB (/ DB 2.0)  
); setq  
(repeat (1+ invfact)  
(setq xval (do-x RB theta)  
yval (do-y RB theta)  
p (list xval yval)  
plist (append plist (list p))  
); setq  
(setq theta (+ theta theta-inc))  
); repeat  
); involute </P><P>(defun do-x (RB theta)  
(* RB (+ (cos theta) (* theta (sin theta))))  
); do-x </P><P>(defun do-y (RB theta)  
(* RB (- (sin theta) (* theta (cos theta))))  
); do-y </P><P>(defun draw-inv (inv-plst / dirpt plist p)  
(command "PLINE" (nth 0 inv-plst))  
(setq dirpt (polar (nth 0 inv-plst) 0 1))  
(command "A" "D" dirpt)  
(setq plist (cdr inv-plst))  
(foreach p plist (command p))  
(command "")  
); draw-inv </P><P>(defun ext-trim (p0 DR D / trimcode dist endr)  
(if (> (car p0) (/ DR 2.0)) ; Extends the involute  
(command "LINE" (list (/ DR 2.0) 0) p0 "")  
(setq trimcode 0)  
); progn  
); if  
(if (< (car p0) (/ DR 2.0)) ; Trims the involute  
(command "CIRCLE" "0,0" "D" DR); Root circle  
(setq dist (- (/ D 2.0) (car p0)))  
(command "ZOOM" p0  
(polar p0 0.6 dist))  
(setq endr (entlast))  
(command "TRIM" endr "" p0 "")  
(command "ZOOM" "P")  
(entdel endr)  
(setq trimcode 1)  
); progn  
); if  
); ext-trim </P><P>(defun draw-top-line (D DB N RO / theta-p xp yp alpha  
beta tang angend inv-endpt lend)  
(setq theta-p (sqrt (- (* (/ D DB) (/ D DB)) 1.0))  
xp (do-x (/ DB 2.0) theta-p); This section  
yp (do-y (/ DB 2.0) theta-p); sets up angles  
alpha (atan yp xp) ; for drawing a  
abeta (angle (list 0 0) (last inv-plst))  
beta (- abeta alpha) ; line across the  
tang (/ pi N) ; top of a tooth  
angend (- (+ alpha tang) beta)  
inv-endpt (last inv-plst); This also creates  
lend (polar (list 0 0) angend RO); the tooth  
); setq ; thickness.  
(command "LINE" inv-endpt lend ""); Draws the line  
); draw-top-line </P><P>(defun mir-it (cvent linent / pt)  
(setq pt (dxf 11 linent))  
(command "MIRROR" cvent "" "MID" pt "0,0" "")  
); mir-it </P><P>(defun segment (DR N en / p1 p2 ang dist midp p0 pang  
pang2 p p3 ent3 entl1 entl2 en1 en2)  
(setq p1 (dxf 10 en)  
p2 (dxf 11 en)  
ang (angle p1 p2)  
dist (/ (distance p1 p2) 2.0)  
midp (polar p1 ang dist)  
p0 (list 0 0)  
pang (angle p0 midp)  
pang2 (/ pi N)  
p (polar p0 pang (/ DR 2.0))  
p1 (polar p0 (- pang pang2) (/ DR 2.0))  
p2 (polar p0 (+ pang pang2) (/ DR 2.0))  
p3 (polar p0 (+ pang pang2 pang2) (/ DR 2.0))  
ent3 (entlast); This is the tooth p-line  
); setq  
(command "ZOOM" "W" p3 p1)  
(command "CIRCLE" "0,0" "D" DR) ;Root circle  
(command "TRIM" ent3 "" p ""); Trim the root circle  
(command "ZOOM" "P")  
(command "LINE" p0 p1 "")  
(setq entl1 (entlast))  
(command "LINE" p0 p2 "")  
(setq entl2 (entlast))  
(command "TRIM" entl1 entl2 "" p3 "")  
(entdel entl1)  
(entdel entl2)  
(entdel en)  
(command "ZOOM" "W" p3 p1)  
(command "PEDIT" p1 "Y" "X")  
(setq en1 (entlast))  
(command "PEDIT" p2 "Y" "X")  
(setq en2 (entlast))  
(command "PEDIT" en1 "J" midp en2 "" "X")  
(command "ZOOM" "P")  
(command "ARRAY" p1 "" "P" "0,0" N "360" "Y")  
); segment </P><P>(defun c:sg ()  
); c:sg </P><P>(prompt "\n**SPURGEAR.LSP Loaded!")  
(prompt "\n Enter 'SG' to start")  
;;;end suprgear.lsp
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发表于 2003-11-6 20:35:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-11-8 11:27:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-11-28 09:31:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-11-28 13:59:45 | 只看该作者
由於AutoCAD版本更新時多少會更動指令與系統變數,及改變Group code,
发表于 2003-11-28 18:06:05 | 只看该作者
guanzhangyang wrote:

  B  )    两码合在一起就是   ----->   B)  
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