
标题: 【初学者园地】ug环境设置(抢分大行动) [打印本页]

作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-5 17:29
标题: 【初学者园地】ug环境设置(抢分大行动)
作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-5 17:36
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-5 17:40
作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-5 17:46
UG的一些設定值(转自CAD/CAM自由空间 )
UG_systemColor: 為設定系統顏色
UG_initialPartDir: 為設定起始圖檔位置
UG_initialGripDir: 為設定GRIP位置
UG_initialUFunDir: 為設定USER FUNCTION位置
UG_initialMacroDir: 為設定MARCO位置
UG_initialIgsDir: 為設定IGES位置
UG_initialStpDir: 為設定STEP位置
UG_initialDxfDir: 為設定DXF位置
UG_initialTransLogDir: 為設定LOG位置
UG_layersInList: 有all, selectable, objects 三個,建議用OBJECTS
UG_showObjectCount: 建議ON
UG_showCategoryNames: 建議ON
Solids_undoFileSize:4095.000 UNDO暫存,最大值到4095
Solids_tolerDist_EU: 0.0010 ! Inches 英制公差
Solids_tolerDist_MU: 0.0254 ! mm 公制公差
Solids_tolerAngl: 0.5000 ! degrees 角度公差
怎样改ug背景色? (来源:.华南网木棉站 bbs.gznet.edu.cn)
Solids_FreeFormConstructionResult: 0 建議若是做機構用0比較好,若是造型用1比較好
preferences->visualization->color palette->edit background  
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-5 17:51
作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-5 18:08
作者: jyman    时间: 2002-3-5 18:13
The following resource controls the availability of interpart expressions,
! and WAVE geometry linking.(不用翻译了吧!)
! Valid options are: [yes, no]
Assemblies_AllowInterPart: yes
使用装配的时候这个一定要注意!尤其是MOLDWIZARD。 by idesign
作者: ybo14    时间: 2002-3-5 18:28
写出变动在哪里就最好了。。。 by idesign
作者: 3dcad    时间: 2002-3-5 18:28
1 建立自己的模板文件
2 建立你自己的缺省文件
set HOMEDRIVE=H:————这是你放置ug文件的驱动器
set HOMEPATH=\it4\————这是你放置ugii_env.dat和ug_metric.def文件的目录。
d:\eds140\ugii\UGICON.BAT ogl auto————这是你UG软件。
a、将/usr/eds140/ugii/目录下的文件.ugii_env(注意这个文件是隐含文件,你要用ls -a才能看到)和ug_english.def拷贝到你自己的目录下
b、键入命令chmod 755 .ugii_env ug_metric.def修改读写属性,以便你能修改他们。
UGII_DEFAULTS_FILE=${UGII_BASE_DIR}/ugii/ug_english.def 改为:
UGII_DEFAULTS_FILE=/stc/it4/ug_metric.def (具体路径要看你自己文件放在哪)
1、尽量不用transform 拷贝实体,而用instance
3、尽量使用boss pad hole slot之类的feature
启动 UG, 打开UG part 文件,进入Modeling.  
Toolbox->Expression->export 产生 name.exp 文件.  
Start->rogram->Unigraphics V1x.0->UG Command Prompt  
Cd d:\ugs150(eds140)\ugii  
Ug_convert_part 杋n (-mm) name.prt  
Close UG part 文件, 重新打开 UG part 文件。进入Modeling.  
Toolbox->Expression->Import with option(Replace Existing)  
1、选择assemblies->change work part。让将被处理的零件作为当前工作零件。
2、选择菜单arrange->attributes->part attributes
这样设定后,此零件在装配剖视图中将不进行剖切处理。如果希望进行剖切 ,只须将零件属性值由”NO“改为”YES“。
作者: ybo14    时间: 2002-3-5 18:29
请直接写变动在哪里就是了。。。 by idesign
作者: ybo14    时间: 2002-3-5 18:30
作者: Jeriflee    时间: 2002-3-5 21:37
2. 更改ugii_metric.def文件中变量
  Assemblies_AllowInterPart: yes
  Assemblies_AllowPromotions: yes
作者: ybo14    时间: 2002-3-5 21:41
ybo14 wrote:
请直接写变动在哪里就是了。。。 by idesign

作者: pepsi    时间: 2002-3-5 23:02
darkhorse wrote:
UG_systemColor: 為設定系統顏色
UG_initialPartDir: 為設定起始圖檔位置
UG_initialGripDir: 為設定GRIP位置
UG_initialUFunDir: 為設定USER FUNCTION位置
UG_initialMacroDir: 為設定MARCO位置
UG_initialIgsDir: 為設定IGES位置
UG_initialStpDir: 為設定STEP位置
UG_initialDxfDir: 為設定DXF位置
UG_initialTransLogDir: 為設定LOG位置
UG_layersInList: 有all, selectable, objects 三個,建議用OBJECTS
UG_showObjectCount: 建議ON
UG_showCategoryNames: 建議ON
Solids_undoFileSize:4095.000 UNDO暫存,最大值到4095
Solids_tolerDist_EU: 0.0010 ! Inches 英制公差
Solids_tolerDist_MU: 0.0254 ! mm 公制公差
Solids_tolerAngl: 0.5000 ! degrees 角度公差
Solids_FreeFormConstructionResult: 0 建議若是做機構用0比較好,若是造型用1比較好

作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-6 08:43
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-6 09:36
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-6 18:54
作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-6 19:06
它是以ASCII文件的方式定义的,用户可以用ASCII码编辑器编辑一个User Tool Definition 文件(.utd),需要的时候可以通过Tools->Customize->User Tools->Load调出来。User Tools可以执行菜单命令(menu items)、宏文件(macros)、UG/Open API 与UG/Open GRIP程序或者其它的User Tools。它通常有两种形式dialog与toolbar。
作者: peterqin    时间: 2002-3-6 23:10
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-7 09:08
作者: haha    时间: 2002-3-7 09:36
开开 wrote:

工具条 上可以按需要 定制 .
视图工具条 缺省情况下只有 三维和顶视,想要 左视,右视,..就可自定义 加上
作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-7 10:06
作者: iham    时间: 2002-3-7 12:32
於下列目錄:  c:/ugs180/ugII/menus  找到  ug_view_popup.men  ,用 notepad 打開,參照它已有的快捷鍵定義語法,去定義mouse右擊菜單中新的快捷鍵或修改已有的快捷鍵;
在 ug_main.men  中可以變更主工具條的快捷鍵
作者: meengen    时间: 2002-3-7 20:59
1.1.  ugii_env.dat
UGII_SURFACE_FINISH  :ON             使能使用面加工符号
UGII_WELD_SYMBOL    :ON             使能使用焊缝符号
UGII_CHARACTER_FONT_DEFAULT=chinesef          使用的字体(必要的话)
1.2.  ug_metric.def
Assemblies_AllowInterPart=yes              允许装配中零件间建模
Sketch_DimensionColor:73       !Light Red草图线条的颜色
Drafting_projectionAngle: first
1.3.  ug_smd.def
SMD_HoleDiameter_MU:  3.2000
SMD_HoleDepth_MU:  1.0000
SMD_SlotLength_MU:  5.0000
SMD_SlotWidth_MU:  2.5000
SMD_BendRadius_MU:  0.0001
SMD_BridgeInsideRadius_MU:  1.0000
SMD_BridgeThickness_MU:  1.0000
SMD_GenflgThickness_MU: 1.0000
SMD_GenflgRadius_MU:  0.0001
SMD_GenflgLength_MU:  2.0000
SMD_FlangeMaterialThickness_MU:  1.0000
SMD_FlangeWidth_MU:  5.0000
SMD_FlangLength_MU:  5.0000
SMD_FlangeRadius_MU: 0.0001
SMD_FlangeLengthOption:  contour
SMD_InstflngThickness_EU:  1.0000
SMD_InstflngWidth_MU:  5.0000
SMD_InstflngLength_MU:   5.0000
SMD_InstflngRadius_MU:  0.0001
SMD_InstflngRPOMethod: auto
SMD_InstflngWidthOpion: use_expression
SMD_InstflngInsetOption: use_expression
SMD_InstflngLeftRelieOption: rectangular
SMD_InstflngRightRelieOption: rectangular
SMD_InstflngLengthOption:  contour
SMD_BeadCircularRadius_MU:  1.0000
SMD_BeadHeight_MU:  2.0000
SMD_BeadPlacementWidth_MU:  5.0000
SMD_BeadSecondaryWidth_MU:  5.0000
SMD_BeadAttaccBead:  yes
SMD_BeadHollowBead:  yes
SMD_MultibendMaterialThickness_MU:  1.0000
SMD_MultibendRadius_MU:  0.0001
作者: yeahbee    时间: 2002-3-8 00:18
作者: richardlee8    时间: 2002-3-8 10:17
作者: lijd    时间: 2002-3-8 10:45
UG的繪圖區背景顏色更改,打開 ug_metric.def  OR   ug_english.def  檔案
  Valid options are: [Plain, Graduated]
    UG_default_shaded_background_type: Plain
    UG_default_wire_background_type: Plain
如果想要和UG17環境一樣為黑色,就設為 Plain.
作者: zrb_tj    时间: 2002-3-8 16:06
作者: 阿浩    时间: 2002-3-9 12:10
我再做截面线的时候总是要把 Section Curve 中的Associative Output 关掉,有没有什么变量修改后可以一劳永逸?
作者: idesign    时间: 2002-3-9 12:14
阿浩 wrote:
我再做截面线的时候总是要把 Section Curve 中的Associative Output 关掉,有没有什么变量修改后可以一劳永逸?

  1. ! Allow the user to set the default for the Associative toggle in the
  2. ! Trim Curve function. This toggle controls if a feature is created
  3. ! reflecting the trim desired.
  4. ! The valid options are:
  5. ! on    -> Toggle is set on
  6. ! off   -> Toggle is set off
  7. Solids_TrimCurve_Associative:off

作者: haha    时间: 2002-3-9 14:22
! ****************************************************************************
! **                                                                        **
! **                  U N I G R A P H I C S   G A T E W A Y                 **
! **                                                                        **
! ****************************************************************************
! Initial Units - Controls which unit type will be selected for any value  
!                 needed prior to a new part operation or loading an existing
!                 part.  It also sets the default position of the "Units"  
!      toggle button on the "New Part" File Selection Dialog.  
! Valid options are: [English, Metric]  
UG_initialUnits:    Metric
! Pick Ball Size - This option controls the default pick ball size.  This
!                  determines the radius used by selection to identify
!                  candidate objects in the immediate vicinity of the
!                  selection cursor.
! Valid options are:
!                  1 == small
!                  2 == medium
!                  3 == large
! Crosshair Display - This option controls whether or not the crosshairs are
!                     displayed when the selection and position-indication
!                     cursors are displayed.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
! Confirmation - This option allows the user to specify whether the
!                selection confirmation dialog will always
!                appear or only appear when the confirmation gesture is used.
!                Choices are 'always' and  'gesture'.
!                Default is 'always'.
!                    always - Always confirm
!                    gesture - Confirm with Ctrl-MB1
! Object Type Confirmation - This option allows the user to specify which
!                            types of objects should be confirmed.  
!                            Default is 'features'.
!                            features - Confirm edges, faces, bodies and
!                                       features.
!                            all - Confirm all types of objects. This includes
!                                  edges, faces, bodies and features; and also
!                                  includes all other selectable object types  
!                                  like points, curves, dimensions,  
!                                  boundaries, etc.
! PreSelection Highlighting - This option controls whether or not pre-selection
!                             highlighting is done during selection operations.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
! preSelectionDelay - This option controls the delay from the time you stop
!                     moving the mouse to the time a preselection is performed
!                     at the current cursor location.
!                     Smaller values will provide more "immediate" preselection
!                     feedback, but will result in more *frequent* preselections
!                     as you move the cursor around during a selection
!                     operation.  This is therefore more suitable when working
!                     with geometry that is fast to select, such as most
!                     wireframe geometry (i.e. curves).
!                     Larger values allow you to move the cursor around more
!                     freely without incurring the expense of a preselection
!                     until you deliberately stop moving the cursor for the
!                     duration of the delay (as described below).  This is
!                     therefore more suitable when working with geometry that
!                     is slower to select, such as certain types of solid
!                     bodies.
! Valid options are:  0 == No Delay;  preselections will be performed
!                          "continuously" as the cursor is being moved around
!                          in the graphics window.
!                     [1..20]:  "1" maps to the minimum delay required to
!                                properly detect that the cursor has, at least
!                               momentarily, stopped moving;  this is generally
!                               around 0.02 seconds.
!                               "20" maps to 0.25 seconds;  this is the
!                               maximum delay.
!                               All other values map to evenly distributed
!                               delay values between the minimum and maximum.
! Rectangle Method - This option allows the user to specify the default
!                    method for rectangle/polygon selection.
!                    Default is inside/crossing.
!                    Choices are: inside, outside, crossing,
!                                 inside/crossing, outside/crossing.
UG_selRectangleMethod:            inside/crossing
! Undo Confirmation - This option allows the user to specify whether
!                     a confirmation dialog should be presented prior to
!                     performing an Undo.  The value can also be set
!                     under the UI Preferences dialog.  Default is off.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
!                          on  - An Undo Confirmation dialog is presented
!                          off - An Undo Confirmation dialog is not presented
UG_undoConfirmation:             off
! Display Dialogs  - This option allows the user to specify whether the dialogs
!                   should be displayed during playback.
!                   The value can also be set under the UI Preferences dialog.
!                   Default is off.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
!                          on  - The dialogs are displayed (visible) during
!                                Macro playback.
!                          off - The dialogs are not displayed (invisible) during
!                                Macro playback.
UG_showPlaybackDialogs:        off
! Record Macro Transformations:  - This option allows the user to specify whether
!                                  all the transformations should be recorded to the
!                                  macro file. If this option is set to "off" only
!                                  the last transformation will be recorded to the
!                                  macro file.
!                                  Default is off.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
!                          on  - All the transformations will be recorded.
!                          off - Last transformation will be recorded only.
UG_macroRecordAllTransforms:       off
! Font Display Mode - Controls the line font mode used to display curves.
!          If set to Software Fonts, the system draws objects in  
!          the specified software font.  
!          If set to Hardware Fonts, objects are drawn using  
!                     the fonts designed for faster Display Regeneration  
!          operations.
! Valid options are: [hardware, software]  
UG_fontDisplayMode:      hardware
! Color, Line Font and Width Assignments
! The following settings control the color, line font and width of objects at
! object creation time.
! The <object_type><Color|LineFont|Width> settings control the object creation
! color, line font and width of objects of type object_type.
! The object<Color|LineFont|Width> settings control the object creation color,
! line font and width of objects whose type does not have specific color,
! line font and width settings.
! Valid color options are: [1-216]  
! (  Pre-V17 values were:    blue (1), green (2), cyan (3), red (4), magenta (5),  
!                            yellow (6), white (7), olive (8), pink (9), brown (10),  
!                            orange (11), purple (12), dark-red (13), aquamarine (14), gray (15) )
! Valid line font options are: [solid, dashed, phantom, centerline, dotted,
!                               long_dashed, dotted_dashed]
! Valid width options are: [thin, normal, thick]
UG_objectColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;2
UG_objectLineFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;solid
UG_objectWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;normal
! Type Specific Color, Line Font and Width Assignments
! The following settings control the object creation color, line font and width
! of specific types of objects.
! Valid color options are: [default, 1-216]  
! (  Pre-V17 values were:    blue (1), green (2), cyan (3), red (4), magenta (5),  
!                            yellow (6), white (7), olive (8), pink (9), brown (10),  
!                            orange (11), purple (12), dark-red (13), aquamarine (14), gray (15) )
! Valid line font options are: [default, solid, dashed, phantom, centerline,
!                               dotted, long_dashed, dotted_dashed]
! Valid width options are: [default, thin, normal, thick]
! Point Settings
!     (Note: line font and width settings are invalid for this type)
UG_pointColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Line Settings
UG_lineColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_lineFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_lineWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Arc Settings
UG_arcColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_arcFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_arcWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Conic Settings  (i.e. Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola)
UG_conicColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_conicFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_conicWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Spline Settings
UG_splineColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_splineFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_splineWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Coordinate System Settings
!     (Note: line font and width settings are invalid for this type)
UG_csysColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Solid Body Settings
UG_solidBodyColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_solidBodyFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_solidBodyWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Sheet Body Settings
UG_sheetBodyColor: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_sheetBodyFont: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
UG_sheetBodyWidth: &nbsp;&nbsp;default
! Plane, Datum Plane and Datum Axis Settings
!     (Note: line font and width settings are invalid for these types)
UG_planeAndDatumColor:  14
! System Color - Controls the default system color, which governs the color  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of view names and borders, the WCS, the grid, and temporarily  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; displayed items such as spline vertices, knotpoints, conehead
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; vectors, asterisks in the Point Subfunction, etc.  
!                Also controls the color used for highlighting during selection
!  PreSelection Color - Controls the color used for pre-selection highlighting.
! Handles Color - This is the color used for the display of all handles.
! Valid color options are: [1-216]  
! (  Pre-V17 values were:    blue (1), green (2), cyan (3), red (4), magenta (5),  
!                            yellow (6), white (7), olive (8), pink (9), brown (10),  
!                            orange (11), purple (12), dark-red (13), aquamarine (14), gray (15) )
UG_preSelectionColor:   5  
UG_handlesColor:        6
! Work Plane Emphasis - Allows objects on the work plane to be emphasized by
!                       dimming out objects off the work plane. Dimmed objects
!                       can be made non-selectable.
!                       Valid options for objects off work plane are
!                             0 => Normal display
!                             1 => dim and selectable
!                             2 => dim and non-selectable
!                       Valid options for the dimming color are:
!                             [blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, white,
!                              olive, pink, brown, orange, purple, dark-red,
!                              aquamarine, gray]
UG_objectsOffWorkPlane:    0
UG_workPlaneDimColor:      15
! Grid Parameters - Controls the grid type and distance (spacing) between  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    points when the grid is used.   
! Valid options are: [rectangular, polar]  
UG_gridType:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;        rectangular   
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]  
UG_gridSpacingX_EU:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0.25 ! Inches
UG_gridSpacingY_EU:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0.25 ! Inches
UG_gridRadialSpacing_EU:        0.25 ! Inches
UG_gridSpacingX_MU:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.00 ! mm  
UG_gridSpacingY_MU:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.00 ! mm  
UG_gridRadialSpacing_MU:        6.00 ! mm  
! Valid range is: [0.0 - 360.0]  
UG_gridAngularSpacing:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15.0 ! Degrees  
! Display Tolerance  - Controls the display tolerance which affects the
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;       system's response time during Display Regeneration
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;       operations.
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;       segments approximating the curve and the actual curve.
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;       Larger tolerances result in faster Display Regeneration
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;       operations, but smaller values produce smoother curves.
!                      The default tolerance of 0.005 produces smooth curves
!                      when the display is initially regenerated, but can
!                      lead to jagged curves at high zoom scales.   Update
!                      Display can then be used to produce smooth curves
!                      again.
!                      Note: The value given always results in the same
!                      maximum deviation, regardless of whether the part
!                      has metric or English units.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
! Shaded display update mode - Controls what objects are updated/refaceted
!           during a display update operation.
!           valid ranges are visible, all, none
!      visible - objects within or touching the clipped view volume will
!                be updated.
!      all - all objects will be updated
!      none - no objects will be updated
!      Valid options - [visible, all, none]
UG_shadedTolUpdMode:   visible
! Advanced visualization display update mode - Controls what objects are updated/refaceted
!           during a display update operation of advanced visualiation views.  This includes.
!           analysis and studio views.
!           valid ranges are visible, all, none
!      visible - objects within or touching the clipped view volume will
!                be updated.
!      all - all objects will be updated
!      none - no objects will be updated
!      Valid options - [visible, all, none]
UG_advVisTolUpdMode:   visible
! Shaded display tolerance - Controls tolerance for shaded display.
! In V15, the shaded tolerance is controlled by 3 parameters,  
! curve edge chord distance, surface chord distance and angular tolerance.
! The following table shows the mapping between the shaded display tolerance
! setting and the values for these parameters.
! Coarse:
!   Curve edge chord distance .01
!   Surface chord distance    .01
!   Angular Tolerance         0.0
! Standard:
!   Curve edge chord distance .005
!   Surface chord distance    .005
!   Angular Tolerance         15.0
! Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .0025
!   Angular Tolerance         6.0
! Extra Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .001
!   Angular Tolerance         6.0
! Ultra Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .0005
!   Angular Tolerance         3.0
! The UG_shadedTolerance customer default is used to specify the default
! shaded tolerance.
! Valid options - [coarse, standard, fine, extra fine, ultra fine, customize]
UG_shadedTolerance:     standard
! Shaded display tolerance(edge tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" shaded display tolerance setting.
!    Note: This value is interpreted to be in the units
!    of the part.  The default value is specified in inches.
!    This option controls the faceted representation by considering the
!    curved edge approximation of the entity.  This option has been found
!    to be very useful for sealing the gaps between faces.  The recommended
!    value is 0.005.  A smaller value results in a finer display, but also
!    causes slower performance.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_facetEdgeTol:        0.005 ! Units
! Shaded display tolerance(facet chord tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" shaded display tolerance setting.
!    Note: This value is interpreted to be in the units
!    of the part.  The default value is specified in inches.
!    This option controls the faceted representation of an object by
!    considering the surface approximation.  This is an upper bound on
!    the distance from a position on a facet to the surface.
!    The recommended value is 0.005.  A smaller value results in a finer  
!    display, but also causes slower performance.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_facetChordTol:       0.005 !Units
! Shaded display tolerance(angle tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" shaded display tolerance setting.
!    This is an upper bound on the angular deviation between the surface normals
!    at any two positions under the facet.  This option has been found
!    to be beneficial for faces with high curvature(sharp corners).
!    The recommended setting is 3-15 degrees.
! Valid ranges are: [1.0 to 360.0]
UG_facetAngleTol:       15.0
! Face Analysis display tolerance -  
! In V15, the face analysis tolerance is controlled by 4 parameters,
! curve edge chord distance, surface chord distance, angular tolerance and
! facet width tolerance.   The following table shows
! the mapping between the analysis display tolerance setting and the values
! for these parameters.
! Coarse:
!   Curve edge chord distance .01
!   Surface chord distance    .01
!   Angular Tolerance         0.0
!   Facet Width  Tolerance    0.3
! Standard:
!   Curve edge chord distance .005
!   Surface chord distance    .005
!   Angular Tolerance         15.0
!   Facet Width  Tolerance    0.3
! Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .0025
!   Angular Tolerance         6.0
!   Facet Width  Tolerance    0.075
! Extra Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .001
!   Angular Tolerance         6.0
!   Facet Width  Tolerance    0.02
! Ultra Fine:
!   Curve edge chord distance .0005
!   Surface chord distance    .0005
!   Angular Tolerance         3.0
!   Facet Width  Tolerance    0.005
! This customer default is used to specify the default face analysis  
! display tolerance.
! Valid options - [coarse, standard, fine, extra fine, ultra fine, customize]
UG_analysisTolerance:   standard
! Analysis display tolerance(edge chord tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" analysis display tolerance setting.
!    Note: This value is interpreted to be in the units
!    of the part.  The default value is specified in inches.
!    This option controls the faceted representation by considering the
!    curved edge approximation of the entity.  This option has been found
!    to be very useful for sealing the gaps between faces.  The recommended
!    value is 0.005.  A smaller value results in a finer display, but also
!    causes slower performance.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_analysisEdgeTol:     0.005 !Units
! Analysis  display tolerance(facet chord tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" analysis display tolerance setting.
!    Note: This value is interpreted to be in the units
!    of the part.  The default value is specified in inches.
!    This option controls the faceted representation of an object by
!    considering the surface approximation.  This is an upper bound on
!    the distance from a position on a facet to the surface.
!    The recommended value is 0.005.  A smaller value results in a finer
!    display, but also causes slower performance.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_analysisChordTol:    0.005
! Analysis display tolerance(angle tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" shaded display tolerance setting.
!    This is an upper bound on the angular deviation between the surface normals
!    at any two positions under the facet.  This option has been found
!    to be beneficial for faces with high curvature(sharp corners).
!    The recommended setting is 3-15 degrees.
! Valid ranges are: [1.0 - 360.0]
UG_analysisAngleTol:    15.0
! Analysis display tolerance(facet width tolerance)
!    This customer default is used to set the facet edge tolerance for
!    the "customize" shaded display tolerance setting.
!    This values specifies the maximum width of a facet. We have found
!    this option to be necessary for reflection line display, to break
!    long skinny polygons.  The recommended setting is .3.
!    Smaller setting results in a finer display but also causes slower
!    performance.
! Valid ranges are: [greater than 0.0]
UG_analysisWidthTol:    0.3
! Display File  - Controls the use of display files during part filing or  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  retrieval.
! Valid options are: [on, off]  
! Fit Percentage - Controls the initial value of the Preferences ->
!                  Visualization -> Screen -> Fit Percentage slider.
!                  NOTE:  This value is a Session variable, so that it
!                  is read from the customer defaults file at the start
!                  of each session.  It is not saved with part files.
! Valid range is: [50, 100]
UG_fitPercentage:               100
! View Fitting Options - Ctrls the initial state whether to perform  
!                     a 'Fit', 'Current Scale' or previously saved scale
!                     after View Orient or View Replace.
!                     NOTE:  This value is a Session variable, so that it
!                     is read from the customer defaults file at the start
!                     of each session.  It is not saved with part files.
! Valid range is: [0, 1, 2]  0 - do 'fit' after view Orient/Replace
!                            1 - do nothing, keep 'current' setting
!                            2 - use scale & xformation saved w/ that view
UG_viewFittingOption:          0
! Disable Smooth View Change - Controls the initial value of the  
!                     Preferences -> Visualization Performance ->
!                     General Settings -> Disable Smooth View Change checkbox.
!                     NOTE:  This value is a Session variable, so that it
!                     is read from the customer defaults file at the start
!                     of each session.  It is not saved with part files.
! Valid range is: [1, 0]  To enable or disable general view animation playback
UG_disableAnimation:            0
! Part file compression on save
!                        -  Indicates whether the Parasolid portion of
!                           the part file should be saved compressed
! Valid options are:  [no, yes]
UG_compress_part:       no
! Line Font Parameters - Controls the Dash Size, Space Size and Symbol Size
!                        for line fonts.
!                        The Dash Size and the Space Size are the length
!                        of each space or each dash used to define the font.
!                        A gap or a displayed segment in a displayed line may
!                        be composed of multiple spaces or dashes.
!                        The symbol factor of each individual symbol and
!                        the Symbol Size determine the actual length between
!                        the connecting points of symbols displayed in a line.
!                        The Symbol Size and the symbol factor are used only
!                        for symbols in line font.
! Valid ranges are: [greater than 0.0]  
UG_dashSize_EU:         0.05 ! inches
UG_dashSize_MU:         1.00 ! mm
UG_spaceSize_EU:        0.05 ! inches
UG_spaceSize_MU:        1.00 ! mm
UG_symbolSize_EU:       0.05 ! inches
UG_symbolSize_MU:       1.00 ! mm
! Default Symbol Font - Allows the System Manager to enter a default symbol
!                            font file name.  
! Default Font Definition - Allows the System Manager to enter a default line  
!                           font definition file name or file specification.
UG_defaultFontDefinition:&nbsp;&nbsp;UG DEFAULT
! Width Display - Controls whether or not line widths are displayed.  This will
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  be saved with the part.  
! Valid options are: [on, off]  
! Text Field Decimal Places - Controls the number of decimal places for real
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;      numbers in text fields and CLSF output.  
! Valid Range is: [0 - 11]  
! Dialog Bar Decimal Places - Controls the number of decimal places for real
!                             numbers in text fields located in the Dialog Bar.
! Valid Range is: [0 - 11]
UG_dialogBarDecimalPlaces:      3
! Dialog Width Percent - Specifies the dialog width increase compared to the
!                        default width.  A value of 120 indicates that the actual  
!                        dialog width will be 20% bigger than the default width.
! Valid Range is: [25 - 1000]
UG_dialogWidthPercent:          100
! Dialog Bar Tracking:  - This option allows the user to specify whether
!                         the system should perform tracking within the
!                         Dialog Bar, e.g. Updating XC, YC and ZC fields
!                         as the cursor moves.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_dialogBarTracking:   on
! Listing Window Use System Precision -   
!   Controls the formatting of real numbers for display in the listing  
!   window.
!     on -   Real number display will be based on the magnitude of the
!            number and the number of significant digits that can be
!            represented by the workstation's double precision floating
!            point representation.
!     off -   the number of decimal places specified by  
!             UG_listingDecimalPlaces will be used for displaying real
!             numbers in the listing window.  If a number is large
!             enough that the sum of integral digits and the specified
!             number of decimal places would exceed the machine precision,
!             the excess decimal places will be zero filled.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
! NOTE: Starting in V17.0, the default value for UG_listingDecimalPlaces
!       is off
UG_listingUseSystemPrecision: off
! Listing Window Decimal Places -   
!   Controls the number of decimal places for real numbers in the listing  
!   window when UG_useSystemPrecision (see description above) is off.
! Valid Range is: [0 - 16]
UG_listingDecimalPlaces:       9
! Surface Grid - Sets the default value for the number of grid lines used
!                in the display of sheet bodies.
! Valid ranges are: [0 or greater]
UG_surfaceGridU:                        0
UG_surfaceGridV:                        0
! Fillet Radius - Sets the default fillet radius.
! Valid range is: [0.0 or greater]
UG_filletRadius_EU:                0.25 ! inches
UG_filletRadius_MU:                6.00 ! mm
! Symbol Display - Controls whether the symbol display is complete or outline.  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   If set to outline, the symbols (and characters) will be  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   represented by the font boxes (rectangular boundaries);  
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   otherwise, it is the complete symbol display.
!                  Once a part has been created, the only way to change the
!                  symbol display option of the part is by the UG/Open GRIP
!                  GPA symbol SBDISP.
! Valid options are: [complete, outline]  
! Default Plot Queue Name - This is the pqmgr (plotter) queue name that UG  
! defaults to when the plot menu is pulled down. Enter the Primary plot queue
! here. Name MUST be all Upper Case: (i.e.: TEST1)
!                        (16 character maximum)
! Default Plot Server Name - This is the hostname of the default plot queue
! server (default node to plot to). UGII_PLOT_NODE= overrides this .def file.
!                        (32 character maximum)
! The next set of parameters is used to assign plotter pen characteristics.
! Plot Pen Assignments by Width - Controls which plotter pen will draw objects
!                                 at normal, thick or thin plot widths.  For  
!                                 plotters with multiple pens, enter the pen  
!                                 number to be associated with each width.
! Valid ranges are: [0 or greater]
UG_plotPenAssignmentNormal:             1
UG_plotPenAssignmentThick:              2
UG_plotPenAssignmentThin:               3
! Plot Pen Assignments by Color - Controls the assignment of default plotter  
!                                 pen numbers to the available display colors.
!                                 There are a total of 15 colors.
! Valid ranges are: [0 or greater]
UG_plotPenAssignmentBlue:               1
UG_plotPenAssignmentGreen:              2
UG_plotPenAssignmentCyan:               3
UG_plotPenAssignmentRed:                4
UG_plotPenAssignmentMagenta:            5
UG_plotPenAssignmentYellow:             6
UG_plotPenAssignmentWhite:              7
UG_plotPenAssignmentOlive:              8
UG_plotPenAssignmentPink:               9
UG_plotPenAssignmentBrown:              10
UG_plotPenAssignmentOrange:             11
UG_plotPenAssignmentPurple:             12
UG_plotPenAssignmentDarkRed:            13
UG_plotPenAssignmentAquamarine:         14
UG_plotPenAssignmentGray:               15
! Default thickness of Normal, Thick, and Thin Custom-Color Palette  
! Pen Thickness Mode
UG_plotCustomNormal_MU:         0.250     ! Custom Thin Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomNormal_EU:         0.010     ! Custom Thin Thickness (inch)
UG_plotCustomThick_MU:          0.420     ! Custom Thin Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomThick_EU:          0.017     ! Custom Thin Thickness (inch)
UG_plotCustomThin_MU:           0.080     ! Custom Thin Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomThin_EU:           0.003     ! Custom Thin Thickness (inch)
! The following examples demonstrate the Custom-Color settings for the
! Blue pen:  
! UG_plotCustomBlue_R:
!      Blue RGB value for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue
!      Valid range [ 0 <= integer number <= 255 ]
! UG_plotCustomBlue_G:
!      Green RGB value for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue
!      Valid range [ 0 <= integer number <= 255 ]
! UG_plotCustomBlue_B:
!      Red RGB value for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue
!      Valid range [ 0 <= integer number <= 255 ]
! Thickness mode and User_defined thickness are defined in the following  
! examples:
! UG_plotCustomBlue_T_Mode:
!      Thickness mode for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue
!      Valid options - [ normal, thick, thin, user-defined ]
! UG_plotCustomBlue_T_User_MU:  
!      User_Defined Thickness for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue in Metric unit
!      Valid range [ 0 <= integer number <= 255 ]
! UG_plotCustomBlue_T_User_EU:
!      User_Defined Thickness for Custom-Color Palette Pen Blue in English unit
!      Valid range [ 0 <= integer number <= 255 ]
! Blue
UG_plotCustomBlue_R:                   0       ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBlue_G:                   0       ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBlue_B:                   255     ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBlue_T_Mode:              normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomBlue_T_User_MU:           0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomBlue_T_User_EU:           0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Green
UG_plotCustomGreen_R:                  0       ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGreen_G:                  255     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGreen_B:                  0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGreen_T_Mode:             normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomGreen_T_User_MU:          0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomGreen_T_User_EU:          0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Cyan
UG_plotCustomCyan_R:                   0       ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomCyan_G:                   255     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomCyan_B:                   255     ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomCyan_T_Mode:              normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomCyan_T_User_MU:           0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomCyan_T_User_EU:           0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Red
UG_plotCustomRed_R:                    255     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomRed_G:                    0       ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomRed_B:                    0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomRed_T_Mode:               normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomRed_T_User_MU:            0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomRed_T_User_EU:            0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Magenta
UG_plotCustomMagenta_R:                255     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomMagenta_G:                0       ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomMagenta_B:                255     ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomMagenta_T_Mode:           normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomMagenta_T_User_MU:        0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomMagenta_T_User_EU:        0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Yellow
UG_plotCustomYellow_R:                 255     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomYellow_G:                 255     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomYellow_B:                 0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomYellow_T_Mode:            normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomYellow_T_User_MU:         0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomYellow_T_User_EU:         0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! White
UG_plotCustomWhite_R:                  0       ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomWhite_G:                  0       ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomWhite_B:                  0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomWhite_T_Mode:             normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomWhite_T_User_MU:          0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomWhite_T_User_EU:          0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Olive
UG_plotCustomOlive_R:                  114     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOlive_G:                  132     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOlive_B:                  0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOlive_T_Mode:             normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomOlive_T_User_MU:          0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomOlive_T_User_EU:          0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Pink
UG_plotCustomPink_R:                   255     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPink_G:                   159     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPink_B:                   160     ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPink_T_Mode:              normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomPink_T_User_MU:           0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomPink_T_User_EU:           0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Brown
UG_plotCustomBrown_R:                  164     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBrown_G:                  99      ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBrown_B:                  0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomBrown_T_Mode:             normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomBrown_T_User_MU:          0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomBrown_T_User_EU:          0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Orange
UG_plotCustomOrange_R:                 255     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOrange_G:                 137     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOrange_B:                 0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomOrange_T_Mode:            normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomOrange_T_User_MU:         0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomOrange_T_User_EU:         0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Purple
UG_plotCustomPurple_R:                 168     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPurple_G:                 44      ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPurple_B:                 255     ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomPurple_T_Mode:            normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomPurple_T_User_MU:         0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomPurple_T_User_EU:         0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! DarkRed
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_R:                203     ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_G:                14      ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_B:                0       ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_T_Mode:           normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_T_User_MU:        0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomDarkRed_T_User_EU:        0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Aquamarine
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_R:             17      ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_G:             251     ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_B:             18      ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_T_Mode:        normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_T_User_MU:     0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomAquamarine_T_User_EU:     0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Gray
UG_plotCustomGray_R:                   53      ! Red   RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGray_G:                   53      ! Green RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGray_B:                   53      ! Blue  RGB Value
UG_plotCustomGray_T_Mode:              normal  ! Custom Default Thickness
UG_plotCustomGray_T_User_MU:           0.250   ! Thickness (mm)
UG_plotCustomGray_T_User_EU:           0.010   ! Thickness (inch)
! Plotter Origin - Controls the origin offset for the plotter.  These provide
!                  the initial values for the Plotter Origin DX and DY coordinates
!                  of the Plot Origin dialog.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_plotterOriginDX_EU:            0.0 ! Inches
UG_plotterOriginDY_EU:            0.0 ! Inches
UG_plotterOriginDX_MU:            0.0 ! mm
UG_plotterOriginDY_MU:            0.0 ! mm
! Drawing Origin for plotting - Provides the initial values for the Drawing Origin
!                               X and Y coordinates of the Plot Origin dialog.
! Valid ranges are: [0.0 or greater]
UG_drawingOriginX_EU:              0.0 ! Inches
UG_drawingOriginY_EU:              0.0 ! Inches
UG_drawingOriginX_MU:              0.0 ! mm
UG_drawingOriginY_MU:              0.0 ! mm
! The following are initial plotter menu settings per Customer ER's
! The settings are for initial Banner mode (needed for Grip & Ufunc),
! Plot by color or width, Plot mode drawing or display, and Plot tolerance.
! banner default state at startup; options are:
! [no_banner, default_banner, prompt_banner]
UG_bannerDefaultBanner: no_banner
! Plot by type: width, color or custom options are:
! [width, color, custom_palette]
UG_plotPenType: width
! Plot source, display or drawing.  Options are:
! [display, drawing]
UG_plotSource: drawing
! Plot tolerance. This is the display tolerance for plotting.
! Range is [any real down to 0.0001] recommended max is 0.005
UG_plotTolerance: 0.001
! The following section contained the defaults used for plotting banners.  
! These defaults are banner character size, banner origin, banner rotation,
! banner justification, and banner format.
! Banner Character Size - The size of the plot font used to plot the banner
!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  information with.
! Valid ranges are: [greater than 0.0]
UG_bannerCharSize_EU:           0.06   ! For non-standard drawing size (inches)
UG_bannerCharSize_MU:           1.52   ! For non-standard drawing size (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI A (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI A (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeB_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI B (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeB_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI B (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeC_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI C (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeC_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI C (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeD_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI D (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeD_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI D (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeE_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI E (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeE_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI E (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeF_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI F (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeF_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI F (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeH_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI H (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeH_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI H (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeJ_EU:          0.06   ! Drawing size ANSI J (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeJ_MU:          1.52   ! Drawing size ANSI J (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA0_EU:         0.06   ! Drawing size ISO A0 (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA0_MU:         1.52   ! Drawing size ISO A0 (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA1_EU:         0.06   ! Drawing size ISO A1 (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA1_MU:         1.52   ! Drawing size ISO A1 (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA2_EU:         0.06   ! Drawing size ISO A2 (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA2_MU:         1.52   ! Drawing size ISO A2 (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA3_EU:         0.06   ! Drawing size ISO A3 (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA3_MU:         1.52   ! Drawing size ISO A3 (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeA4_EU:         0.06   ! Drawing size ISO A4 (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeA4_MU:         1.52   ! Drawing size ISO A4 (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeV_EU:          0.06   ! Vector display plots (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeV_MU:          1.52   ! Vector display plots (mm)
UG_bannerCharSizeS_EU:          0.06   ! Shaded display plots (inches)
UG_bannerCharSizeS_MU:          1.52   ! Shaded display plots (mm)
! Banner Origin - Controls the origin for the banner. The banner origin
!                 corresponds to the plotter pen start position.
! Valid range is:  [ any real ]
UG_bannerOrigin_X_EU:           0.0  ! For non-standard drawing size (inches)
UG_bannerOrigin_Y_EU:           0.0
UG_bannerOrigin_X_MU:           0.0  ! For non-standard drawing size (mm)
UG_bannerOrigin_Y_MU:           0.0
UG_bannerOriginA_X_EU:         10.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI A (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginA_X_MU:        260.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI A (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginB_X_EU:         16.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI B (inches)
UG_bannerOriginB_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginB_X_MU:        413.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI B (mm)
UG_bannerOriginB_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginC_X_EU:         21.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI C (inches)
UG_bannerOriginC_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginC_X_MU:        540.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI C (mm)
UG_bannerOriginC_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginD_X_EU:         33.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI D (inches)
UG_bannerOriginD_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginD_X_MU:        845.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI D (mm)
UG_bannerOriginD_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginE_X_EU:         43.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI E (inches)
UG_bannerOriginE_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginE_X_MU:       1099.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI E (mm)
UG_bannerOriginE_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginF_X_EU:         39.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI F (inches)
UG_bannerOriginF_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginF_X_MU:        997.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI F (mm)
UG_bannerOriginF_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginH_X_EU:         43.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI H (inches)
UG_bannerOriginH_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginH_X_MU:       1099.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI H (mm)
UG_bannerOriginH_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginJ_X_EU:         54.25 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI J (inches)
UG_bannerOriginJ_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginJ_X_MU:       1378.00 ! Origin for drawing size ANSI J (mm)
UG_bannerOriginJ_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginA0_X_EU:        45.80 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A0 (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA0_Y_EU:         1.0
UG_bannerOriginA0_X_MU:      1163.00 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A0 (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA0_Y_MU:        25.0
UG_bannerOriginA1_X_EU:        32.10 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A1 (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA1_Y_EU:         1.0
UG_bannerOriginA1_X_MU:       815.00 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A1 (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA1_Y_MU:        25.0
UG_bannerOriginA2_X_EU:        22.40 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A2 (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA2_Y_EU:         1.0
UG_bannerOriginA2_X_MU:       569.00 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A2 (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA2_Y_MU:        25.0
UG_bannerOriginA3_X_EU:        15.50 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A3 (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA3_Y_EU:         1.0
UG_bannerOriginA3_X_MU:       394.00 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A3 (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA3_Y_MU:        25.0
UG_bannerOriginA4_X_EU:        10.70 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A4 (inches)
UG_bannerOriginA4_Y_EU:         1.0
UG_bannerOriginA4_X_MU:       272.00 ! Origin for drawing size ISO A4 (mm)
UG_bannerOriginA4_Y_MU:        25.0
UG_bannerOriginV_X_EU:         10.25 ! Origin for vector display plots(inches)
UG_bannerOriginV_Y_EU:          1.0
UG_bannerOriginV_X_MU:        260.00 ! Origin for vector display plots(mm)
UG_bannerOriginV_Y_MU:         25.0
UG_bannerOriginS_X_EU:          0.0  ! Origin for shaded display plots(inches)
UG_bannerOriginS_Y_EU:          0.0
UG_bannerOriginS_X_MU:          0.0  ! Origin for shaded display plots(mm)
UG_bannerOriginS_Y_MU:          0.0
! Banner Rotation - It defines the rotation of the banner on the plot
!                   (counter-clockwise)
! Valid options are: [0,90,180,270]
UG_bannerRotation:              90    ! Use if drawing size is not standard
UG_bannerRotationA:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI A
UG_bannerRotationB:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI B
UG_bannerRotationC:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI C
UG_bannerRotationD:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI D
UG_bannerRotationE:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI E
UG_bannerRotationF:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI F
UG_bannerRotationH:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI H
UG_bannerRotationJ:             90    ! Use for drawing size ANSI J
UG_bannerRotationA0:            90    ! Use for drawing size ISO A0
UG_bannerRotationA1:            90    ! Use for drawing size ISO A1
UG_bannerRotationA2:            90    ! Use for drawing size ISO A2
UG_bannerRotationA3:            90    ! Use for drawing size ISO A3
UG_bannerRotationA4:            90    ! Use for drawing size ISO A4
UG_bannerRotationV:             90    ! Use for vector display plots
UG_bannerRotationS:             90    ! Use for shaded display plots
! Banner Justification - It defines the banner's justification on the plot
! Valid options are: [left,center,right]
UG_bannerJust:                  left   ! Use if drawing size is not standard
UG_bannerJustA:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI A
UG_bannerJustB:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI B
UG_bannerJustC:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI C
UG_bannerJustD:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI D
UG_bannerJustE:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI E
UG_bannerJustF:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI F
UG_bannerJustH:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI H
UG_bannerJustJ:                 left   ! Use for drawing size ANSI J
UG_bannerJustA0:                left   ! Use for drawing size ISO A0
UG_bannerJustA1:                left   ! Use for drawing size ISO A1
UG_bannerJustA2:                left   ! Use for drawing size ISO A2
UG_bannerJustA3:                left   ! Use for drawing size ISO A3
UG_bannerJustA4:                left   ! Use for drawing size ISO A4
UG_bannerJustV:                 left   ! Use for vector display plots
UG_bannerJustS:                 left   ! Use for shaded display plots
! Banner Format - It defines what information goes into the banner.  Note
!                 that the banner can only have a maximum of 3 lines (rows)
!                 and maximum of 5 items (columns) per line.  For blank
!                 lines or columns, set the default to blank.  Also keep
!                 in mind that you can define 2 variables for spaces between
!                 any entries.  One is for the trailing spaces after every
!                 entry get plotted and the other is for spaces which
!                 represent the entry's length if and only if that entry is
!                 left as blank.  You will not get the trailing spaces if
!                 that entry is the last entry of the line.
! Valid options are: [0,1,2,3,4,...255]
UG_bannerFormatTrailingSpaces:  3  ! spaces between any entries
UG_bannerFormatEntrySpaces:     0  ! spaces represent the field's length, this
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;! will only be used if the entry is left
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;! as blank
! Valid options are: [user_name, node_name, job_name, dwg_or_view_name]
!  options continue: [part_name, date, time, message, blank]
UG_bannerFormatRow1Column1:     user_name  ! name of user running UG
UG_bannerFormatRow1Column2:     node_name  ! node name that sent the plot
UG_bannerFormatRow1Column3:     job_name   ! job name of the plot (modifiable)
UG_bannerFormatRow1Column4:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow1Column5:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow2Column1:     dwg_or_view_name  ! drawing name or view name
UG_bannerFormatRow2Column2:     part_name  ! part name of work part (read only)
UG_bannerFormatRow2Column3:     date       ! time when plot was submitted
UG_bannerFormatRow2Column4:     time
UG_bannerFormatRow2Column5:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow3Column1:     message    ! any message to go with this plot
UG_bannerFormatRow3Column2:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow3Column3:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow3Column4:     blank
UG_bannerFormatRow3Column5:     blank
! Initial Part Directory - Default directory to use as a filter when creating
!                          or opening part files.
! Initial Grip Directory - Default directory to use as a filter when selecting
!                          Grip programs to run.
! Initial User Function Directory - Default directory to use as a filter when
!                                   selecting User Function programs to run.
! Initial Macro Directory - Default directory to use as a filter when
!                                   recording and playing back macros.
! Initial IGES File Directory - Default directory to use as a filter
!                               when selecting IGES files
! Initial STEP File Directory - Default directory to use as a filter
!                               when selecting STEP files
! Initial DXF File Directory - Default directory to use as a filter
!                              when selecting DXF files
! Initial Translator Log File Directory - Default directory to use as
!                                         a filter when selecting
!                                         translator log files
! Default User Tools Directory - Default directory to use when
!                                loading User Tools defintion files.
! Automatic Pattern Update Switch - Indicates the default as to whether
!                                   or not patterns get automatically updated.
! Valid options are: [yes, no]
UG_autoPatUpdate:    no
! Layer->Category Dialog Initial Button Settings and List Box Sizes
! Category List Box Size  - Indicates the number of categories that will get
!                           displayed in the Category List Box located in the
!                           Layer->Settings Dialog.
! Valid options are: [Any integer value greater than zero such that
!                     UG_categoryListItems + UG_layerListItems <= MAXIMUM,
!                     where MAXIMUM is 17 on a 16 inch monitor, and
!                     33 on a 19 inch monitor.]
!                     Suggested default for 16 inch monitor = 5
!                     Suggested default for 19 inch monitor = 10
UG_categoryListItems:    5
! Layer List Box Size - Indicates the number of layers that will get displayed
!                       in the Layer List Box located in the Layer->Settings
!                       Dialog.
! Valid options are: [Any integer value greater than zero such that
!                     UG_categoryListItems + UG_layerListItems <= MAXIMUM,
!                     where MAXIMUM is 17 on a 16 inch monitor, and
!                     33 on a 19 inch monitor.]
!                     Suggested default for 16 inch monitor = 12
!                     Suggested default for 19 inch monitor = 23
UG_layerListItems:       12
! Initial "Layers in List" Radio Box State - Indicates the initial state of
!                                            the "Layers in List" Radio Box
!                                            located in the Layer->Settings
!                                            Dialog.
! Valid options are: [all, selectable, objects]
UG_layersInList:         objects
! Initial Show Object Count Toggle State - Indicates the initial state of
!                                          the "Show Object Count" toggle
!                                          button located in the
!                                          Layer->Settings Dialog.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_showObjectCount:      off
! Initial Show Category Names Toggle State - Indicates the initial state of
!                                            the "Show Category Names" toggle
!                                            button located in the
!                                            Layer->Settings Dialog.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_showCategoryNames:    off
! Initial Fit All before Displaying State - Indicates the initial state of
!                                           the "Fit All before Displaying"
!                                           toggle button located in the
!                                           Layer->Settings Dialog.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_fitAllBeforeDisplaying:    off
! Dialog Filter Type - indicates the type of text filter used in UG_dialogs.
! Valid options are:
!       [Simple]    - Uses a simple '*' filter, as used when matching filenames
!                     in the filename dialogs.
!       [Regexp]    - Uses a more sophisticated regular expression filter, as
!                     used in Unix commands such as 'grep', or 'sed'.
!                     Note that currently the only dialog affected by this
!                     switch is the Expression editor
UG_dialogFilterType: Simple
! Macro Option  -  Indicates the length of a pause statement that is recorded
!                  into a macro file with the Macro->ause menu item.
!                  The units of this option are defined in seconds.
!                  When a pause statement is encountered during the play back
!                  of a macro, the macro will temporarily pause based on the
!                  value indicated.
! Valid options are:
!       [>0]           - Pause taken in seconds during playback.
!       [=0, or blank] - Use the default setting during playback.
!       [<0]           - Indefinite pause setting.  Pause until Ok is selected
!                        from pause message box.
UG_macroPauseLength:   60
! Macro Option  -  This option controls the display of the information dialog
!                  associated with user entry points during playback.  To
!                  prevent the display of this dialog, turn the option to off.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_macroUserEntryShowInstPrompt: on
! View Options  - Indicates the Spaceball's initial view option
! Valid options are:  
!       [rotateOnly]    - Image movement restricted to rotation only
!       [panZoom]       - Image movement restricted to translation and zoom only
!       [panRotateZoom] - No restriction on image movement
UG_sbsViewOption:     panRotateZoom
! Single Axis Filter    -  Restricts motion to pure x, y, or z axis for maximum  
!                          precision
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_sbsSingleAxisFilter:  off
! Rotate About Attention Point - When on, the model is rotated about the
!                                attention point.  When off, the model is
!                                rotated about the center of the view.
! Valid options are: [on, off]
UG_sbsRotateAboutAttentionPoint:  off
! Spaceball Sensitivity  -  Indicates the sensitivity level of the spaceball
!                           where 1 is the least sensitive and 11 is the most
!                           sensitive
! Valid options are:  [1 to 11]
UG_sbsSensitivity:   6
! View Options  - Indicates the Magellan's initial view option
! Valid options are:
!       [rotateOnly]    - Image movement restricted to rotation only
!       [panZoom]       - Image movement restr
作者: kouhinn    时间: 2002-3-13 22:01
作者: idesign    时间: 2002-3-13 22:04
kouhinn wrote:

作者: darkhorse    时间: 2002-3-14 10:01
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-14 10:17
作者: 阿浩    时间: 2002-3-14 12:26
idesign wrote:
[quote]阿浩 wrote:
我再做截面线的时候总是要把 Section Curve 中的Associative Output 关掉,有没有什么变量修改后可以一劳永逸?

  1. ! Allow the user to set the default for the Associative toggle in the
  2. ! Trim Curve function. This toggle controls if a feature is created
  3. ! reflecting the trim desired.
  4. ! The valid options are:
  5. ! on    -> Toggle is set on
  6. ! off   -> Toggle is set off
  7. Solids_TrimCurve_Associative:off
谢谢 idesign!我试过了,可是不行!还有没有其他办法呢?
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-3-14 15:16
上面的开关不对是trimcurve的,请你同理可证,找到section curve的开关。
作者: 阿浩    时间: 2002-3-14 20:11
作者: jkjall    时间: 2002-3-17 13:40
开开 wrote:

作者: gjh_nt    时间: 2002-3-18 21:43
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 老任同志    时间: 2002-5-16 18:53
作者: 开开    时间: 2002-5-17 12:40
作者: R&D    时间: 2002-5-17 14:14
6,输入要存储的文件位置和名字,如 MY_UG_LAYOUT
作者: qybawyx    时间: 2008-4-9 15:30
作者: luwer1107    时间: 2010-4-27 23:46

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