我觉得这个可能是一厢情愿的想法,一个行业的发展可不是靠几个人在论坛里面起起哄就能影响到的作者: afeng076 时间: 2012-6-18 23:24
6月16日,深圳的珈伟光伏照明股份有限公司就跑到中山招结构工程师傅和一堆得LED设计师,也才4K左右啊,固定工资,什么提成也没有作者: wangxbjing 时间: 2012-6-21 09:46
高工资是有的,低工资也是存在的。作者: wwwjieying 时间: 2012-7-2 23:27 作者: zz2011 时间: 2012-7-2 23:58
差不多就5K作者: zf1688 时间: 2012-7-12 15:26
Good morning,everyone! I am an old mechanical engineer and manager for over 14 years. Now I am out of work to study English due to be tired of family company. I want to work in a western company.
Now I have received an invitation to attend an interview with English. I have no experience in interviewing by English. I have no confidence.
Could you please give me some common techanical problem which was questioned in English interview, or your experience in English interview?
Thanks very much!作者: xup1010 时间: 2012-7-15 12:49
有这么高的工资,关键是要能够把一个灯具独立的推向量产。不要老是bug不断作者: pipi2146 时间: 2012-7-24 13:15 本帖最后由 pipi2146 于 2013-5-4 11:09 编辑