Term | Definition |
Ply | A single connected piece of material on the part surface.一个单一的相连的在part曲面上的材料片。 |
Stock | The material used to form the ply. If defined, the stock must be a single planar face. 组成ply的材料。如果被定义,必须是一个单一的平的面。 |
Start Point | The origin point on ply or stock that serves as a start point for meshing.在ply或stock上的定位点,作为网格化的开始点。 |
Fiber Primary Direction | Also called Warp Direction. A vector indicating one of the directions of fibers of the woven or unidirectional material. 也被称为缠绕方向。指示(编织或单向材料)纤维的其中一个方向。 |
Fiber Secondary Direction | Also called fill or weft direction. A vector that is woven materials indicates directions of crosswise fibers. In unidirectional materials it does not correspond to actual fibers but is still used. 也被称为填充方向或纬度方向。指示编织材料纤维交叉方向。 |
Cut Curves/Edges | Curves and edges that indicate a discontinuity in the ply. These will map to two curves or strings of curves in the flat pattern. 指出ply内不连续的曲线和边。这些将绘制平铺图样里的两条线或线串。 |
Additional Curves/Edges | Additional curves or edges on the ply will map to the flat pattern. Those on the stock will map to the ply and from there to the flat pattern. Ply上的附加的曲线或边将绘制到平铺图样。在stock上的那些(附加的曲线或边)将绘制到ply,然后到平铺图样。 |
Flat Pattern CSYS | The local coordinate system of the flat pattern. The origin of this CSYS corresponds to the start points of the stock and of the ply. The X-axis of the CSYS corresponds to the primary fiber orientations. The Y-axis will correspond to the secondary fiber orientation unless the primary and secondary orientations are non-orthogonal; in any case they will be in the same general direction (i.e. not more than 90° apart). 平铺图样的定位坐标系统。坐标系原点符合stock和ply的开始点。X轴符合纤维第一方向。Y轴符合纤维第二方向(除非第一方向与第二方向不垂直;某些场合将在同样的方向(超过90°))。 |