License request failed for feature PROE_LND: -1: Cannot find license file
The license files (or server network addresses) attempted are
listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
or contact your software provider for a license file.
Feature: PROE_LND
Filename: F:\ptc\pro2000i/text/licensing/proe/proe_lic.dat
License path: H:\license.dat;F:\ptc\pro2000i/text/licensing/proe/proe_lic.dat
FLEXlm error: -1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"
For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
available at "".
WARNING: Ethernet Adapter was not detected
An ethernet adapter was not detected. Please install and configure an ethernet adapter.
Please refer to your Microsoft documentation or hardware vendor for assistance.作者: 日月明 时间: 2002-11-23 11:35
作者: kthunder 时间: 2002-11-23 11:45
不知道你的proe安装了多少,如果曾经安装成功,打开你的安装目录,找到Bin文件夹,双击ptcsetup,重新安装,只需1分钟。另外,据我的经验如果在网上邻居的属性中设置了NetBEUI Protocol,那生成的license文件就会有问题。希望对你有帮助。作者: lijingyan 时间: 2007-2-2 10:58
我碰到这样的问题:就是在2001280版中,新建一个文件没问题,但只要我一点“OPEN",PROE就会自动退出,也就是说不能打开工作目录。其错误日志文件为:RAISING SIGNAL : signal number : 11 重装过系统(XP),也重装过PROE N次了,但还是一样,还换过盘(此盘在别人那里试过没问题),我现在头都大了,就是没办法。看恳求大虾们给我分析一下原因,我给大家跪下了。 CAD,CAE,CAM,ICAX,idesign,模具,设计,招聘,培训W2N+~H }v+QI2^
顺便说一下我的电脑配置:P4 1.8G,512M,64M显存,30G硬盘。
*Z{`a0Yd*bs @ CAD/CAM/CAE综合资讯网站论坛