- ' ******************************************************************************
- 'PYCZT原创作品
- '条件:在特征中预先一个草图和在实体或曲面实体文件夹中选择一个实件
- '结果:增加一个凸台-拉伸特征,由所选草图拉伸到所选实体
- ' ******************************************************************************
- Option Explicit
- Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
- Dim part As SldWorks.PartDoc
- Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
- Dim selsketch As SldWorks.Sketch
- Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature
- Dim SketchName As String
- Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
- Dim ngetSel As Integer
- Dim ntype As Long
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim bodyname As String
- Dim boolstatus As Boolean
- Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
- Sub main()
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set part = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Set swSelMgr = part.SelectionManager '定义选择管理器
- ngetSel = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(0) '选择数量
- Debug.Print "GetSelectedObjectCount = " & ngetSel
- If ngetSel <> 2 Then
- MsgBox "应选择草图和成形到实体二项"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- For i = 1 To ngetSel
- ntype = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(i, 0)
- Debug.Print "ntype" & i; "= " & ntype
- Select Case ntype
- Case swSelSKETCHES '草图9
- Dim featType As String
- Set swFeat = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(i)
- Set selsketch = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature '获取特定功能类型的接口
- SketchName = swFeat.GetNameForSelection(featType)
- Debug.Print "SketchName草图名 " & "= " & SketchName
- Case swSelSOLIDBODIES '实体76
- Set swBody = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(i)
- bodyname = swBody.Name
- Debug.Print "BodyName实体名 " & "= " & bodyname
- Case swSelSURFACEBODIES '曲面实体75
- Set swBody = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(i)
- bodyname = swBody.Name
- Debug.Print "SurfacebodyName曲面实体名 " & "= " & bodyname
- Case swSelFACES '面2
- Set swBody = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(i).GetBody '由面得到实体
- bodyname = swBody.Name
- Debug.Print "FaceGetbodyName面的实体名 " & "= " & bodyname
- Case swSelEXTSKETCHSEGS '草图线条24
- Dim selsegment As ISketchSegment
- Set selsegment = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(i)
- Set selsketch = selsegment.GetSketch '由草图线条得到草图
- Set swFeat = selsketch
- SketchName = swFeat.Name
- Debug.Print "SketchName草图名 " & "= " & SketchName
- End Select
- Next i
- part.ClearSelection2 True
- '以下判断草图合法性
- Dim nRetVal As Long
- Dim nOpenCount As Long
- Dim nClosedCount As Long
- nRetVal = selsketch.CheckFeatureUse(swSketchCheckFeature_BOSSEXTRUDE, nOpenCount, nClosedCount)
- Debug.Print " nRetVal = " & nRetVal
- 'SW2012出现再次判定时会出错,与上次判定不一样现象,困惑
- Debug.Print " OpenCount = " & nOpenCount
- Debug.Print " ClosedCount = " & nClosedCount
- Debug.Print
- If nRetVal <> 0 Then '选择草图中局部范围
- Dim mySelectData As SldWorks.SelectData
- Dim myFeature2 As SldWorks.Feature
- Dim regionCount As Long
- Dim vSkRegions As Variant
- Dim skRegion As SketchRegion
- Dim Ri As Integer
- Set mySelectData = swSelMgr.CreateSelectData
- Set myFeature2 = part.FeatureByName(SketchName)
- Set selsketch = myFeature2.GetSpecificFeature2()
- If Not selsketch Is Nothing Then
- regionCount = selsketch.GetSketchRegionCount()
- Debug.Print regionCount & " regions in sketch " & myFeature2.Name
- vSkRegions = selsketch.GetSketchRegions()
- For Ri = LBound(vSkRegions) To UBound(vSkRegions)
- Set skRegion = vSkRegions(Ri)
- If Not skRegion Is Nothing Then
- Debug.Print " region " & Ri & ":"
- boolstatus = skRegion.Select2(True, mySelectData) '选择草图中局部范围
- If boolstatus = 0 Then
- Debug.Print "Selection of region failed局部范围选择失败."
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End If
- Next Ri
- End If
- Else
- boolstatus = part.Extension.SelectByID2(SketchName, "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) '选草图
- End If
- Dim myFeature As SldWorks.Feature '定义要增加的拉伸特征
- Set myFeature = part.FeatureManager.FeatureExtrusion2(True, False, False, _
- 0, 0, 0.1, 0, False, False, False, False, 1.74532925199433E-02, 1.74532925199433E-02, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, 0, 0, False) '增加拉伸特征
- Debug.Print
- Debug.Print myFeature.Name & " [" & myFeature.GetTypeName & "]" '特征名
- Dim swExtrusionData As ExtrudeFeatureData2 '定义拉伸特征参数
- Set swExtrusionData = myFeature.GetDefinition '取得特征参数
- boolstatus = swExtrusionData.AccessSelections(part, Nothing) '获取访问特征参数,此条必须!
- swExtrusionData.SetEndCondition True, swEndCondUpToBody '改终止条件为成形到实体7
- swExtrusionData.SetEndConditionReference True, swBody '实体附值
- boolstatus = myFeature.ModifyDefinition(swExtrusionData, part, Nothing) '修改参数重建
- If boolstatus = False Then '错误说明实体方向不对
- boolstatus = swExtrusionData.AccessSelections(part, Nothing) '获取访问特征参数,此条必须!
- swExtrusionData.ReverseDirection = Not swExtrusionData.ReverseDirection '反向
- boolstatus = myFeature.ModifyDefinition(swExtrusionData, part, Nothing) '修改参数重建
- End If
- swExtrusionData.ReleaseSelectionAccess '释放特征参数
- part.Rebuild (1) '重建以免合并结果未更新错误
- part.ClearSelection2 True '清除选择
- End Sub