This Update addresses the following:
PR 1413132: Fixed a problem where a crash occurs while attempting to create a component image.
PR 1412896: Fixed a problem where timestamp is no longer altered for FOA files that contain no exposed variables.
PR 5174449: Fixed a problem with printing VHL displays in 3D environments.
PR 5211843: Fixed a problem with incorrect part status.
PR 5216679: Fixed a problem where a VRC part in a VC sub disappears placing in sketch
PR 5223589: Fixed a problem with publishing sheetmetal parts in an assembly
PR 5225969: Fixed a problem with Expand and Use Designed Assembly when asm was opened w/parts hidden.
PR 5234888: Fixed a problem where changing the date of a custom property will now store the correct date.
PR 5235346: Fixed a problem with Migrate Ideas data from TC to SE data in TC
PR 5191862: Fixed a problem where a relationship offset could be applied to two relationships when creating a FlashFit relationship and then a traditional relationship.
PR 5158354: Fixed a problem where assembly driven part hole features had missing holes after edit.
PR1365423: Fixed a problem with segments getting overconstrained when creating pipes.
PR 5199297: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge hangs when updating Solid Edge Admin file location.
PR 5232029: Fixed a crash when solving detached dimensions (missing geometry parent).
PR 2052400: Fixed a problem with unnecessary geometry modification.
PR 5227982: Fixed a problem with the VS+ Try&Buy dialog displaying with an ACADemic License.
PR 1402203: Fixed a problem where xxcluded layers in Save as Flat command are still visable in DXF.
PR 1407567: Fixed a problem where Convert to sheetmetal does not work in V17, but did in V16.
PR1402203: Fixed the problem where excluded layers in Save as Flat command were still visable in DXF.
PR1412747: The problem where only one part copy was displayed when two construction part copies were created has been fixed.
PR 1415381: Fixed a problem where SE is aborting when deleting detached dimensions.
PR 5229479: Fixed a problem that caused SolidEdge to abort when saving draft files.
PR 1410128: Fixed a problem with defined linetypes not exporting to AutoCAD
PR 1412069: Fixed a problem opening .DFT files and drawing views changing positions and scale factors.
PR 1412886: Fixed a problem where some dimensions are disappearing on file open.
PR 1413753: Fixed a problem that caused missing text on AutoCAD import
PR 5222164: Fixed a problem where Draft Quality views with cutaways were not updating properly.
PR 5225885: Fixed a problem that caused dimensions to detach in a particular interactive workflow.
PR 5240695: Fixed a problem where property text did not display correctly in Draft.
PR 5188268: the problem of No plot styles when DWG V17 file is opened in Autocad is fixed.
PR1417954: The problem where arcs with radius < 0.1were not exporting to Autocad is fixed.
PR5161125: The problem of fills not being correct when exporting to AutoCAD is fixed.
PR5234246: The problem of incorrect parts lists of a weldment which contains nested weldments has been fixed.
PR 1392663: Fixed a problem where a Macro fails to create interpart constructions
PR 1406741: UpdateAll automation api updates only the modified documents when debug registry switch UPDATE_ALLMODIFIED_DOCUMENTS is set to 1.
PR 1410684: Fixed a problem where an addin could encounter an invalid argument exception when working with the edgebar.
PR 5234060: Fixed a problem where the JAsmHideInDrawing occurrence property being incorrectly set.
PR 1392422: Fixed a problem in automation where inconsistent names are returned by igMouse and DVLines.
PR 1412431: Added DrawingView.IsBroken API to indicate if a view is in the broken state.
PR 1402024: Fixed a problem with FOA status property - propauto.dll.
PR 5209368: Fixed a problem where calling Copy API from Automation if revision number and document number is not passed for the new file then the revision number and document number were not copied to the new file.
PR 2049038: Fixed a problem where the Free Viewer causes an error in inserting image to drawing pcf..
PR5216857: Fixed problem so that Insight 'Work offline" will not try to check network connections.