CoCreate OneSpace 3D Library 2007 (version 15.50)
CoCreate Software GmbH
August 2007
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Important Note for use of OneSpace 3D Library on Windows Vista
After installation of 3D Library on Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit editions), the administrator has to give full access rights to all users for directories
These full access rights are the prerequisite to use the 3D Library when being installed on Windows Vista.
In addition to that, the administrator has to give full access rights on Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit editions) to those users who will adapt configurations or catalogs for directories
General Note for use of OneSpace 3D Library
When starting the 3D Library from the Modules menu in CoCreate OneSpace Modeling the configuration file sl_config has to exist in the 3D Library customization directory which is - by default - located in
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\CoCreate\OSD_Modeling\<Modeling version>\SOLIDLIB
respectively (on Windows Vista)
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\CoCreate\OSD_Modeling\<Modeling version>\SOLIDLIB
Other possible locations of the customization directories can be found using
Modeling -> Edit -> Settings -> UI Settings -> Customizations -> Show Directories
Copy one of the files - dependent on the catalogs that are installed -
to the 3D Library customization directory.
Further information regarding the installation can be found in the Online Help of CoCreate OneSpace Modeling under "Installing 3D Library". |