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CAD/CAM/CAE/设计/模具 高清视频【积分说明】如何快速获得积分?快速3D打印 手板模型CNC加工服务在线3D打印服务,上传模型,自动报价
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发表于 2004-4-4 11:02:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发表于 2004-4-4 13:21:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-4-13 19:45:09 | 只看该作者
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "fstream.h"
// Mathematics
#include "CATMathPoint.h"                // Mathematical point
// Advanced Mathematics
#include "CATMathSetOfPointsND.h"        // Creation of a set of points
#include "CATSoftwareConfiguration.h"
// GeometricObjects
#include "CATGeoFactory.h"               // Geometry factory
#include "CATCGMContainerMngt.h"         // Management of the geometry factory
#include "CATSplineCurve.h"              // Spline creation
#include "CATCrvLimits.h"                // Curve limits
#include "CATLine.h"
#include "CATTabulatedCylinder.h"
#include "CATCurve.h"
#include "CATSurface.h"
#include "CATSurLimits.h"
// TopologicalOperators
#include "CATTopWire.h"
#include "CATTopSkin.h"
// NewTopologicalObjects
#include "CATBody.h"                     // Body
#include "ListPOfCATBody.h"              // List of bodies
// Sweep segment
#include "CAATopSweepSegmentSkinSkin.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int    iArgc,   // Number of arguments (0) or (1)  
         char** iArgv)   // Path to the *.NCGM document generated by this program
    int rc = 0;
    if( 2 < iArgc)  
      return (1);
    char *pFileName = 0;
    int  toStore = 0;
    if (2 == iArgc)  
        toStore = 1;  
        pFileName = iArgv[1];
    // 1 - Create the geometry factory and other preliminary operations
    // a - Factory  
    CATGeoFactory* piGeomFactory = ::CATCreateCGMContainer() ;
    if ( 0 == piGeomFactory )  
      return (1);
    cout << "starting " << endl;
    // b - Configuration
    CATSoftwareConfiguration * pConfig = new CATSoftwareConfiguration();
    CATTopData topdata(pConfig, NULL);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 2 - Create the spine curve (line)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CATMathPoint startPt, endPt;
    startPt.SetCoord(0., 0., 5.);
    endPt.SetCoord(0., 0., 25.) ;
    CATLine * piSpineCurve = piGeomFactory->CreateLine(startPt,endPt);
    if ( 0 == piSpineCurve )
        return (1);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 3 - Create the profiles for tabulated sylinder (splines)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CATMathSetOfPointsND pointSet1(3,6);  // set of points for profile 1
    CATMathSetOfPointsND pointSet2(3,5);  // set of points for profile 2
    double Point1[3]={ 0., 10., 0.} ;
    double Point2[3]={ 10., 2., 0.} ;
    double Point3[3]={ 15., 17., 0.} ;
    double Point4[3]={ 20., 20., 0.} ;
    double Point5[3]={ 25., 17., 0.} ;
    double Point6[3]={ 30., 0., 0.} ;
    double Point7[3]={ 75., 2., 0.} ;
    double Point8[3]={ 70., 0., 0.} ;
    double Point9[3]={ 60., 5., 0.} ;
    double Point10[3]={ 63., 10., 0.} ;
    double Point11[3]={ 73., 8., 0.} ;
    pointSet1.AddPoint(Point6); //the order of points affects the surface normal
    //first curve
    CATSplineCurve * piProfile1 = piGeomFactory->CreateSplineCurve([$pointSet1,0,1,2,0)]
    if ( 0 == piProfile1)
        return (1);
    //second curve
    CATSplineCurve * piProfile2 = piGeomFactory->CreateSplineCurve([$pointSet2,0,1,2,0)]
    if ( 0 == piProfile2)
        return (1);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 4 - Create the tabulated cylinders
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CATMathDirection cylAxis;
    //first surface
    CATTabulatedCylinder * piTabCylinder1 = piGeomFactory->CreateTabulatedCylinder( piProfile1, cylAxis, 0., 20.);
    if ( 0 == piTabCylinder1 )
        return (1);
    //second surface
    CATTabulatedCylinder * piTabCylinder2 = piGeomFactory->CreateTabulatedCylinder( piProfile2, cylAxis, -10., 30.);
    if ( 0 == piTabCylinder2 )
        return (1);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 5 - Create the spine wire  
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CATLONG32 nbCurve = 1;
    CATCurve ** listOfCurves = new CATCurve * [nbCurve];
    listOfCurves[0] = (CATCurve*)piSpineCurve;
    CATCrvLimits curLim[1];
    CATOrientation orient[1]={1};
    listOfCurves[0]->GetLimits( curLim[0] );
    CATTopWire * pWireOp = CATCreateTopWire(piGeomFactory,  
    delete [] listOfCurves ;
    listOfCurves = 0;
    if ( 0 == pWireOp )
        return (1);
    CATBody * piSpineWire = pWireOp->GetResult();
    delete pWireOp ;
    pWireOp = 0;
    if ( 0 == piSpineWire )
        cout << "Could not create spine wire " << endl;
        return (1);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 6 - Create the guide skins  
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //first skin
    CATSurLimits surLim1;
    CATTopSkin * pSkinOp1 =  CATCreateTopSkin( piGeomFactory ,  
    if ( 0 == pSkinOp1 )
        return (1);
    CATBody * piSkin1 = pSkinOp1->GetResult();
    delete pSkinOp1 ;
    pSkinOp1 = 0;
    if ( 0 == piSkin1 )
        cout << "Could not create first skin " << endl;
        return (1);
    //second skin
    CATSurLimits surLim2;
    CATTopSkin * pSkinOp2 =  CATCreateTopSkin( piGeomFactory ,  
    if ( 0 == pSkinOp2 )
        return (1);
    CATBody * piSkin2 = pSkinOp2->GetResult();
    delete pSkinOp2 ;
    pSkinOp2 = 0;
    if ( 0 == piSkin2 )
        cout << "Could not create second skin " << endl;
        return (1);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 7- Create the sweep segment skin skin
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rc = CAATopSweepSegmentSkinSkin(piGeomFactory,[$topdata,piSkin1,piSkin2,piSpineWire)]
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 8 - Cleaning operations
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 9 - Save the model
    if( 1 == toStore)
        cout << "Writing the model" << endl;
        ofstream filetowrite(pFileName, ios::binary ) ;
        ofstream filetowrite(pFileName,ios::out,filebuf::openprot) ;
    return (rc);
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