本帖最后由 robot2003 于 2017-1-5 21:00 编辑
We do all our models "Top-Down" and here is what we found so far to be the best (in most cases, since there are some assemblies that will require another structure).
1.- Create a Part inside your Top-Level Assembly and call it "Ref_Geometry" and define it as "not show on BOM"
2.- Inside that Part, create all the sketches, planes, axis, points, etc. you need to drive your entire assembly. Aslo you can drive all that geometry from a single DT inside that part
3. Create Sub-assemblies as you need to create your parts and insert a copy (an instance) of the Ref_Geometry" part on those sub-assemblies.
4.- Create parts inside the sub-assemblies, and relate the sketches needed to create the parts to the geometry on the "Ref_Geometry" part (that way all the in-context relations will be "inside" each sub-assembly level.
5.- This will create a Top-Down structure that will allow you top work with a single sub-assembly open, but on which any changes made to the referencial geometry (or to the DT) will be reflected on any other sub-assembly and on the complete assembly when opened.