neuw wrote:
;; SolidWorks, v7.1
;; Geometric Tolerancing Symbols Library.
;; Format:
;; #<Name of library>,<Description of library>
;; *<Name of symbol>,<Description of symbol>
;; A,LINE xStart,yStart,xEnd,yEnd
;; A,CIRCLE xCenter,yCenter,radius
;; A,ARC xCenter,yCenter,radius,startAngle,endAngle
;; A,FARC xCenter,yCenter,radius,startAngle,endAngle
;; A,TEXT xLowerLeft,yLowerLeft,<letter(s)>
;; A,POLY x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3
;; Units:
;; All x, y, and radius values are in the symbols grid space (0.0 to 1.0),
;; where 0,0 is the lower left corner and 1,1 is the upper right corner.
;; The grid space is considered to be the height of a character squared.
;; All angle values are in degrees.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Geometric Tolerancing Symbols (per ANSI Y14.5-1994)
A,LINE .0,.072,1.5,.938
A,LINE .0,.072,1.5,.072
A,POLY .0,.5,.8,.2,.8,.8
A,LINE .8,.5,2.2,.5
A,POLY 2.2,.2,2.2,.8,3.,.5
A,CIRCLE .75,.5,.75
A,CIRCLE .75,.5,.75
A,CIRCLE .75,.5,.5
A,LINE 0.,-.25,.866,1.25
A,LINE 1.154,-.25,2.,1.25
A,CIRCLE 1.,.5,.5 |